Texas Hunting Forum

Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes"....

Posted By: Eland Slayer

Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/26/12 09:14 PM

I got the following e-mail from the Exotic Wildlife Association this afternoon. I thought some of you might like to tune in and see what is said in the piece. Hopefully it is as fair and unbiased as they say it is....

Exotic Wildlife Association
Membership Alert

"60 Minutes" report to air on Sunday

After months of waiting we have finally received word that "60 Minutes" will air the piece about exotics that was filmed in Texas. It will air Sunday evening, January 29th at 6 pm CST on CBS during the 60 Minutes broadcast.

Following is the statement I received from Max McClellan of "60 Minutes".

"Charly - I wanted to let you know that the exotics piece is slated to air on Sunday. You are a major part of the story. Your views are fully aired. As we discussed a year ago, we do show a hunting sequence in this report. For me, it makes it clear that these hunts do not take place in someone's back yard, as the industry has been accused. But you won't find a single graphic picture in this story. The vast majority of the piece debates the issue: are Texas ranchers - like David Bamberger, you, and the 5000 exotic ranchers you represent -- helping to save some of the world's most endangered animals from extinction?

In the end, everyone gets to make their case, including Friends of Animal's Priscilla Feral, who says it's lunacy to call what you do conservation. Pat Condy, who we turned to as one of the world's top wildlife conservationists, takes a much different view. I hope you will find that we did a scrupulously fair and balanced job. Thank you for your help and patience over many months."

Charly Seale
Executive Director
Exotic Wildlife Association

Posted By: JakeinTX

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/26/12 09:18 PM

I will be very interested in seeing how this comes out! Thanks for the heads-up!

Posted By: JakeinTX

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/26/12 09:31 PM

I just spent some time on this Friends of Animals website! I would encourage you all to go there and read the writings/beliefs that they have. The stuff they believe is NUTS!!

Posted By: KMac

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/26/12 09:32 PM

Here's a preview:


Posted By: AaronM58

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/26/12 09:39 PM

Last I checked, nothing aired on CBS is "fair and balanced." It'll be interesting to see how everything is portrayed. The CBS camera crews are more than welcome to join me this weekend on my exotic hunt. Haha!

Posted By: JakeinTX

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/26/12 09:41 PM

I think everyone that has killed an Oryx should email the pic to this Friends of Wildlife! They are proud of their 175 in Senegal. Lets show them the damage they did here by passing a useless law!

Posted By: Codfish

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/26/12 09:48 PM

Got it set to record. I hope it is fair and not a completely one sided episode.

Posted By: BigD1836

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/27/12 05:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Codfish
Got it set to record. I hope it is fair and not a completely one sided episode.


Posted By: BMD

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/27/12 05:51 PM

Yep will watch

Posted By: Black02z28

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/27/12 06:52 PM

<----Will be watching

Posted By: RocksAndKittens

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/27/12 08:17 PM

Interesting. I guess we will see how fair and balanced it is.

Posted By: fishhuntgolfgeek

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/28/12 10:01 PM

60 Minutes doing a "fair and balanced" piece? Don't kid yourself. rofl

Posted By: hawk

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/29/12 12:12 AM

Thanks for the "heads-up", I will be watching.

Posted By: Chief Joe

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/29/12 12:19 AM

Originally Posted By: fishhuntgolfgeek
60 Minutes doing a "fair and balanced" piece? Don't kid yourself. rofl

I stopped being able to stomach 60 Minutes years ago. I would watch this but will be out of pocket. Hoping to read about it and maybe view it on line?

Posted By: Texas Heat

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/29/12 02:35 AM

Good luck!

Posted By: luvpigmeet

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/29/12 04:13 PM

Thanks for the heads up. I will watch this tonight. Hope they are telling the truth. Thanks again.

Posted By: Rob Lay

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 12:05 AM

nice opening until it ends with just a loud gun shot. smile

Posted By: aoudadhunter

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 12:14 AM

guess it's at the end....agreed good opening

Posted By: Rob Lay

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 12:45 AM

good so far.

