Texas Hunting Forum

Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline

Posted By: KennyLee

Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 04:09 PM

It's actually happened before, but this time it's REALLY invasive. The difference this time is that the stands and feeders put them to where they are shooting directly at my stand. One of the feeders is about 20 feet from where I like to park.

So, I've got two questions:

1. What can I really do about this? Anything? (my neighbor and I do not get along and have a history of problems).
2. Assuming I can't make them move the feeders, can I still park where I've parked for the last several years? Would that be seen as "hunter harrassment" even though I've used that spot for a very long time?

I've already called the gamewarden and will do whatever he tells me to do, but I'm not guessing this will end the way I'd like. Seeing three stands and feeders on what is basically a 60 acre field didn't set well with me this morning.

Posted By: Mr. 2 Million

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 04:36 PM

I thought I read that if a bullet crosses a property line that the shooter has broken the law , might have misread but i believe that is correct

Posted By: redseal

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 04:40 PM

i think parking there is fine unless they get pissed and shoot your truck but then again if they do that you really have em by the b***s then

Posted By: glens

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 05:18 PM

David's right. Bullet cannot cross property lines. Call the game guys before it's too late. I'd check in with the Sheriff also.

Posted By: n-all

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 05:20 PM

Are you the landowner?...if not go your landowner and speak with him about your concerns..but dnt get in pissing match with these clowns..60acs...they have too many feeders on such a small place..besides you would think they would place em on the interior of their place so they could draw em in...who knows sounds like a real mess though..good luck

Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 07:40 PM

My family and I own the land, but I'm the only hunter. I've called the gamewarden and there's not alot I can do until I catch them actually doing something. He's going to meet me out there one day soon and take a look. Basically, they have too many hunters for the property. They only have about 60 acres and there is no cover whatsoever. The only deer they'll see will be passing through. All the cover is on my side of the fence, so that's why they put the feeders where they did.

We'll see what happens, but I'm not happy about it at all. They have the right to hunt their property and I have no issue with that. However, they need to figure out a way to not have those guns pointed towards me.

I've called them and left what I thought was a very positive and nice message, but I'm doubting I'll get a return call based on my history with these folks. They've never been good neighbors, so I don't see them changing now.

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 09:13 PM

Not sure the legalities and such of the situation, but the way you describe their setup, besides being just plain rude, it could pose some very serious safety issues.

If they end up not moving things and depending on the size of your place, I suppose there are things you could do to disrupt their hunting. I know a guy who I used to be on a lease with had a similar setup, unbeknownst to us, with a feeder right on the fence of the place next door. For the first few weeks of hunting season, one or more of the hunters next door would ride their ATVs up and down the fenceline during prime hunting hours until the guy moved his feeder. You could figure out a way to place noise-making devices, alarms, etc., that might go off during prime hunting hours or other ways of disrupting the area. I for sure wouldn't even think of not using that same spot for your usual parking/listening to the radio/hanging out and drinking beer after the hunt spot.

Good luck.....hope you get some resolution!!

Posted By: huntincoach

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 09:17 PM

My neighbors just did the same thing too. I'm mad but more ticked that they me may be aiming at my stand as well!
good luck. I'm hoping I can get the big boy during bow season
Before these humps get out there.

Posted By: stxranchman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 09:21 PM

Originally Posted By: KennyLee
My family and I own the land, but I'm the only hunter. I've called the gamewarden and there's not alot I can do until I catch them actually doing something. He's going to meet me out there one day soon and take a look. Basically, they have too many hunters for the property. They only have about 60 acres and there is no cover whatsoever. The only deer they'll see will be passing through. All the cover is on my side of the fence, so that's why they put the feeders where they did.

We'll see what happens, but I'm not happy about it at all. They have the right to hunt their property and I have no issue with that. However, they need to figure out a way to not have those guns pointed towards me.

I've called them and left what I thought was a very positive and nice message, but I'm doubting I'll get a return call based on my history with these folks. They've never been good neighbors, so I don't see them changing now.

Check with GW to see what you can do and can't do to stay out of a legal suit from harrasment. Might a good time for the GW to show up opening morning to pay that first visit at daylight to talk to you about this situation at your blind.

Posted By: SowHntr

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 11:03 PM

WHo cares about how he is going to feel, if you are worried about your safety! If he is not going to be considerate tell him how you feel and call the game warden. You cannot shoot over property lines.

Posted By: Dacotua

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/18/10 11:54 PM

Time to get the other owner there to show him, and if he doesn't do anything.... High fence that line.

Posted By: bowhuntr70

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/19/10 12:42 AM

MY FENCELINE??? Not trying to be a smart... but how close are you to the fence if you are worried about him shooting at your blind? Is your place big enough to find another spot? I would probably move my set up.

Posted By: tx270

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/19/10 01:28 AM

Originally Posted By: bowhuntr70
MY FENCELINE??? Not trying to be a smart... but how close are you to the fence if you are worried about him shooting at your blind? Is your place big enough to find another spot? I would probably move my set up.

Really??!! Are you serious? Doesn't matter if he's 300 ft or 300 yds away, the guy shouldn't have his feeder/shooting lane pointed directly at his stand.

Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/19/10 12:22 PM

Originally Posted By: bowhuntr70
MY FENCELINE??? Not trying to be a smart... but how close are you to the fence if you are worried about him shooting at your blind? Is your place big enough to find another spot? I would probably move my set up.

