Originally Posted By: Dave Speer
Originally Posted By: Heisman25g
What a joke. How much would the needle move if we cut this? Not at all. If you want to move the needle, look towards bigger pieces of the pie. Cutting conservation isnt going to do anything. Thats like saying your going to watch what you eat so you no longer eat silantro on your 8 tacos from the taco shack. A lot of good thats going to do you.

YES. +1
I really don't think they will go after individual programs so much as they will go after entire departments, which in our case will be The Department of Interior. The department itself could probably uses some waste eliminating measures and in my book that is what we need to push. We know it is eventually coming down the pipes, lets hold their feet to the fire and make them trim the fat first and odds are they won't be messing with any of our conservation programs.

Isaiah 40:31 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."