Posted By: aoudadhunter

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 12:51 AM

yea and that looney lady can say pronounce the plural of what she's "saving" hahaha Mrs. Antelopes
hahahah she just said oryxes she's an absoulute moron! lol

Posted By: mws

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 12:55 AM

She needs to move to Senegal I will pay her plane ticket if she will promise not to come back to the USA.

Posted By: T4PL

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 12:57 AM

That was surprisingly favorable to the exotic ranchers. The lady from Friends of Wildlife was clearly shown to be more anti-hunting than pro-Oryx conservation. The argument against the new ruling was clear after the story.

Posted By: B-Man

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:05 AM

Well said MWS. Brandon was shocked to see her stance thinking she is "saving" these animals from extinction. She seemed so proud of the small herd she sent over to Senegal. I'll bet that equals the number of trophy kills before April 4th.....

True Shame......

Posted By: goodgolly3811

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:07 AM

Her whole defense was that she was against hunting, Not saving the Oryx.

Posted By: ATracker

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:08 AM

Wow! I cannot believe what I just watched because I was expecting a very biased story. Friends for Animals…yea right, her reasoning was totally lunacy and not once was it stated why these animals are extinct or endangered in their home land. Thanks to the curator at Fossil Rim for telling the truth of the future for these animals in Texas. Hopefully this story will help to reverse the USFG ruling!

Posted By: luvpigmeet

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:18 AM

Great story. Friends of Animals had no ammunition at all. Looked what Texas did compared to her little herd of Animals. If she really cares, why don;'t she buy some animals from Texas Ranchers and take them to Africa or wherever she likes to start their population. All she cares about is Anti hunting B.S.

Posted By: Crouse229

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:19 AM

I think it was a surprisingly fair representation and insight into the exotic industry in Texas. With that said, it's an absolute shame to hear someone say that they would rather see a token amount of animals in their "native" habitat than a thriving population here in Texas. I think the thought I'll take away from the show is when they asked the rancher, "So with the new ruling, who's winning?" And he answered "no one, but one thing I know is they're losing," and pointed to the oryx.

Posted By: John Humbert

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:19 AM

Originally Posted By: goodgolly3811
Her whole defense was that she was against hunting, Not saving the Oryx.

Exactly, the FOA organization is an anti-hunting/meat org. They promote vegan diet and no meat. They want to stop eating if ALL animals. They are just playing on emotions against hunting or killing of animals altogether. Even cows, chickens, pigs, etc.

Posted By: luvpigmeet

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:21 AM

I wish a cow would poop in her Bed. Then we will see how much she "loves" them...

Posted By: goodgolly3811

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:23 AM

Just shows how many decisions are made by the Gov. without any valid reasoning. Trying to be politically correct, catering to the minority and not paying attention to the facts and also ignoring the majority. Our wonderful Government.

Posted By: Texas Heat

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:49 AM

Good show

Posted By: T4PL

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 02:11 AM

Originally Posted By: goodgolly3811
Just shows how many decisions are made by the Gov. without any valid reasoning. Trying to be politically correct, catering to the minority and not paying attention to the facts and also ignoring the majority. Our wonderful Government.

It's not entirely government's fault. This lady and her Friends of Animals group used the legal system and the fact that the 3 species are on the endangered species list. We must get an exception put into the listing of species that allows for their increase in numbers even on hunting ranches or takes into account their total population number regardless on where they exist in the world.

I'll be the 1st to admit I was mistaken on the level of danger these anti-hunting groups represent. After watching that woman from FOA clearly show her hippie side, with complete disregard for the animals she claims to be helping, I believe we need a complete overhaul for the ESA.

Posted By: badtrd

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 02:25 AM

Hello all my fellow hunters! Long time lurker finally joined and first post here.