I would call it "the fenceline" if this same neighbor didn't cut "the fence" to let her longhorns and horses into my place after she overgrazed her place. I then got to fix "my fenceline" since we're an open range county and it's my responsibility to keep her animals out (learned all about that law). Of course, I didn't get the longhorns out until after they had destroyed several deer feeders and had eaten about a ton of corn, though she never paid me for any of it. She never admitted to cutting the fence, but it was pretty obvious someone cut it and I definitely didn't have a reason to do so.

My place is plenty big enough to find another spot. Just so happens, that is the best spot. I am close to that fenceline, but my stand is on the side of a hill, looking down into my property. No chance a bullit can cross the fenceline. Now I have a feeder about 150 yards behind me, with a box blind maybe 50 yards on the other side of that feeder.

Again, I'm not worried about the deer they will shoot (though I'm not happy about it), but I am worried about them shooting into my property since I typically hunt alone.

Posted By: Ray Ray

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/19/10 02:57 PM

If you have always parked where you say you've parked and it's on your land and they know it, I say park there, the deer won't come to that feeder, place an open coffee can of moth balls in the bed when you park it for an added deer deterent.

Posted By: tx270

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/19/10 04:10 PM

Originally Posted By: KennyLee
Originally Posted By: bowhuntr70
MY FENCELINE??? Not trying to be a smart... but how close are you to the fence if you are worried about him shooting at your blind? Is your place big enough to find another spot? I would probably move my set up.

I would call it "the fenceline" if this same neighbor didn't cut "the fence" to let her longhorns and horses into my place after she overgrazed her place. I then got to fix "my fenceline" since we're an open range county and it's my responsibility to keep her animals out (learned all about that law). Of course, I didn't get the longhorns out until after they had destroyed several deer feeders and had eaten about a ton of corn, though she never paid me for any of it. She never admitted to cutting the fence, but it was pretty obvious someone cut it and I definitely didn't have a reason to do so.

My place is plenty big enough to find another spot. Just so happens, that is the best spot. I am close to that fenceline, but my stand is on the side of a hill, looking down into my property. No chance a bullit can cross the fenceline. Now I have a feeder about 150 yards behind me, with a box blind maybe 50 yards on the other side of that feeder.

Again, I'm not worried about the deer they will shoot (though I'm not happy about it), but I am worried about them shooting into my property since I typically hunt alone.

So if their feeder is 150 yds behind you that means your stand is at least 100 yds from the fence, which I think is plenty fair and polite on your part and should shut up the "well, how close are you" crowd.

I would park my truck exactly where I always have, to heck with them, they are the ones with no manners.

If they had put their stand and feeder farther away from your place and not pointed it right at your stand then I would be inclined out of courtesy to park somewhere else, but thats not the case here it seems, so you owe them no such courtesy.


Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/19/10 04:24 PM

Originally Posted By: tx270
Originally Posted By: KennyLee
Originally Posted By: bowhuntr70
MY FENCELINE??? Not trying to be a smart... but how close are you to the fence if you are worried about him shooting at your blind? Is your place big enough to find another spot? I would probably move my set up.

I would call it "the fenceline" if this same neighbor didn't cut "the fence" to let her longhorns and horses into my place after she overgrazed her place. I then got to fix "my fenceline" since we're an open range county and it's my responsibility to keep her animals out (learned all about that law). Of course, I didn't get the longhorns out until after they had destroyed several deer feeders and had eaten about a ton of corn, though she never paid me for any of it. She never admitted to cutting the fence, but it was pretty obvious someone cut it and I definitely didn't have a reason to do so.

My place is plenty big enough to find another spot. Just so happens, that is the best spot. I am close to that fenceline, but my stand is on the side of a hill, looking down into my property. No chance a bullit can cross the fenceline. Now I have a feeder about 150 yards behind me, with a box blind maybe 50 yards on the other side of that feeder.

Again, I'm not worried about the deer they will shoot (though I'm not happy about it), but I am worried about them shooting into my property since I typically hunt alone.

So if their feeder is 150 yds behind you that means your stand is at least 100 yds from the fence, which I think is plenty fair and polite on your part and should shut up the "well, how close are you" crowd.

I would park my truck exactly where I always have, to heck with them, they are the ones with no manners.

If they had put their stand and feeder farther away from your place and not pointed it right at your stand then I would be inclined out of courtesy to park somewhere else, but thats not the case here it seems, so you owe them no such courtesy.


I'm hoping they'll return my call and that we can have a civil conversation, though I'm not counting on it. I'm going to meet the gamewarden out there and get his opinion, but I'm not sure I'll feel comfortable hunting that part of property at all knowing those guns are pointed at me. The problem, for them, is with what amounts to a 60 acre field with a hill in the corner (we share the hill), they really can't hunt and not be pointing at a neighbor. There isn't a single tree on their property and no trees between them and I.

My second favorite spot is almost a mile from their fence, so I guess I'll be hunting in that stand alot this year.

Posted By: cameron00

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/19/10 07:05 PM

I wouldn't necessarily sweat the number of feeders/blinds. I have 4 blinds and 3 feeders on my 40 acres. I'm the only one that's going to hunt it and I'll take a max of 1 deer per year. I just like having different places to sit, and the feeders aren't all running at once. I rotate which one I'm using.

