Texas Hunting Forum

Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur

Posted By: Sniper John

Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 03:32 AM

This was to be a special hunt. Though I have been on over 20 public gator
hunts if you include my son's youth hunts, this one was to be my wife's
first. Also this was only Engeling's 5th alligator hunt. It is a creek and
not the typical coastal marsh hunt. I was first bow hunting Gus Engeling
many years ago when they had September bow deer hunts. Hogs were relatively
new to Texas and it was always exciting to see them on those hunts. There is
even a brood alligator in one of the ponds on the area that I remember from
back in the day and she is still kicking it. They say her DNA matches
several of the younger gators on the area. I have wanted to gator hunt there
for years. I tried for this hunt every time they offered it, even went for a
standby try last time but lost out in the hat draw. This year, my family was
finally drawn. We found someone to baby sit my Vizsla Blaze, but my young
dog Dash Rip Rock got to go on this trip as well

Friday first hunt day after the orientation was miserable. Driving rain most of the day.
We knew the creek would rise over the night, but we did not know how much so
even with what limited scouting could be done, we chose to set the lines
extra high in case the water in the creek came up. My wife who is not a
hunter did great and stayed with us through the brush and briars. It was so
wet we changed rain gear three times on Friday.

Saturday morning, nothing. The creek had come up at least a foot. We
encountered some guys in hammocks in the woods and backed out. Later hearing
rifle shots in their direction. Turned out the game warden was looking for
them. One line we had set in an area that is popular for fishing and with
that I realized there would be no old gators there. No way one would survive
the years with easy access to poachers and idiots that would illegally shoot

Luckily the rain let up. We scouted down the creek deeper into the woods. We
found a great spot where the creek changed from 4 feet wide and 3 inches
deep, so over my head deep and several feet wide. What we were looking for
had to be there. But before we got a line moved, my wife had an accident.
She fell and cut the bridge of her nose bad enough and deep enough that she needed
professional care or she would be left with a bad scar. So we dropped
everything, found the son of one of the WMA employees that let me rob from his first
aid kit, and headed for the emergency room in Palestine. My wife wanted us to
drop her off and go back, but that was not happening.

I would never post a bloody picture of my wife online, but the expression on my son's face
is too priceless not to share it. So I found a way.

The trail where my wife fell, if you want to call it a trail.

While she was waiting for her turn in emergency, I took my son across the street to
Wal-Mart to get some food and a shirt for my wife as her shirt was covered
in blood. In a hurry, I saw a Black Duck Dynasty T shirt with Uncle Si on
the front for $7.50. It was folded up and said "They call me...". Looked
good enough to get her through the rest of the hunt and back to the Hotel.
In the truck my son opened it up and started laughing. "They call me Beaver
Commander". I said "very funny, its duck commander". My son showed me
the shirt and OH MY, I told my son he could tell her he picked it out.
My wife was a good sport about it, thought the story and shirt was funny,
and wore it the rest of the day. Fortunately they were able to super glue the
wound rather than stitches. Hopefully it will not leave much of a scar if any.

With only two hours left in the day and our found honey hole almost three
miles into the woods, we rushed in with two lines and doubled up on it. The
third line was moved to a spot where I had seen smaller gators in the past
while fishing. We got that last line up in the last minutes of the hunt for
Saturday. It was a group effort, but my son was promised he would get to
shoot and tag the biggest one.

Sunday was nice, though we did have to deal with a bad tire on the way.
First line revealed a 4 foot 4 inch gator. It was like a rabid Chihuahua on
a leash and ready to fight. It was taken out with my bayonet to the back of
the skull. My wife who is not normally the hunter, was sad that we could not
let it go.

Out he comes....

Look close you can see the gator's open mouth snapping at me through the brush.

Then the honey hole. We found one line still up, but a second line down and
wrapped in some underwater logs. It felt like we had a small gator. The
water hand risen maybe 2 feet, so I was also worried that we might have a
gar or snapping turtle. After a lot of work to untangle the line.... WOW a
head of a 13 footer came up and ready to fight. Worried that the leader may
have been weakened from rubbing on the logs all night I chose to lasso the
gator by the head with another rope. Good thing too as the hook did
eventually straighten and pull out of his gut.

Dash had spent most of his time in a crate or back in the truck, but he was present for the final gator.
Dash behaved himself till he saw the gator. He gave my wife a workout holding the leash.
Especially when I ended up in the water with the gator. Dash was ready to save me.

I had my son straddle some tree roots close to the water, handed him our
gator gun. An Indian SMLE Enfield .410 musket. I worked to place the gator
for a perfect easy shot. It did snap it's jaws with a loud "CLOMP!" and it
did grab the end of the gun and try to pull it away from my son. Once shot,
I rigged up a pulley system with carabineers to cut the load in half, but
could not get it out of the water. First time in over 20 gator hunts, I had
to call for help. When I find time to finish editing it, I will post the video of the kill to this thread.

Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 03:32 AM

One of the biologists followed me in with an ATV and had to move a couple logs to blaze the
trail back out. Even with the 4 wheeler, the gator would not make it up the
steep bank. I tried getting under the gator while pulling from two
points wiht the ATV, but it did not work. I ended up in the water with the gator, still
moving, on top of me.

