Congrats John on the Axis. Did you put a tape to him yet?
Nah, never measured him. Just finished dropping him off at TexasWildlife (Aaron) a little while ago. He could put the tape to him I guess.
He's nice, but not the biggest I've taken by far - and there's two larger than him that are regular visitors. I think this is the same as the game cam pic earlier "another good axis" above. Brows are nice.
Tough animal and was very heavy. I could barely pick up the carcass, maybe close to 185-190lbs.
I had just seen that white deer and was texting/emailing folks. Picked up my book and was preparing to wait out the turkey and I took a quick look before putting my nose down. Lo and behold here comes a group of axis out of nowhere walking the 3-strand south fence line - on the right side this time!!! They were to my left, moving to the right. Two larger bucks, 3 smaller/young bucks and about 4-5 does. At first I thought it was the two big boys, but these were a different group I hadn't seen in person. Waited for one of the bigger bucks to clear (looking left) and put one behind the shoulder.
The whole group took off back toward the left like no one was hit. Then they suddenly did an about face and came back running to right. Crossed in front of me and they all just stopped. I thought I missed (damn turkey had me messed up), so I put another one in behind the shoulder on the opposite side. They all ran off like nothing was hit.
Checking both the first and second spots where I shot him there wasn't a drop of blood. Not a drop! I was pizzed. I was thinking my rifle must have got knocked off. Started walking into the bush in the direction they took off and after 80 yards found a few small drops of blood. But just a few and it stopped after 20 yards.
In that direction, it is pretty open under the tree canopy except for a 10 yard patch of pampas grass - I could see if the animal was down. Walked all the way to the property line and no more blood. Now I was really upset. Land owner came out with his new dog, Sundance. He sniffed at the few drops of blood and walked right over the pampas grass and looked at us like "well, he's right here you human fools" - and so he was.
Two clean lung shots - one on one side, two on the other where there was a passthru.

Let this be a lesson to all the new axis hunters out there - this is not the first time this has happened to me. Good clean kill shots on axis with little or no blood and the animal runs well over a hundred yards before falling over dead. They are TOUGH, strong critters - and not uncommon to have no blood at location of impact and no blood for a good distance.
If you shoot an axis, please -please - track it thoroughly and completely - they can fool ya!!!