Posted By: Hoytman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/19/10 09:01 PM

Same as cameron00, i have 47acres and 3 stands and feeders but all stands and feeders face in to the property and property is very thick so no bullets or arrows are gonna cross the property. The only problem is my neighbor and i use that loosley, decided he didnt like my set up and cut my feeder down and bent my stand in two. I left him a little note on the fence that if it happens again i would pay him a visit! Must have worked cause it hasnt happend again. I guess im on both sides nobody is gonna tell me i cant hunt my property but i would have been glad to get a phone call and talk it over. Now my only problem is with my other neighbor and his cows! Wont fix his fences and i guess my food plots look good to his cows.

Posted By: don k

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/19/10 11:11 PM

Sometimes you have to forget all this "Poltical Correctness" crap and get mean.

Posted By: KeithTT

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/20/10 12:20 AM

As far as I would think about the parking your truck there part! It's your property or you have the right's to be there so as long as you don't go on his side then You could have a party there while he is hunting and it shouldn't matter! Which I would recommend-I bet he would find a new spot to hunt then!

Posted By: huntwest

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/21/10 03:56 AM

Originally Posted By: david f
I thought I read that if a bullet crosses a property line that the shooter has broken the law , might have misread but i believe that is correct

That is correct but you must prove the bullet crossed the line. I cannot remeber the exact way the law is worded but will try to find out. A couple of years ago I had this problem but to top it off my house was in direct line of the feeder about 150 yards away. I got the sheriff to make them move the feeder where they were not shooting at my property.
Good luck I have found most GW and Law enforcement people don't know this law even exists. It was passed about 2004 I think.

Posted By: bowhuntr70

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/21/10 04:03 AM

That makes good sense and I don't blame you for being worried about the safety aspect.
Originally Posted By: KennyLee
Originally Posted By: bowhuntr70
MY FENCELINE??? Not trying to be a smart... but how close are you to the fence if you are worried about him shooting at your blind? Is your place big enough to find another spot? I would probably move my set up.

I would call it "the fenceline" if this same neighbor didn't cut "the fence" to let her longhorns and horses into my place after she overgrazed her place. I then got to fix "my fenceline" since we're an open range county and it's my responsibility to keep her animals out (learned all about that law). Of course, I didn't get the longhorns out until after they had destroyed several deer feeders and had eaten about a ton of corn, though she never paid me for any of it. She never admitted to cutting the fence, but it was pretty obvious someone cut it and I definitely didn't have a reason to do so.

My place is plenty big enough to find another spot. Just so happens, that is the best spot. I am close to that fenceline, but my stand is on the side of a hill, looking down into my property. No chance a bullit can cross the fenceline. Now I have a feeder about 150 yards behind me, with a box blind maybe 50 yards on the other side of that feeder.

Again, I'm not worried about the deer they will shoot (though I'm not happy about it), but I am worried about them shooting into my property since I typically hunt alone.

Posted By: bowhuntr70

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/21/10 04:10 AM

YES i am serious. You must be blessed to hunt a big enough place to not be within 300 yards of a fenceline with a shooting lane. I bow/rifle hunt a small piece of land have several spots that are much closer to the fence. I will never shoot my rifle (unless in an elevated stand) in that direction but have no problem shooting my bow. I also know the neighboring landowners and have good relationships with them.
Originally Posted By: tx270
Originally Posted By: bowhuntr70
MY FENCELINE??? Not trying to be a smart... but how close are you to the fence if you are worried about him shooting at your blind? Is your place big enough to find another spot? I would probably move my set up.

Really??!! Are you serious? Doesn't matter if he's 300 ft or 300 yds away, the guy shouldn't have his feeder/shooting lane pointed directly at his stand.

Posted By: USMarine

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/21/10 12:40 PM

LINE. (a) In this section, "firearm" has the meaning assigned by
Section 62.014(a).
(b) A person commits an offense if:
(1) the person, while hunting or engaging in
recreational shooting, knowingly discharges a firearm; and
(2) the projectile from the firearm travels across a
property line.
(c) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that
the person:
(1) owns the property on both sides of each property
line crossed by the projectile; or
(2) has a written agreement with any person who owns
property on either side of each property line crossed by the
projectile that allows the person to discharge a firearm on, over,
or across the property or property line.
(d) The written agreement required under Subsection (c)(2)
(1) contain the name of the person allowed to hunt or
engage in recreational shooting in a manner described by Subsection
(2) identify the property on either side of the
property line crossed by the projectile; and
(3) be signed by any person who owns the property on
either side of the line crossed by the projectile.
(e) An offense under this section is a Class C Parks and
Wildlife Code misdemeanor.
(f) If conduct constituting an offense under this section
constitutes an offense under a section of the Penal Code, the person
may be prosecuted under either section or both sections.

Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., ch. 270, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2005.

Posted By: rifleman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/21/10 12:48 PM

Originally Posted By: don k
Sometimes you have to forget all this "Poltical Correctness" crap and get mean.

works most of the time up

Posted By: COWDOG

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/21/10 01:59 PM

Try and talk to him first...good luck
Set up a camera on the fence line. If he shots a deer and cross into your property without your permission...you got him.

Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/21/10 02:54 PM

Thanks for all the comments guys. Three days, two voicemails left, plus one email I sent, and no reply. We'll see what happens. Some good suggestions though.