As previously said she is only using these three endagered species as a start to stop hunting all together. Her agenda is much deeper than the animals. Her sole intent is to stop hunting all together. All of us hunters shouldnt take this lightly this is a real threat to our way of life. These tree-hugging liberals have tons of support and money to help back them. Do everything in your power to help the fight against them. Join the NRA, go to banquets like NWTF, SCI, Rocky Mountain Elk foundation and any others in your area. I wish they would have invited the Nuge on the show and let him at her. A liberal owned channel such as that one would not allow him on though because he is to extreme for them. I could go on and on with this subject but I will stop there as my blood pressure is rising just thinking about it!

P.S. Awesome forum guys!!!

Posted By: whirlwind

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 02:28 AM

Wish this was showing on the West coast. I looked but we have nothing but garbage on for the 60 minutes show. I will have to look online.

edit found it online!

Posted By: Mike Honcho

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 02:40 AM

That lady is nancy pelosi stupid crazy. I cannot believe these stupid liberal agendas. This great nation was built on capitalism and god willing will continue so as long as there is value something will thrive how stupid can a person be to not see that. They just devalued the oryx much like our dollar by these moronic peoples actions couldnt they see the correlation!!!!!!!

Posted By: MR5Hunter

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 03:00 AM

Originally Posted By: ATracker
Wow! I cannot believe what I just watched because I was expecting a very biased story. Friends for Animals…yea right, her reasoning was totally lunacy and not once was it stated why these animals are extinct or endangered in their home land. Thanks to the curator at Fossil Rim for telling the truth of the future for these animals in Texas. Hopefully this story will help to reverse the USFG ruling!

Posted By: dawaba

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 03:09 AM

The 60 Minutes correspondent for the report, Lara Logan, grew up in South Africa. Perhaps she has been around more sport hunting than the average Dallas girl? I thought Logan was even-handed in her coverage on a supercharged issue. The story definately could have turned out worse, for sure.

I think she is the same reporter who was sexually assaulted and nearly killed last year in Cairo's Tahrir Square????


Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 04:21 AM

Originally Posted By: dawaba

I think she is the same reporter who was sexually assaulted and nearly killed last year in Cairo's Tahrir Square????

Yes it was her and I read on another website that she is married to an avid hunter from Fredericksburg.

Posted By: bigpigtx

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 04:30 AM

Curious because I only caught the last half of the story...

They mentioned you won't be able to hunt an oryx without a federal permit in the future? When is that? What value will they have after that? Probably a lot less than people are charging now!

Posted By: newbhunter

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 05:26 AM

Was just on the animal friends website. It would seem they are all vegans and are against hunting less about the African species. Not sure how saving the species here can help the herds in Africa. Thumbs up for the Texan ranchers.

Posted By: Nathan Nelson

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 06:49 AM


If you want to watch it.....

Posted By: Curtis

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:02 PM

It was a great show and I think Charlie did a great job representing the industry. That show helped bring out the truth that these FOA people are a bunch of idiots and the EWA is a great organization that really does want to save these animals.

Posted By: don k

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 01:20 PM

I was expecting the worst and got the best.

Posted By: jeh7mmmag

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 02:17 PM

CBS & Show was great...But the FOA and likes need the spotlight put on their true intentions, and how the varies exotics species will suffer and become extinct because of their lack of understanding.

Posted By: PBGSO

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 06:17 PM

I thought the story was well done, but a little too late now. As stated several times in this thread these people are anti hunting not pro Oryx. I think a few people are missing that point and this is just the beginning my friends. They will pick another 3 shortly, and go after them with a leg to stand on then another 3 and so on. If you are not a member of SCI or the EWA I would highly recommend becoming a member and become informed of what is going on. Or in a short time there will be no more hunting. Very similar things are going on with the wolves being reintroduced and decimating big game species in several states. These people know what they are doing and calling them names on a forum isn't going to help. We need to be organized and fight back. We are all hunters and need to stand up and fight back together against organizations like this FOA . First step support the organizations that are leading the charge.

