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Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 03:16 AM
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ONe thing I think you have to consider.... Rookie hunters nearly always have their deer processed. Veteran hunters are more apt to process their own. I think that's true. Can prove it, yet.
Now, serious veteran hunters are less apt to shoot bambi. Therefore statistically, using only deer at processors skews the results. And skrews the rest of us.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 03:18 AM
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Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: deerfeeder]
02/02/09 03:23 AM
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I have never had a deer processed. I have always done it myself.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: sig226fan (]
02/02/09 03:55 AM
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that is true, as is that rookie hunters are more likely to shoot young deer/the first buck they see. Quote:
I have never had a deer processed. I have always done it myself.
While that is true in your case, and me and lora have not had a deer processed in years, we do it at home, you and us maybe the exception, not the rule.
Not trying to start anything with you or have what I am saying construed as sarcasm, but none of us can assume that everyone else does things the way we do them.
You have the facilities and ability to process your own game as do Lora and myself.
That does not mean that everyone else does.
I am sure that you will not agree with this, but on the big scale, those of us that can process our own game and some of the other things involved with hunting, that does not mean everyone shooting a deer has our same abilities or knowledge, we may be and probably are in the minority.
We have to get past looking at how things affect us, and begin looking at how this stuff affects the average hunter.
Do you consider yourself an average hunter helomech, or do you feel that you are above average due to your skills and knowledge?
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 05:36 PM
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had TP&W not done away with the lease log books that were mandatory a few years back, I feel that a check station system would be unnecessary.
At one time, land owners had to keep a lease log of what was being killed on their property.
And that's really what I was talking about in the first place....instead of check stations and all the headaches involved, having mandated log books for each ranch along the lines of MLD-type information would be a much better option to gather data and much less logistically taxing from both a convenience standpoint as well as monetarily for the state (us).
Almost every ranch I've hunted on in Texas in the past couple of decades requires you to log your kills (in some cases for ALL species) whether part of MLD or not. Some required more data than others, but all required a cataloging of some sort....with the MLD ranches being the most information and effort required by the hunters, which we were glad to take part in.
Again, not the gathering of useful information I'm against, just trying to find the easiest, most cost-effective and efficient way possible to gather it....and I just think check stations aren't it for a variety of reasons.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: HillbillyDeluxe]
02/02/09 06:35 PM
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Now we have reached some common ground.
Hopefully NO ONE will take any of what I am fixing to say as being Sarcastic, it is definetly not meant that way.
The Lease Log Books, were discontinued about, either just before or shortly after the AR's first went into effect.
I can not remember exactly when.
The reason the LLB's were discontinued is because they were inconvinient for the Land Owner/Lease Manager/Hunters to keep up with, and also at the time did not seem to mean much to anyone in TP&W.
Again, I believe this was a little while before the big push came on to manage properties for big bucks for big $$$$$$.
On one hand, people responding to this thread want to see TP&W have good "Real Time" information/Data to work with, the problem is figuring out how to see that TP&W gets that data and what part or role hunters are willing to take in helping accomplish the task.
As I have made plenty evident, I would prefer the mandatory check station, with a voluntary check station my second choice.
Helomech would prefer a phone in system but would probably be okay with an On-Line form from TP&W.
My guess HillBilly that either of those options would work for you also.
The thing is, we need to all put aside the semantics of the concept and make suggestions to TP&W as to what we (Hunters) would like to see instituted so that we could help them gather information that would help them make more informed decisions when formulating management plans for the various areas/regions/counties.
Is that a reasonable assumption?
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 06:42 PM
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We just need to have TPWD chip all the deer in the state. These could be smart chips that would detect the death of each deer and send in a transmission which included the sex, age, weight, exact location of death, and how it was killed! Problem solved!
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 08:09 PM
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that is true, as is that rookie hunters are more likely to shoot young deer/the first buck they see.
I have never had a deer processed. I have always done it myself.
While that is true in your case, and me and lora have not had a deer processed in years, we do it at home, you and us maybe the exception, not the rule.
Not trying to start anything with you or have what I am saying construed as sarcasm, but none of us can assume that everyone else does things the way we do them.
You have the facilities and ability to process your own game as do Lora and myself.
That does not mean that everyone else does.
I am sure that you will not agree with this, but on the big scale, those of us that can process our own game and some of the other things involved with hunting, that does not mean everyone shooting a deer has our same abilities or knowledge, we may be and probably are in the minority.