Eventually I had to swim the gator upstream to a better spot
while the biologist Tucker opened up a way in with the 4 wheeler. I stopped at one point
to tape the gator's mouth shut because it was moving around on me too much. The tape
would not stay on in the water. Oh well.... Finally he was able to drag it out with me guiding it.

One thing we noticed with this gator was it had an unusually large head for an 11 footer.
As if it had not been eating well and that may be normal for a small creek gator like that.
It was very old for sure. The guys at the WMA let us leave the gator overnight in the walk
in cooler so I could get better prepared to transport and skin it. I had no intention of
getting one mounted, but with so much involved with this one and such an exciting hunt for
my wife and son, I would be foolish not to have this one mounted for my son. Never realized
just how much that would be so we are still working on that. Big thank you to The Engeling staff.
There was some overtime put in to help us. I can't thank them enough.

Posted By: jlbain94

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 04:06 AM

Wow. That is a hoss! Sounds like an awesome hunt. Great story!
Posted By: Erathkid

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 04:08 AM

That's unreal. Sniper, you my friend, just set the bar for Manliness. Great job from the family too.
Posted By: 1FowlHntR

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 04:14 AM

Nobody tells a story quite like you Sniper John!! Congrats on the FINE looking Gators!!
Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 04:18 AM

Originally Posted By: Erathkid
That's unreal. Sniper, you my friend, just set the bar for Manliness. Great job from the family too.

I do crazy stuff all the time, but my wife..... I heard her calmly say "I'm bleeding" and I looked back and she was not there. Then she stood up and I saw what I have blurred out in that picture. The cut was to the bone and she was bleeding like crazy. She was smiling and laughing the whole time and wanted our son to get a gator so initially refused to let me take her to the hospital. I had been handling dead Goose breast and rotten chicken so I could not do much with it and made her go. She took it all in stride. The worst I came out with was a couple rope burns on my hands when we initially lassoed the gator.
Posted By: cleatas

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 04:28 AM

Very nice, I work right there at Gus Engeling and you never know what you may see. Lots of wildlife for sure.....
Posted By: dogcatcher

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 04:29 AM

Great hunt, great story, thanks for sharing.
Posted By: Nathan Nelson

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 05:51 AM

Great write up...
Posted By: Redneck78

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 10:27 AM

Good story and a big monster
Posted By: whitetailfanatic

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 11:23 AM

Incredible story, glad it all worked out and everyone remained safe, scary thing is back when they 1st opened Gus Engeling up to bowhunting I would swim in catfish creek during the hot days bowhunting, who'd a thunk it!!
Posted By: Pitchfork Predator

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 11:23 AM

Originally Posted By: dogcatcher
Great hunt, great story, thanks for sharing.

Big Gator! up
Posted By: stxranchman

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 12:09 PM

Originally Posted By: dogcatcher
Great hunt, great story, thanks for sharing.


Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 05:35 PM

That is just awesome there.
Posted By: NDN98

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 07:45 PM

Great story and coolpics
Posted By: TAT

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 08:08 PM

Great alligator and story. I can't wait to get a gator for myself.
Posted By: Okiedog

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 08:21 PM

Enjoyed the pics and story!
Posted By: tannerlst

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 08:21 PM

That is absolutely awesome !
Posted By: fbchunter

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 08:58 PM

Originally Posted By: dogcatcher
Great hunt, great story, thanks for sharing.

Posted By: John Humbert

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 09:01 PM

Awesome all the way around!!! Sorry I had to give up my spot, looks like I missed an awesome hunt. Damn my job!!
Posted By: Cody Malone

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 10:58 PM

Posted By: Hirogen

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 11:09 PM

Excellent - you could guest star on Swamp People.
Posted By: Txkiller

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/28/13 11:57 PM

John all I can say is wow and thanks for sharing.

Your one hell of an outdoorsman flehan
Posted By: TxAg

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/29/13 12:08 AM

Very cool Sniper, great story. Thanks for taking the time to write it out and share. Very big lizard, and I agree, from the head you'd expect his body to be bigger. Maybe he was on the decline, or maybe he found his way into that little creek and just couldn't get enough to eat.

Either way, great effort by you and the family. Y'all earned this one!
Posted By: Greg

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/29/13 12:37 AM

Wow what a hunt!!! Glad your wife was not hurt too bad too. Congrats on that lizard... It's huge up
Posted By: assassinator

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/29/13 03:40 PM

Nice alligator up
Posted By: jdk1985

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/29/13 03:47 PM

Great story!
Posted By: Fooshman

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/29/13 07:39 PM

Posted By: Paluxy300blk

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/29/13 08:01 PM

You, sir, are a real outdoorsman. That is an amazing story and great pictures to boot.
Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/30/13 06:10 PM

A tidbit of info on the bait we used. I have always used beef heart. I keep if fresh frozen or on ice. Blood is usually dripping from it for a very long time after placed on the hook.