Posted By: T4PL

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 09:49 PM

Originally Posted By: PBGSO
I thought the story was well done, but a little too late now. As stated several times in this thread these people are anti hunting not pro Oryx. I think a few people are missing that point and this is just the beginning my friends. They will pick another 3 shortly, and go after them with a leg to stand on then another 3 and so on. If you are not a member of SCI or the EWA I would highly recommend becoming a member and become informed of what is going on. Or in a short time there will be no more hunting. Very similar things are going on with the wolves being reintroduced and decimating big game species in several states. These people know what they are doing and calling them names on a forum isn't going to help. We need to be organized and fight back. We are all hunters and need to stand up and fight back together against organizations like this FOA . First step support the organizations that are leading the charge.

Agreed. Why can't our groups fight in court to get the wording changed in the ESA to represent what's really going on with exotic species currently? The ESA was written before Texas began the introduction of exotic species in a major way. I think with a unified pro-hunting community we could show in court the hypocrisy of the ruling and that the FOA is encouraging the species to remain endangered and threatened with extinction.

REINTRODUCTION INTO AFRICA IS NOT A VIABLE OPTION FOR MOST OF THESE ANIMAL SPECIES. Times have changed and the continent is not a safe place for endangered species. TEXAS IS THEIR BEST CHANCE!

Posted By: Txnrog

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/30/12 10:16 PM

Originally Posted By: T4PL
Originally Posted By: PBGSO
I thought the story was well done, but a little too late now. As stated several times in this thread these people are anti hunting not pro Oryx. I think a few people are missing that point and this is just the beginning my friends. They will pick another 3 shortly, and go after them with a leg to stand on then another 3 and so on. If you are not a member of SCI or the EWA I would highly recommend becoming a member and become informed of what is going on. Or in a short time there will be no more hunting. Very similar things are going on with the wolves being reintroduced and decimating big game species in several states. These people know what they are doing and calling them names on a forum isn't going to help. We need to be organized and fight back. We are all hunters and need to stand up and fight back together against organizations like this FOA . First step support the organizations that are leading the charge.

Agreed. Why can't our groups fight in court to get the wording changed in the ESA to represent what's really going on with exotic species currently? The ESA was written before Texas began the introduction of exotic species in a major way. I think with a unified pro-hunting community we could show in court the hypocrisy of the ruling and that the FOA is encouraging the species to remain endangered and threatened with extinction.

REINTRODUCTION INTO AFRICA IS NOT A VIABLE OPTION FOR MOST OF THESE ANIMAL SPECIES. Times have changed and the continent is not a safe place for endangered species. TEXAS IS THEIR BEST CHANCE!

Changing the wording of the ESA has to come from Congress, which unfortunately is not likely in today's environment. The EWA and SCI are actively pursuing these options, and I would strongly encourage any with an interest in the matter to support them.. Unfortunately, in the current environment, it's highly unlikely to happen. Would have to hope for a significant shift in the balance of power in Washington. If the current group can't get a major pipeline approved to create 20k jobs and improve energy security due to the environmentalists, not likely to see an ESA revision any time soon.

Posted By: NDN98

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 03:24 AM

I just watched it online after a friend told me about it at work. I was surprised that it was not a piece that leaned to the far left. It actually looked at it from a logical standpoint (shocker).
Also, the lady from Friends of Animals looked very unhealthy. Probably from a lack of protein in her diet. If she could taste an oryx backstrap, she might change her mind on animals altogether.

Posted By: nado2036

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 03:36 AM

Is there any kind of Appeal that can be brought and is a species actually endangered in North America? I understand they are endangered in Africa and does the endangered species list worldwide or by continent?

Posted By: AllAboutExotics

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 03:46 AM

Joining the convo late (had to watch the dvr'd episode late last night >> was chasing bison in West Tx).