I'm a pretty agreeable guy. Of course, I have to actually speak with someone to be agreeable. I'd likely give them permission to come onto my place and look for a downed animal or even give permission to shot a coyote or hog on my side of the fence. I've given such permission to other neighbors.

Of course, before I gave that permission I'd like them to move their feeders so that they're not shooting directly at me. I don't think that's too much to ask.

Posted By: BenBob

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/21/10 03:03 PM

If someone puts their stand on the fenceline looking back into their property, I would have to keep my mouth shut because they can control where their bullet or arrow goes, back into their own property. I might not like it, but at least it is safe. If their blind is off of the fenceline and their feeder is on the fenceline and they will be shooting into my property, then we would have to have a talk.

Posted By: Kory

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/21/10 03:36 PM

I hunt about 100yards from our fence line but the property next to us hasnt been hunted in years. Last year the other property owner lease out the property next to ours. Well these people parked their truck right next to the fence. I didnt say anything at first because they have the right to hunt all of their property and park wherever they wish. It wasnt until my dad caught them posted up with decoys, turkey hunting under my feeder until something was said. Needless to say, they will not be parking there this year and i have permission to shoot a deer on their side of the fence.

Posted By: Seed Man

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/22/10 09:41 PM

Easy Problem to solve:
-Drive up and down fence line during prime hunting times
-put out animal stopper (Deer Stopper) Pick it up at your local garden center/feed store
-Put up alarm devices to scare deer off

I guarantee if you make this individuals hunting total hell, he will move his stand and feeder!

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/22/10 09:43 PM

Feeders in West Texas often are toppled over by the bad west Texas wind!!!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/22/10 10:37 PM

I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/22/10 11:31 PM

99% of the time when feeders are put on the fenceline they are trying to attract deer from the neighboring property because they have either overhunted their own or stacked too many hunters on it.

Can anyone say high fence???

Posted By: don k

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/22/10 11:52 PM

Originally Posted By: txbobcat
Feeders in West Texas often are toppled over by the bad west Texas wind!!!
We get those winds here in Bandera too. We had a neighbor a few years ago leased his place and the hunters put the feeder right on the fence and the stand facing toward the feeder. He had brush behind him so the only place he could shoot would be toward us. Amazing what the wind will do to a feeder when it blows it over. After two wind storms he must have figured it might be wise to move it to a place where the wind might not blow.

Posted By: bossbowman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 03:43 AM

Same thing happened to a place I subleased this summer. The head guy calls me beginning of september all ticked off wondering why their feeders were stolen. I didn't understand until he explained to me where the had placed them... thats right THEY were the ones hunting the fenceline & the neighbor wasn't having any of that and just took the feeders. I didn't know what to tell him, thought they had more sense than that, but they didn't even realize it was a no no to do that. So the moral of the story is, do not hunt your neighbors fenceling or your feeder might walk off.

Posted By: txhunter24

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 04:04 AM

im in your same boat kennylee.

Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 04:50 AM

PSE: Read all of my posts in the this thread and maybe you'll understand why I called it "my fenceline". You'll also see that I don't call them "my deer".

I've now sent two emails and left two voicemails with the property owner, but haven't heard back. I'll give it more time, but ultimately I'll just get the Gamewarden involved.

I definitely won't break any laws or vandalize anything. I've had it done to me too many times to turn around and do so to someone else.

Posted By: Hoytman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 11:08 AM

Kennylee glad your not gonna resort to stealing or knocking down feeders. Get the warden involved. I would not not steal somebodys feeder just because it was close to my fenceline and some of these guys seem to forget its THEIR fence line too.

Posted By: Jimbo

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 11:27 AM

The Gamewarden will tell you there is nothing he can do, until the law has been broken, and then and only then will he act.

They can line up all their feeders and blinds on your fence line and there is nothing you can do about it because it's not your property and the deer don't belong to you.

Vandalizing or stealing from their property, then you are the one in the wrong, and need to be prosecuted.

Also there is a law against interfering with someone's hunt, so deliberate actions to scare the deer is also not legal, and they can also call the GW on you.

High fences are one solution, and talking to them may be another, but if they don't want to listen then it's just something you'll have to live with!

Posted By: stxranchman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 11:39 AM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

If I was your neighbor then this statement might be true..good fences make good neighbors and bad neighbors make high fences. Man if you got enough land to have 4 feeders move off of the fencelines and be a good neighbor. I have never had a problem with someone hunting their property or the deer on it. Your neighbors can not read your mind and know that you are not going to shoot on his property. What do you do when the deer you just shot jumps the fence into the neighbors? Trespass to get it back? Techincally it is half of his fence if he shared the cost of building it and it is on the property line. Try taking down that fence and see how quickly you learn whose fence it is. Both people own up to the fence if it is on the boundry lines. Now if it is on his property then he owns it.

Posted By: Canazes9

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 11:51 AM

Been there done that. Attempted the polite conversation, was told to go screw myself. Called the game warden, he listened, came out and looked the stand over. Said he would go talk to the property owner, but nothing else he could do if he didn't have proof of a bullet crossing the property line.

Final Solution: Built a little junky ground level box blind and placed it directly in the line of fire, right on the fence on my side, immediately behind the feeder. Figured I would have proof of the bullet crossing the property line soon enough... Neighbor finally seemed to understand and moved his feeder and blind - put his blind directly on the fence facing in towards his feeder. I was fine w/ that, problem solved.


