Posting for a friend, email contact is provided below:
I am looking for 3 reliable, trustworthy, management minded individuals to fill spots on my Menard County deer lease. I am looking for the best fit possible when it comes to our group, so this will not necessarily be first come, first served. I am hoping that the description below answers the majority of questions. Thanks for looking.
Year round, low fenced, 1400 acre deer/turkey lease located in northwest Menard County about 14 miles out of Menard. The lease does have one stretch of high fence on the north side of the place, but it is not a large stretch at all.
Deer, Turkey, and varmints. Exotics have been present in the past, however, this is the exception and not the rule. No hogs.
The lease does have a house for a camp that sleeps up to 8, so there is no need for trailers.
Landowner runs cattle and goats on the ranch so each feeder is required to be enclosed with cattle panels.
Two water sources on the ranch. Both are water troughs located near a windmill.
Lease fee is collected in one lump sum at the end of January each year upon renewal.
Maximum number of hunters is 8 at $1562.50 per gun.
Each hunter is allowed one buck and one doe. If you dont shoot a buck, you are OK to kill 2 does.
Rifle and bow hunting allowed. Prefer bow hunters moving forward, but it is not a requirement.
I have been in charge of this lease for the last 16 years and during that time our group has managed the place for mature (4.5 year old or better) bucks. In our case, managed means that we have done what is within our power to do to improve the deer herd.
This would be:
1) Make every attempt to kill a mature buck as defined above,
2) Make a point of harvesting all the necessary does to keep the buck to doe ratio reasonable, and
3) Feed year round to keep the deer interested in our piece of land. I am very particular about shooting the does on a yearly basis and I expect each and every one of our hunters to do their job in that regard. The group feeds year round and over the years, some of us have used protein during the antler growing period. (February through August).
In the 16 year span, the average mature buck has been in the high 120s to low 130s. The largest buck during this time span was a buck that reached 150 B&C, however, this is definitely the exception and not the rule. I can provide pictures of deer harvested over the years.
No dove hunting
No dogs allowed in camp
No driving and hunting (hunting is done out of established stands)
No walking and hunting (hunting is done out of established stands)
Be courteous to our landowner and your fellow hunters at all times
Treat the land as if it were your own with the goal being leave it better than the way you found it.
Trash must be hauled off after each trip
All hunters will abide by the laws of the TPWD
Guest policy. During the season, you are allowed to bring one of your children as long as everyone is OK with it. We do this to avoid overcrowding at the camp. Your child is allowed to shoot game counting against your bag limit.
All hunters will be in charge of an area
.one blind/feeder/feeder pen combination
Drinking is allowed, but not in excess. Our group enjoys a few drinks, but not over doing it. If this is something that does not sit well with you, you should find another lease.