We have to get past looking at how things affect us, and begin looking at how this stuff affects the average hunter.
Do you consider yourself an average hunter helomech, or do you feel that you are above average due to your skills and knowledge?
How about this, TPWD can offer a class. I would be happy to pay for the class, anyone that passes the class could call in the info, those that fail or don't take the class would have to bring it to a check station.
I consider myself an average hunter. Just a cheap one . I probably hunt more than the average person, but I don't think I know more or have better skills than the average person. I am getting better every year, and enjoy learning everything I can. The only reason I know how to butcher a deer is because I worked at a butcher shop when I was in high school.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 08:15 PM
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Now we have reached some common ground.
Helomech would prefer a phone in system but would probably be okay with an On-Line form from TP&W.
My guess HillBilly that either of those options would work for you also.
The thing is, we need to all put aside the semantics of the concept and make suggestions to TP&W as to what we (Hunters) would like to see instituted so that we could help them gather information that would help them make more informed decisions when formulating management plans for the various areas/regions/counties.
Is that a reasonable assumption?
I would be fine with calling in, log books, on-line, what ever just so I don't have to drive for a hour with my deer, when it could be in a ice chest.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: helomech]
02/02/09 09:03 PM
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How about this, TPWD can offer a class. I would be happy to pay for the class, anyone that passes the class could call in the info, those that fail or don't take the class would have to bring it to a check station.
That is a good idea.
We (Hunters), if we intend to see hunting live on after us for the future generations, have to become more pro-active in many aspects, including providing TP&W with data their normal collection/survey processes can't or don't obtain.
Just like they are having the Proposals Meetings, they could offer a low cost training session for the type information they needed, even to the point of randomly selecting attendees, to train to be able to collect brain samples from the deer they kill or that are killed on their lease and send those in to test for CWD.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 09:11 PM
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Now we have reached some common ground.
Is that a reasonable assumption?
Yes, sir, it is.
As stated in earlier posts, I've taken part in quite a few successful management plans over the years (MLD and otherwise) and have been a firsthand witness to positive results of a managment plan when correct and thorough data is supplied by those of us hunting the property.
My problem about the check stations relates more to what helomech states, having to tote each and every kill to the nearest place available (which some of the places I've hunted could be several hours round trip) for someone to basically tell whether it's a buck or doe when I/we could determine and log/call in/e-mail that information and more ourselves. This is particularly offputting to those who hunt where they live (helomech) or process their own game. For example, I've got a friend who lives on about 1500 acres in the panhandle. He's about 40 minutes from the nearest town and about an hour from where a check station would most likely be situated.
Then secondly, even if it were able to be staffed with volunteers, which is probably harder than it sounds, the fact is there would have to be several hundred (at least 1 per county, if not more) of these stations open, manned and operating 15-18 hours a day for several months.
Love the idea of gathering and studying whatever information is deemed appropriate, just think there are easier, more efficient and less expensive ways to do it than check stations.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: HillbillyDeluxe]
02/02/09 09:28 PM
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Then secondly, even if it were able to be staffed with volunteers, which is probably harder than it sounds, the fact is there would have to be several hundred (at least 1 per county, if not more) of these stations open, manned and operating 15-18 hours a day for several months.
That is why, the check in time in Nebraska and other places is like 72 hours after the kill.
It does not have to mean immediately after the kill, and, in Texas, since those folks that process there game at home, all they would need to take to the check station is the tagged head/skin, not the carcass.
The meat is home in the freezer, the tag is still with the head/cape if the animal is going to be mounted.
TP&W could add just a few more questions to the forms that Taxidermists have to fill out or the information they have to keep on the animals brought in.
From what I have seen with many folks, including land owners, is that they will find or have an excuse to go into town every day or every other day.
The local sporting goods store or feed dealer or convinience store could have a log book that the hunter would have to ask for, it would not just be laying out for anyone to jerk with and they could fill out the information, and the clerk would check to see if it was filled out properly, and would issue a tag or receipt or something verifying that the animal had been logged in by the hunter.
Same thing with the phone in or internet forum, after the information is given/transmitted, the hunter would be given a confirmation number showing that the animal had been added to the inventory for that seasons take.
But ther stations would not have to be open apart from normal business hours, nor for several months, because all deer killed would have to be logged in with in one business week of the end of the season, no exceptions.