Posted By: Stinger13

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 12:50 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

Using the all caps is totally unnecessary. He has a good point, especially regarding safety. Just because your arrow won't go as far as a bullt doesn't make you right. I bow hunt also, but if a gun hunter did that to me, I would feel the same way. I expect you would too. Do you get along with your hunting buddies since you seem to scream so much??

Posted By: texas8point

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 01:04 PM

The first thing I would do is change my attitude.....and I dont mean that in a bad way, but yall are kind of partners now. If what he is doing is legal than yall are going to have to adjust to each other. Talk it out, work it out are yall are going to have a very unproductive deer season and probably end up doing something you shouldn't.

Posted By: Longleaf

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 03:31 PM

Of course - be neighborly, try all "diplomatic", politically correct and COURTEOUS routes to a mutually agreeable solution first.

Then: 1) Park your truck on your property where you always have
2)Relieve yourself near the truck, but not across the property line (free deer deterent).
3) Last but not least (and I wish I had taken pictures because I really saw a guy do this) drag in the entire tin roof of an old chicken house and prop it up with 2x4's on your property near the line! I think it worked because the "other" guy quit leasing the 10 acre open field and moved elsewhere.

There problem solved .... good luck!

Posted By: rstewlandman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 03:45 PM

Originally Posted By: Longleaf
Of course - be neighborly, try all "diplomatic", politically correct and COURTEOUS routes to a mutually agreeable solution first.

Then: 1) Park your truck on your property where you always have
2)Relieve yourself near the truck, but not across the property line (free deer deterent).

I've read where human urine can actually attract Bucks in Rut, you would feel pretty dumb if the Muy Grande came runnin all rutted up to your urine, saw your truck and jumped the fence and then BOOM, neighbor got em.....

Posted By: cameron00

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 04:05 PM

Human urine is barely a deer deterent, if at all. Maybe the first time they encounter it?

I pee out of my blind all the dang time, and I've had deer walk right over it more times than I can remember. Didn't bother them in the least.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 06:01 PM

Originally Posted By: stxranchman
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

If I was your neighbor then this statement might be true..good fences make good neighbors and bad neighbors make high fences. Man if you got enough land to have 4 feeders move off of the fencelines and be a good neighbor. I have never had a problem with someone hunting their property or the deer on it. Your neighbors can not read your mind and know that you are not going to shoot on his property. What do you do when the deer you just shot jumps the fence into the neighbors? Trespass to get it back? Techincally it is half of his fence if he shared the cost of building it and it is on the property line. Try taking down that fence and see how quickly you learn whose fence it is. Both people own up to the fence if it is on the boundry lines. Now if it is on his property then he owns it.

This lease has just over 150 acres. If the other land owner wants to come put a stand up overlookin MY feeder, man come do it. Maybe we will be hunting it the sameday he shoots the next record buck!! I will clean the dang thing for him!! If my arrow goes into a deer and it jumps the fence into his property, I WILL call and let him know I am going to retrieve my deer. The reason the feeder is there is because of how rocky it is. They are just as welcome to hunt my feeder on the fenceline as I am.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 06:02 PM

Originally Posted By: stinger13
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!


Using the all caps is totally unnecessary. He has a good point, especially regarding safety. Just because your arrow won't go as far as a bullt doesn't make you right. I bow hunt also, but if a gun hunter did that to me, I would feel the same way. I expect you would too. Do you get along with your hunting buddies since you seem to scream so much??

Posted By: stxranchman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 06:05 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: stxranchman
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

If I was your neighbor then this statement might be true..good fences make good neighbors and bad neighbors make high fences. Man if you got enough land to have 4 feeders move off of the fencelines and be a good neighbor. I have never had a problem with someone hunting their property or the deer on it. Your neighbors can not read your mind and know that you are not going to shoot on his property. What do you do when the deer you just shot jumps the fence into the neighbors? Trespass to get it back? Techincally it is half of his fence if he shared the cost of building it and it is on the property line. Try taking down that fence and see how quickly you learn whose fence it is. Both people own up to the fence if it is on the boundry lines. Now if it is on his property then he owns it.

This lease has just over 150 acres. If the other land owner wants to come put a stand up overlookin MY feeder, man come do it. Maybe we will be hunting it the sameday he shoots the next record buck!! I will clean the dang thing for him!! If my arrow goes into a deer and it jumps the fence into his property, I WILL call and let him know I am going to retrieve my deer. The reason the feeder is there is because of how rocky it is. They are just as welcome to hunt my feeder on the fenceline as I am.

"I WILL call and let him know I am going to retrieve my deer"..and you will be trespassing if he said no. He does not have to give you the right to retrieve your deer just because you shot in on your side.

Posted By: Stinger13

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 06:14 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: stinger13
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!


Using the all caps is totally unnecessary. He has a good point, especially regarding safety. Just because your arrow won't go as far as a bullt doesn't make you right. I bow hunt also, but if a gun hunter did that to me, I would feel the same way. I expect you would too. Do you get along with your hunting buddies since you seem to scream so much??

Look in the mirror....

Posted By: BOBO the Clown

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 06:26 PM

just something to think about... Fence lines are often not the true property boundry... I've seen fences be 30 yards off the property line.

