Since Antler Restrictions are in the forefront lately. Ya'll should read the Deer Myths Article, by Larry Bozka, in the Oct. 2006 TPW Magazine. It has input from our TPWD Biologists on Deer Management.

BUT.... these folks seem to have contradicting advice used to justify Antler Restrictions. I have written to their "Mail Call" (letter to editor) but it probably won't get published. Thought I'd share it here too.....

TPW Magazine Article...Deer here

..............More Deer Myths........….

Re: Larry Bozka’s article, (October 2006 Issue)Deer Myths,, Top whitetail researchers set the record straight on what it takes to raise record-setting bucks.

First I’d like to thank Mr. Bozka for the article. This article does not however “set the record straight”. It merely furthers the TPWD myths.

In the article TPWD managers state: "If there is a moral here, it's that lesser-antlered bucks have a significant impact on the breeding process. Accordingly, ranch managers with trophy racks foremost in the mind should seriously consider removing small-antlered bucks from the herd a quickly as possible."

Yet TPWD has passed a 13” Antler Restriction that would make it ILLEGAL to ‘remove small-antlered bucks’.

Mitch Lockwood (TPWD WTD Program Director) has stated “This strategy (13” Antler Regulation) moves more bucks into older age classes, allowing for more efficient breeding.”.

Yet in the Bozka article Mr. Gene Fruchs (Kerr WMA Project Leader)states: “No matter how big, not all large-antlered bucks are successful breeders,” Fuchs added. “Most bucks contribute only a few offspring to a given population during their lifetime, and again, large antlers are not the dominant factor of breeding success.”

So, One TPWD person says large antlered bucks are inefficient breeders, and one says that they are more efficnent breeders. And that if we can get buck to an older age (with larger antlers) we can have MORE inefficient breeding in the herd ???

What is WRONG with the current 95% breeding success?

From the Bozka article TPWD managers state: “…We also learned that 95 percent of fawns in Texas are born before July 15th.”

Yet TPWD justifies the 13” Antler Restriction Regulation on their Game Management web page with, “Research results indicate that poor age structure among bucks results in longer breeding seasons, and therefore, longer fawning seasons - which is a factor contributing to poor fawn production.”

So, does 95% breeding success trigger a regulatory change and equal poor fawn production?

In the article TPWD managers state: "If you want bucks with 10-point-plus frames at maturity, you select `for` big yearlings and `against` small-antlered yearlings."

Yet TPWD has passed a 13” Antler Restriction that would make it ILLEGAL to ‘select against small-antlered yearlings’. Which myth are we to believe?

I can understand Mr. Bozka’s theory, in the article, of deer camp myths and musk glands, but these myths above come from within our state’s WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. Thanks for exposing them Mr. Bozka.


Last edited by PHishTX; 10/24/06 08:13 PM.