I know for a fact, that unless I am in elk camp 40 or 50 miles from the nearest store or above the Arctic Circle like I was on the Musk Ox hunt, I ain't gonna take enough beer to hold me over for 4 or 5 days.
Getting away from the common ground and we don't need to do that, but it does seem that most of us agree that TP&W needs better data to make better regulations and Hunters are a really great source of that information if used.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 09:32 PM
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How about this, TPWD can offer a class. I would be happy to pay for the class, anyone that passes the class could call in the info, those that fail or don't take the class would have to bring it to a check station.
That is a good idea.
We (Hunters), if we intend to see hunting live on after us for the future generations, have to become more pro-active in many aspects, including providing TP&W with data their normal collection/survey processes can't or don't obtain.
Just like they are having the Proposals Meetings, they could offer a low cost training session for the type information they needed, even to the point of randomly selecting attendees, to train to be able to collect brain samples from the deer they kill or that are killed on their lease and send those in to test for CWD.
I look forward to doing my part. I would gladly help with any info they wanted.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 09:33 PM
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Then secondly, even if it were able to be staffed with volunteers, which is probably harder than it sounds, the fact is there would have to be several hundred (at least 1 per county, if not more) of these stations open, manned and operating 15-18 hours a day for several months.
That is why, the check in time in Nebraska and other places is like 72 hours after the kill.
It does not have to mean immediately after the kill, and, in Texas, since those folks that process there game at home, all they would need to take to the check station is the tagged head/skin, not the carcass.
The meat is home in the freezer, the tag is still with the head/cape if the animal is going to be mounted.
TP&W could add just a few more questions to the forms that Taxidermists have to fill out or the information they have to keep on the animals brought in.
From what I have seen with many folks, including land owners, is that they will find or have an excuse to go into town every day or every other day.
The local sporting goods store or feed dealer or convinience store could have a log book that the hunter would have to ask for, it would not just be laying out for anyone to jerk with and they could fill out the information, and the clerk would check to see if it was filled out properly, and would issue a tag or receipt or something verifying that the animal had been logged in by the hunter.
Same thing with the phone in or internet forum, after the information is given/transmitted, the hunter would be given a confirmation number showing that the animal had been added to the inventory for that seasons take.
But ther stations would not have to be open apart from normal business hours, nor for several months, because all deer killed would have to be logged in with in one business week of the end of the season, no exceptions.
I know for a fact, that unless I am in elk camp 40 or 50 miles from the nearest store or above the Arctic Circle like I was on the Musk Ox hunt, I ain't gonna take enough beer to hold me over for 4 or 5 days.
Getting away from the common ground and we don't need to do that, but it does seem that most of us agree that TP&W needs better data to make better regulations and Hunters are a really great source of that information if used.
Today is my 6th day without leaving my house. I went over a month without leaving my property before. I would go a year if I thought it was possible.
I have the wife pick me up cokes and beer when she is out.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: helomech]
02/02/09 09:40 PM
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Okay Hermit Butt, so your an exception to the scenario, your wife could fill in the information when she was in town, BUT, that would only be necessary if that was the type system that was set up.
If it can be done by phone or internet you would not have to worry about it, AND everybody ain't like you or me, this is still getting off the subject.
Would It or Would It Not be a good idea for TP&W to be getting more somewhat realible information then what they are now?????????
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 09:51 PM
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Okay Hermit Butt, so your an exception to the scenario, your wife could fill in the information when she was in town, BUT, that would only be necessary if that was the type system that was set up.
If it can be done by phone or internet you would not have to worry about it, AND everybody ain't like you or me, this is still getting off the subject.
Would It or Would It Not be a good idea for TP&W to be getting more somewhat realible information then what they are now?????????
LMAO, I am glad to see you are in a good mood today. Or at least a humorous mood.
Yes, the more info they get the better, if they use that info.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: helomech]
02/02/09 10:14 PM
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You know for years now our lease in Wood County has gotten a survey in the mail (via my dad, he kinda heads up our lease) that he fills out and sends in after every season. It asks questions concerning how many and what sex of whitetail deer and turkey were seen on opening day of rifle season and also how many of each were harvested, doe, spike buck and antlered buck as well as turkey total for the season.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: helomech]
02/02/09 10:27 PM
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Going OT for just a second, but contrary to popular belief, I am in a good mood about 99% of the time.