Most of the comments here so far are pretty spot-on w/ my feelings of the show. Was very surprised at a fair (all we can ask) portrayal of the situation. Most of the comments I've seen & read online (and even received from hunters AND non-hunters alike) overwhelmingly sides with the 'exotics' on this one...which is obviously good in the long run.

The negative comments I'm hearing are entirely from those IN the exotic industry that say "wish they would have said this...", "they didn't mention this...". To this I say "baby steps".

This was definitely a small victory for the exotic hunting industry. I agree that they could have said ALOT of things to better explain the reality of the situation, but we have to understand that it's only an hour long show (and only 15 min segment).

One thing that I will add, just FYI...Lara (the reporter) is the sister-in-law of an exotic outfitter here in Texas. We can probably thank that relationship for an unbiased story.

Posted By: fishhuntgolfgeek

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 01:04 PM

Originally Posted By: T4PL
That was surprisingly favorable to the exotic ranchers. The lady from Friends of Wildlife was clearly shown to be more anti-hunting than pro-Oryx conservation. The argument against the new ruling was clear after the story.

Agreed. I thought for sure it was going to be a "hit piece" that was anti-exotic hunting. But in fact, it does
show that exotic ranchers are helping out in keeping the species numbers from extinction. I wonder
if the Fish and Wildlife Dept. will take heed of this story and rule in favor for the ranchers to keep
the hunting option open and available to their clients. scratch

Posted By: don k

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 01:51 PM

At the meeting last week it was stated that the Endangered Species Act was signed into law during the Nixon Admin. The person from the USFWS said that they are given the task of running it. They do not start it. He also stated they had enough to do without getting more on their plate.

Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 02:49 PM

Just watched,

I thought it was a very well produced piece, and found that, if anyone with half a brain watched it, would see that the rancher,and the convervationist put the animals first, the FOA lady, didn't care about the animals, she just wanted to stop hunting, regardless if the species benefited from it.

I wish one of the ranchers would have brought up the point that there are no more animals left in their native range, due to unregulated hunting.

Posted By: Black02z28

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 02:59 PM

I watched it last night as well and I thought it was put together pretty well. The lady from FOA came across as a complete loon.

Posted By: AllAboutExotics

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 04:48 PM

Originally Posted By: don k
At the meeting last week it was stated that the Endangered Species Act was signed into law during the Nixon Admin. The person from the USFWS said that they are given the task of running it. They do not start it. He also stated they had enough to do without getting more on their plate.

Are you talking about the permitting seminar w/ the USFW in Kerrville last Thurs? I did not have a chance to attend, but really wanted to. If you are, and that's what their rep. said, that's pretty discouraging.

"Hey, we didn't start this, don't blame us" or "Don't ask me, I just work here...". Cop outs. Very lame IMO.

YET, the USFW invested 2+ years of time, money & effort into making sure this ruling took effect and is put into place (then regulated). Sounds like politicians 'passing the buck' to avoid blame & having to answer any real questions.

If they have too much "on their plate", it might be time to pass the plate...they're making a damn mess of the kitchen!

Posted By: Dadsaid

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 05:27 PM

i thought 60 minutes did a good job getting both side of the story.

Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 05:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Black02z28
I watched it last night as well and I thought it was put together pretty well. The lady from FOA came across as a complete loon.

not to mention ugly as shyte

Posted By: don k

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 05:37 PM

If I understood them correctly they along with EWA and Safari Club went to court to block the rule. They lost and the rule was implemented. EWA is appealing the ruling but USFWS dropped out of the appeal. It is kind of like if the Fed. Gov. passes a law that you can only drive 20/MPH on the interstate. The DPS is told they have to enforce the speed limit. The highway patrolman if he wants to keep his job doesn't have a lot of choice no matter what he thinks about the law. To me it sounded like it was the same with the USFWS. And unless the rule is blocked in court it will never go away. You could raise 3 million oryx in the U.S. and the rule would still be in effect. They have to become un-endangered in their native country.

Posted By: cowboybam58

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 06:58 PM

That's the issue though. They will never become un-endangered in their native country without the help of conservationist here in Texas. As well as in their own country.