Most everyone else these days use chicken and will spoil it for a day or two before a hunt so it has a lot of smell. I was unable to find beef heart just before the hunt, so we went with chicken quarters and left them sealed in a bucket in the back of my truck. They got good and smelly. Not one gator ever touched the chicken.

Earlier I had killed a greylag goose while hunting with Blaze.
It is not on the migratory bird treaty list, not a game animal in the US, so just a domestic bird no different than a Chicken. I took the breast of that goose with us in case I wanted to try it for bait. The two gators were caught on the last night on the two halves of the goose breast. It is a dark meat and tough like beef heart.

That last night we set two lines on the hole that we ultimately caught the big gator in. One with chicken and one with goose. The one with chicken was not touched. I doubt I will ever see and shoot another feral graylag escapee hanging out with resident canada geese again that I can kill for bait, so next time I am going back to fresh beef heart. It is what was recommended to me several years ago by "Bayou Bill" when he found me in the marsh "setting my lines all wrong" and I know it works for my hunting strategy.

So for this hunt, I do have to give some credit to Ms Blaze who helped out with the bait that worked for us.

Posted By: Palehorse

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 09/30/13 09:14 PM

Congrats! Awesome pics, awesome write up! Sorry she took that spill.
I'm actually writing this at Gus Engeling while sitting in a tree stand! Ain't technology cool?
Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 10/01/13 01:17 AM

Good luck on the hunt Palehorse.
Ask Tucker if he had fun helping us with that alligator.
Posted By: kdub

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 10/01/13 12:53 PM

Gotta say, that looks like an awesome hunt, the pics of that huge gator are gonna make me a little nervous next time I'm out there.
Posted By: crstfr

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 10/01/13 06:20 PM

Originally Posted By: Redneck78
Good story and a big monster
Posted By: huntin4fun

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 11/01/13 08:48 PM

Congrats on the massive gator !! You are the man on swamp lizards for sure. Glad I had the chance to meet up with you guys last year down at Murphree, just not sure how you can get lucky enough to draw gator hunts all the time.... usually takes me about 8years to draw em!!
Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 11/01/13 10:34 PM

Thanks, I don't necessarily get drawn all the time, it has been spread over a long time. I started putting in for alligator hunts I think in 1984 and drew my first hunt the year or two after that. I have had stretches where I was drawn up to 5 years in a row, and one stretch where I was not drawn for 5 years. I don't remember exactly how many hunts I have been on in the 29 years, but including youth hunts for both of my sons, it is over 15 for sure, but may be closer to 20. The early years the odds to draw Murphree usually ran better than 50% and there were several hunt dates, so to better the odds even more we always put in for "any" date. I don't get drawn as often now, but it is becuase I like to hunt new places as they come up, like being on the first hunt at Sea Rim state park and the recent one at Gus Engeling. What is lucky is the fact I have never done a hunt where I did not get my gator.
Posted By: red bluff

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 11/02/13 01:15 PM

Loved that story and write up except the accident part, a real life adventure shared with your family and now shared with us. I think THF got the easy part, I wasn't sweating at all when I finished reading.
Posted By: Gage C.

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 11/02/13 04:07 PM

i wish my dog would stay that still hunting... he has some learning to do. great pictures! i hope to get my son involved soon
Posted By: Hawk and Buck Farms

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 11/04/13 07:45 PM

great story but ...

... next time use alligator tape instead of duck tape.
Posted By: Believer

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 11/07/13 01:58 PM

Your son will be talking that story to his grandkids....... you have built a life time of memories in one hunt.
Posted By: BBD84

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 11/19/13 09:00 AM

Great write up and congrats to everyone involved. Glad the better half is ok after that nasty little cut but the smiles said it was all worth it.
Posted By: JTL 7mm

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 11/30/13 01:35 PM

Great story thanks for sharing
Posted By: crapicat

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 12/18/13 01:06 AM

Originally Posted By: BBD84
Great write up and congrats to everyone involved. Glad the better half is ok after that nasty little cut but the smiles said it was all worth it.

Plus 10. Wow what cool pics!
Posted By: bts09

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 06/01/14 03:39 PM

Sniper John,

When you get drawn for a public gator hunt like this one, how do they determine how many lines you get to place? Did you have to enter your wife and son in the public draw, for instance, or are you allowed a line for everyone in your "hunting party" once you get drawn?
Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 06/02/14 03:09 PM

It is not the kind of draw where you draw and can bring guests if that is what your asking and hunters can't be substituted. Each hunter can only set one line and the line is tagged with that hunters name and license number. Most hunt applications can be done as a party with anywhere from two to four hunters on one application. Most of the alligator hunts are limited to three hunters on an application.

Note that a lot is changing with the public draw hunts. It is going to an online application system and some of the ways they do things will be different. My understanding is it will be online at the TPWD website next month.
Posted By: Nogalus Prairie

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 06/02/14 11:53 PM

Great story!

SJ you are living proof that you can have some amazing hunts that are super economical if you simply do your homework. up
Posted By: kdkane1971

Re: Gus Engeling Gator Hunt Success, Hunting a Dinosaur - 06/03/14 02:19 PM

Originally Posted By: NDN98
Great story and coolpics
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