What comes across as sarcasm, agitation, being mad-aggravated, condosending, is Inter Net Lack Of Humanity Or Personality.
Words and emoticons on a computer monitor, in my opinion express only about 20% maybe, of the actual intent of the person making the post.
There are no actual emotions in emoticons.
Back On Topic.
In my opinion, the Texas Deer Herd is headed toward a cliff with a really long drop on the other side, and if Hunters don't stop pulling different directions, waiting for TP&W to get a handle on the situation, and start getting involved, the deer in many areas of the state are going to go over that cliff and the ones that remain may never recover to their former numbers or range. AJMO.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 10:38 PM
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sig226fan (
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Going OT for just a second, but contrary to popular belief, I am in a good mood about 99% of the time.
What comes across as sarcasm, agitation, being mad-aggravated, condosending, is Inter Net Lack Of Humanity Or Personality.
Words and emoticons on a computer monitor, in my opinion express only about 20% maybe, of the actual intent of the person making the post.
There are no actual emotions in emoticons.
Back On Topic.
In my opinion, the Texas Deer Herd is headed toward a cliff with a really long drop on the other side, and if Hunters don't stop pulling different directions, waiting for TP&W to get a handle on the situation, and start getting involved, the deer in many areas of the state are going to go over that cliff and the ones that remain may never recover to their former numbers or range. AJMO.
99%??? OK, I was thinking more like 95% 
As you know, CH, we agree on the results of the AR's. I think in two-three years, they will be lifted, TPWD will claim victory, and we will have a TON of basket rack deer to kill.
It's the only solution that allows them to safe face and maintain control.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/02/09 10:55 PM
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Going OT for just a second, but contrary to popular belief, I am in a good mood about 99% of the time.
What comes across as sarcasm, agitation, being mad-aggravated, condosending, is Inter Net Lack Of Humanity Or Personality.
Words and emoticons on a computer monitor, in my opinion express only about 20% maybe, of the actual intent of the person making the post.
There are no actual emotions in emoticons.
Back On Topic.
In my opinion, the Texas Deer Herd is headed toward a cliff with a really long drop on the other side, and if Hunters don't stop pulling different directions, waiting for TP&W to get a handle on the situation, and start getting involved, the deer in many areas of the state are going to go over that cliff and the ones that remain may never recover to their former numbers or range. AJMO.
Off topic I will try to remember that, the only time I am not in a good mood is when someone calls me a name or something. Other than that I am never mad or in a bad mood towards anyone.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: helomech]
02/02/09 11:14 PM
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As long as someone does not call me a name or question my intelligence/experience I am okay.
I know that I do say stuff, that folks take as either condesending or berating them for their lack of experience on things and I need to work on that, because I know everyone has had their own experiences, and they are different from the ones I have had, but I believe that type of tension happens to everyone when their is a 15 year or more age gap between experiences.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/03/09 07:11 AM
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All this "hating" about check stations makes me wonder what people have to hide.
Good point, I think check stations would be a good idea in all counties in texas not just AR ones. Everyone reading all this check station and antler restriction hate needs to realize these guys are in the minority. TPWD put up the proposed restrictions next year up for public comment and 80% of those responded agreed with them. I would actually like to volunteer to help county check station, I think it would be interesting seeing what kind of deer come in from the area.
Last edited by bossbowman; 02/03/09 07:38 AM.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/03/09 07:30 AM
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As long as someone does not call me a name or question my intelligence/experience I am okay.
I know that I do say stuff, that folks take as either condesending or berating them for their lack of experience on things and I need to work on that, because I know everyone has had their own experiences, and they are different from the ones I have had, but I believe that type of tension happens to everyone when their is a 15 year or more age gap between experiences.
I agree, but I don't think it has to do with age. In person there are very few people I can't get along with. I think it is the lack of personality over the internet. It is to easy to take something the wrong way on a forum.
Re: CHECK STATION in AR Counties Only
[Re: Crazyhorse]
02/03/09 06:54 PM
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I feel we as hunters we should want to share info with the TP&W. It might be a little troublesome to take your kill to a check station, but if it helps hunting and wildlife, I will be all for it. I think we have a TP&W check station here in Washington county. I dont think its mandatory, but I have seen many deer brought into it. Good info creates good management.
If you dont want to bring a kill into a check station, thats fine, but uderstand that it is for the good of the hunter.
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