I'm kinda new at food plots. I have two little patches, about 1 1/2 acres, other about qtr acre. I hope to get more areas cleaned up for this fall, lot of tractor work will all the wood, branches and brush in East Texas. When it rains East Texas turns into a Jungle.
About 6 week ago, give or take. Really can't remember when I planted them. I forgot to buy fertilizer but they came up pretty best I can tell. I also planted some kind of Clover that I can't say. I threw a bag of some kind of seeds I bought at Academy in there for grins. Pretty nothing came up but peas.
Pretty sure I covered my clover to much/to deep. Those are tiny little seeds. They didn't seem to come up.
Red Ripper Cowpeas are supposed to do well in Sandy Soil and that's what we have at our place. Doing pretty good so far from what little I know. I forgot to buy Fertilizer and it was to late by the time I got it in the ground but I can't complain. Had to get back to League City to work on Monday.
The place I bought my seeds from in Florida suggested the Red Ripper Peas. Had never heard of them before.
I need to get a better drag to cover, covered most of it with two logging chains and my box blade.
Had a few bare spots with no seeds, did it by hand and missed a few spots. As I expand in size may have to rethink doing it by hand.
So far, had three rains, about 1/4 inch each time, maybe a tick less but still good enough. Pretty sure the third rain was this morning per the radar I looked at.
I have a lot to learn and need to put in more work, provided i can get off work. Time is what I seem to always be up against. Hope to get a disc by fall so I can disc this under and replant. Will make things go faster if I have a disc.
In my smaller plot I mixed in some 7 card stud. I was really surprised whatever that 7 card stuff seed stuff I got at academy didn't come up/ I bought it a good while back to make a small plot but never did, it was on sale so no big deal. I threw it out and dragged a chain over it along with my cowpeas. Pretty sure I didn't get it to deep. Maybe a few little plants I was not sure what they were came up by not many.
For grins I planted a couple of packages of watermelon seeds, a few plants may have came up but not many. Hope to get back next week and check it out.
In the fall I have two shooting lanes that are 150 yards long, or longer and about to 30 feet wide, maybe wider I will plant this fall. Along with more red ripper cowpeas will plant Dwarf Corn, Turnips and whatever else, never know, but it all good fun for a us simple guys.
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![[Linked Image]](https://texashuntingforum.com/forum/pics/userpics/2019/06/full-17585-191611-red_ripper_cowpeas.jpg)