Another thing Property owners don't tend to like being the bad neighbor, their neighbors will be there a lot longer then the leasor.

I've seen two ajoining property owners both kicker their leasors off because the leasor's of the two properties couldn't get along.

Posted By: Texas Proud

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 06:32 PM

A couple possibilities:

Have a buddy buy the property from them and you buy it from him!!

Put up a high fence!!

Add a few trail cameras to catch the fence cutter!!

Sell the property and buy a bigger piece and high fence it!!

I can understand the problems you're dealing w/ and I'd be very upset also. If authorities won't help when there is a law broken then it is up to the landowner to do what he must do.

I'd also make every possible action to get in touch w/ the landowner.....like you have. It is up to the GW and sheriff to see what could be a safety threat to you. If that fails...... then it maybe necessary to take action into your own hands!!

No use in driving the fence, because taht could be used against you. Maybe clear-cut the area 1 week before season!! That's not illegal.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 06:47 PM

Originally Posted By: stxranchman
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: stxranchman
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

If I was your neighbor then this statement might be true..good fences make good neighbors and bad neighbors make high fences. Man if you got enough land to have 4 feeders move off of the fencelines and be a good neighbor. I have never had a problem with someone hunting their property or the deer on it. Your neighbors can not read your mind and know that you are not going to shoot on his property. What do you do when the deer you just shot jumps the fence into the neighbors? Trespass to get it back? Techincally it is half of his fence if he shared the cost of building it and it is on the property line. Try taking down that fence and see how quickly you learn whose fence it is. Both people own up to the fence if it is on the boundry lines. Now if it is on his property then he owns it.

This lease has just over 150 acres. If the other land owner wants to come put a stand up overlookin MY feeder, man come do it. Maybe we will be hunting it the sameday he shoots the next record buck!! I will clean the dang thing for him!! If my arrow goes into a deer and it jumps the fence into his property, I WILL call and let him know I am going to retrieve my deer. The reason the feeder is there is because of how rocky it is. They are just as welcome to hunt my feeder on the fenceline as I am.

"I WILL call and let him know I am going to retrieve my deer"..and you will be trespassing if he said no. He does not have to give you the right to retrieve your deer just because you shot in on your side.


Posted By: stxranchman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 06:55 PM

PSE -Never said you could not put a feeder on your side of the fence. But what I did say is that you do not have the right to trespass to get a deer you wounded. It is not your property when he jumps the fence. The owner does not have to give you permission to retrieve a wounded animal even if you call him. If you go without his permission then you are subject to trespass violations no matter how much you shout at your computer screen or bold type it. Sorry, it is the law. Read slower and you will see what I meant and what I wrote. Don't get all offensive when I said you are within your rights to do on your side what you want too. I agree with you. But the neighbor does not have to let you trespass.

Posted By: Texas Proud

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 06:59 PM

I've heard from guys that have shot a good buck cross a fence and the landowner declined entry. They went and found the buck and kept it for themselves. Was very interesting to hear some folks would take/ claim another man's kill, but it happens.

I lost a buck to an adult when I was 14yrs old because I didn't get to it in time. He was proud of it. I was ticked off, but it was public property.

Posted By: txhunter24

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 07:00 PM

PSE if you put a feeder pen attached to our mutual fence I would park a blind right behind your feeder on MY side of the fence, and say thanks for the free feed and be careful not to shoot me. up would you move your feeder then?

Posted By: stxranchman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 07:02 PM

Originally Posted By: Texas Proud
I've heard from guys that have shot a good buck cross a fence and the landowner declined entry. They went and found the buck and kept it for themselves. Was very interesting to hear some folks would take/ claim another man's kill, but it happens.

I lost a buck to an adult when I was 14yrs old because I didn't get to it in time. He was proud of it. I was ticked off, but it was public property.

Most people would let you if you asked them to. But if the neighbors is ticked because you are hunting on "his" fenceline I have seen it happen that they denied them entry to retrieve a deer. Sad but true.

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 07:03 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

I think you need to go back and read the thread again before going any further.

The OP has stated he's made numerous attempts to talk to the other hunters, all of which have gone unreturned. And the issue isn't whether it's the OP's fence line and deer, but a matter of common decency and safety as he has guns pointed right at his stand as a result of the other hunters' setup.

Posted By: texasd

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 07:10 PM

Originally Posted By: BOBO the Clown
just something to think about... Fence lines are often not the true property boundry... I've seen fences be 30 yards off the property line.

true, but depending how long the fence has been there, the property boundry will change.... spent some time in court fighting this one twice....

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 07:33 PM

Originally Posted By: txhunter24
PSE if you put a feeder pen attached to our mutual fence I would park a blind right behind your feeder on MY side of the fence, and say thanks for the free feed and be careful not to shoot me. up would you move your feeder then?

Nope like I said if you shoot the next world record buck as it is on the way to the feeder I will high five you and clean the dang thing for you! Congrats to you!! Let's have a beer!!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 07:53 PM

Lets put it this way.
1: One of my feeders, sits right on the fence.

2: You are more than welcome to hunt it as I do and we can share a beer after the hunt.

3: My trail cam is on one of the post on the fence line. You are more than welcome to take pictures off it at any time. Just don't erase them, so I can look at them.

4: If you see deer comming into one of my other feeders on the place and want to vedio them or just watch them up close, go sit in my blind, just don't mess anything up!!