Posted By: Black02z28

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 07:16 PM

Originally Posted By: txtrophy85
not to mention ugly as shyte

That's an understatement, lol

Posted By: don k

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 07:23 PM

Originally Posted By: cowboybam58
That's the issue though. They will never become un-endangered in their native country without the help of conservationist here in Texas. As well as in their own country.
They will never become un-endangered in their own country because they could give a rats a** if they do or not. You give them money to help the animals and it never gets to where it should. You send animals over there and they eat them. The only way the endangered species act is going to change is in the courts.And as long as you have a bunch of "Liberals" as judges it won't.

Posted By: passthru

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 08:53 PM

Has anybody ever heard the quote "An emergency in your department doesn't constitute and emergency in mine."? Why does low #s in another country dictate the law in our country? Are we surrendering our sovereignty on this level? If so what other level are we going to surrender it on? Our guns? Our economy? Our liberties? If Obama and crew stay in office this is where we are headed like it or not.

Posted By: 007007

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 09:32 PM

Originally Posted By: passthru
Has anybody ever heard the quote "An emergency in your department doesn't constitute and emergency in mine."? Why does low #s in another country dictate the law in our country? Are we surrendering our sovereignty on this level? If so what other level are we going to surrender it on? Our guns? Our economy? Our liberties? If Obama and crew stay in office this is where we are headed like it or not.

I'm not an OBAMA man but its funny ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING get blamed on the current president. This issue started along time ago.

Posted By: T4PL

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 10:22 PM

Originally Posted By: 007007
Originally Posted By: passthru
Has anybody ever heard the quote "An emergency in your department doesn't constitute and emergency in mine."? Why does low #s in another country dictate the law in our country? Are we surrendering our sovereignty on this level? If so what other level are we going to surrender it on? Our guns? Our economy? Our liberties? If Obama and crew stay in office this is where we are headed like it or not.

I'm not an OBAMA man but its funny ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING get blamed on the current president. This issue started along time ago.

I agree with that and most everything else posted on this topic. The problem is the Endangered Species Act. It is archaic and doesn't represent the situation going on presently. Those animals have no chance to ever recover in Africa. War, poverty, poaching, and primitive farming/grazing traditions will prevent these species from ever reaching the ESAs definition of NOT ENDANGERED. We are ceding our authority if we let our laws be dictated by foreign problems. If Oryx and the other species could talk, I guarantee they would be freaking screaming against going back to Africa. There only hope for survival is here on ranches in Texas.

Posted By: don k

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 01/31/12 11:09 PM

It may not be obama but it is the liberal presidents that put these judges in office.

Posted By: riverross

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 02/01/12 12:24 AM

Anyone know where I could watch this online/if it's available?

Posted By: Rob Lay

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 02/01/12 12:51 AM

Originally Posted By: riverross
Anyone know where I could watch this online/if it's available?

Link was posted.

Posted By: BulldogRon

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 02/01/12 02:08 PM

Yeah need to send her to Senegal to become an Exotic in that country!! But, hopefully not to reproduce!

Posted By: bow-man

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 02/01/12 02:28 PM

Thats so sad, Im kinda of speechless. I took my wife and two young kids this past weekend and I took a 40 inch cow oryx. She will be a great addition to my trophy room and we had fried backstrap on Sunday and Baked some on Monday night the table fare is awesome. I am glad I got mine before it was to late.

Posted By: cmc

Re: Texas exotic hunting on "60 Minutes".... - 02/11/12 03:02 AM

I sent Mrs. Feral an email thanking her for the opportunity she gave me to hunt oryx because without her push for the new ruling the prices would have never gotten down to what they are now and without her "saving" them then the hundreds that are being killed now would have lived to reproduce and increase the population. There were no insults and I even told her that I understood not everybody shared the same views but she should really take a hard look at what is going on with the Oryx in particular right now. It was received but I got no response.

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