I am easy going and I will give you my shirt off my back any time. Just because I am fishing on a bank and you come in next to me and catch the next world record bass, I just want a picture!! Congrats to you!! It is all WILD-life! You do not own them, you can not control them! People that complain about stuff like this, is why the price of hunting is the way it is!!!

Posted By: MELackey

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 08:00 PM

I'm a little amazed that there are 3 pages of folks saying to park the truck right by the feeder in the path of a bullet. Seems to me that might make for a long walk back to camp...

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 08:02 PM

PSE....it's sad to say but guys like you that puT feeders on the border fence is what causes a lot of high fences. There is no other reason for it to be there unless you don't have any deer on your property and are hoping for neighboring deer to jump over for a shot...

The way it sounds every shot you take is at the neighbors property.

Posted By: rifleman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 08:08 PM

Originally Posted By: BOBO the Clown
just something to think about... Fence lines are often not the true property boundry... I've seen fences be 30 yards off the property line.

Another thing Property owners don't tend to like being the bad neighbor, their neighbors will be there a lot longer then the leasor.

I've seen two ajoining property owners both kicker their leasors off because the leasor's of the two properties couldn't get along.

The best dispute I've ever heard involved a leasor and the landowner of the land the guy's lease bordered and I remember the little argument ended with..."son, guess you're not aware the tract of land you're leasing goes on the market in a few months...might want to get your things moved out while it's still cool"

Posted By: Ed Lingenfelter

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 08:19 PM

Originally Posted By: david f
I thought I read that if a bullet crosses a property line that the shooter has broken the law , might have misread but i believe that is correct

You are correct you cannot shoot across a property line.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 08:23 PM

Originally Posted By: txbobcat
PSE....it's sad to say but guys like you that puT feeders on the border fence is what causes a lot of high fences. There is no other reason for it to be there unless you don't have any deer on your property and are hoping for neighboring deer to jump over for a shot...

The way it sounds every shot you take is at the neighbors property.



Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 09:07 PM

Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

I think you need to go back and read the thread again before going any further.

The OP has stated he's made numerous attempts to talk to the other hunters, all of which have gone unreturned. And the issue isn't whether it's the OP's fence line and deer, but a matter of common decency and safety as he has guns pointed right at his stand as a result of the other hunters' setup.

HillBillyDeluxe, thank you for your reading comprehension.

My only real concern is for my own personal safety and the safety of others who may be on my property. From two of these stands, there is almost no possible way a shot can be fired and not cross my fenceline if fired towards their feeders. Only a shot fired very low or a shot contained within the body of whatever animal is hit/killed (most of mine have exit wounds) won't make it across my fence.

I hunt alone 90% of the time. My place is 50 miles from my house and I typically drive out there, hunt all day, then drive back home at night. I prefer hunting out of tripods, so I'm sitting up in the air very exposed. An errant shot could hit me, wound me, and I could be sitting there for quite some time before anyone would know that something happened.

Worse than that, it could happen to one of my family members.

I wish others would do as you have done and read all of my posts before making an opinion about my concerns.

Thank you, again, for doing so.

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 09:40 PM

^^^^^no problema KennyLee

Figured someone who's so vocal about hating stupid would have a different stance about the safety of others, unless he really didn't read the thread.

Posted By: hoof n wings

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 10:22 PM




Posted By: wellingtontx

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/23/10 10:27 PM

Park where you normally park and let him deal with your truck. If it ends up with a bullet hole in it, perfect evidence that he violated the law by letting a bullet cross the fence.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:09 AM

Originally Posted By: KennyLee
Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

I think you need to go back and read the thread again before going any further.

The OP has stated he's made numerous attempts to talk to the other hunters, all of which have gone unreturned. And the issue isn't whether it's the OP's fence line and deer, but a matter of common decency and safety as he has guns pointed right at his stand as a result of the other hunters' setup.

HillBillyDeluxe, thank you for your reading comprehension.

My only real concern is for my own personal safety and the safety of others who may be on my property. From two of these stands, there is almost no possible way a shot can be fired and not cross my fenceline if fired towards their feeders. Only a shot fired very low or a shot contained within the body of whatever animal is hit/killed (most of mine have exit wounds) won't make it across my fence.

I hunt alone 90% of the time. My place is 50 miles from my house and I typically drive out there, hunt all day, then drive back home at night. I prefer hunting out of tripods, so I'm sitting up in the air very exposed. An errant shot could hit me, wound me, and I could be sitting there for quite some time before anyone would know that something happened.

Worse than that, it could happen to one of my family members.

I wish others would do as you have done and read all of my posts before making an opinion about my concerns.

Thank you, again, for doing so.

Realy? You are worried about your safety? You could trip and fall on your way to your stand and it would be the same amout of time for someone to find you. Your own gun could go off and hit you and it would take the same amount of time for someone to find you. You could shoot a deer and the bullet come out on your "exit wound" hit a rock and come back and hit you and it would take the same amount of time for someone to find you. What was it 2 years ago a lady was hit at Texas Motor Speedway from a bullet shot from a 50 cal, that was shot from over a mile away? And you want to through up that you are worried about your safety! Realy, you are going out into the "wild" where anything could happen and you are worried? I HATE STUPID!!

Posted By: cameron00

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:11 AM

Concern over someone shooting across your fenceline isn't stupid by any stretch of the imagination.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:14 AM

Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
^^^^^no problema KennyLee

Figured someone who's so vocal about hating stupid would have a different stance about the safety of others, unless he really didn't read the thread.



Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:16 AM

Originally Posted By: cameron00
Concern over someone shooting across your fenceline isn't stupid by any stretch of the imagination.

I agree with that!!! Well said!!

Just because someone puts a feeder up on a fence does not make them the culprit if a stray bullet hits anything. You are putting yourself in the situation for an acident if you go hunting!!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:20 AM

Originally Posted By: stinger13
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: stinger13
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!


Using the all caps is totally unnecessary. He has a good point, especially regarding safety. Just because your arrow won't go as far as a bullt doesn't make you right. I bow hunt also, but if a gun hunter did that to me, I would feel the same way. I expect you would too. Do you get along with your hunting buddies since you seem to scream so much??

Look in the mirror....

What if what if what if? You want to put everyone that puts a feeder on a fence line into the same boat? You probably voted for obama too didn't you!! STUPID!!!

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:24 AM

This guy really is mad that he has to put his feeder on the fenceline because his property doesnt hold any deer...!!! lol

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:27 AM

Originally Posted By: txbobcat
This guy really is mad that he has to put his feeder on the fenceline because his property doesnt hold any deer...!!! lol


Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:28 AM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: txbobcat
This guy really is mad that he has to put his feeder on the fenceline because his property doesnt hold any deer...!!! lol


Thats what I figured. Otherwise your feeders would be towards the interior of your property hunting the deer on your property!

Posted By: Justin T

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:31 AM

LOL. This guy is a prank...right?

Posted By: dawaba

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:31 AM

Is it a coincidence, or not, that lightning in Texas seems to preferentially strike feeders and stands that are set up within 100 yds of fencelines?

Gale-force winds seem too sweep through those areas too.

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:33 AM

Originally Posted By: dawaba
Is it a coincidence, or not, that lightning in Texas seems to preferentially strike feeders and stands that are set up within 100 yds of fencelines?

Gale-force winds seem too sweep through those areas too.

Sometimes the timers on the bottom seam to internally combust and blow up as well!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:34 AM

Originally Posted By: Justin T
LOL. This guy is a prank...right?


Posted By: cameron00

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:43 AM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: cameron00
Concern over someone shooting across your fenceline isn't stupid by any stretch of the imagination.

I agree with that!!! Well said!!

Just because someone puts a feeder up on a fence does not make them the culprit if a stray bullet hits anything. You are putting yourself in the situation for an acident if you go hunting!!

If it hits something on the other side of the fence from their property, yes, it does in fact.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:52 AM

Originally Posted By: txbobcat
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: txbobcat
This guy really is mad that he has to put his feeder on the fenceline because his property doesnt hold any deer...!!! lol


Thats what I figured. Otherwise your feeders would be towards the interior of your property hunting the deer on your property!

So how far on "my" side of the fence does a deer have to be for it to be concidered ok to shoot? STUPID!!

Posted By: Cborden

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:01 AM

PSE it looks to me like you want to argue for the sake of arguing.. And to everyone else that is complaining about fencelines..You know that if you take a shot towards someone elses property that there is a chance of someone being there..This arguement is for mainly people that hunt small acreage..Be respectful of your neighbors and hopefully they will do the same..

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:08 AM

Originally Posted By: Cborden
PSE it looks to me like you want to argue for the sake of arguing.. And to everyone else that is complaining about fencelines..You know that if you take a shot towards someone elses property that there is a chance of someone being there..This arguement is for mainly people that hunt small acreage..Be respectful of your neighbors and hopefully they will do the same..

They don't get it Cborden!! They spend lots of money on these thousands of acres and think they own the whole herd!!! Even when one guy puts a feeder within sight of there property you are stilling their deer!! This thread is old and causing me to get sleepy time to move on!!!

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:19 AM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: txbobcat
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: txbobcat
This guy really is mad that he has to put his feeder on the fenceline because his property doesnt hold any deer...!!! lol


Thats what I figured. Otherwise your feeders would be towards the interior of your property hunting the deer on your property!

So how far on "my" side of the fence does a deer have to be for it to be concidered ok to shoot? STUPID!!

You proved my point for me....you are sitting and waiting for something to jump the fence....His side is overhunted with no resident deer so he is praying something ventures over for the corn! Must be a fun place to hunt...

Posted By: hoof n wings

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:24 AM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

They don't get it Cborden!! They spend lots of money on these thousands of acres and think they own the whole herd!!! Even when one guy puts a feeder within sight of there property you are stilling their deer!! This thread is old and causing me to get sleepy time to move on!!!

Now the deer are drunk! rofl

Posted By: Stinger13

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:37 AM

Using the all caps is totally unnecessary. He has a good point, especially regarding safety. Just because your arrow won't go as far as a bullt doesn't make you right. I bow hunt also, but if a gun hunter did that to me, I would feel the same way. I expect you would too. Do you get along with your hunting buddies since you seem to scream so much?? [/quote] [/quote]

Look in the mirror.... [/quote]

What if what if what if? You want to put everyone that puts a feeder on a fence line into the same boat? You probably voted for obama too didn't you!! STUPID!!! [/quote]

Let me see...your 13th birthday must be coming up soon and your hormones are ragin! Grow up and go to your room and do your homework. STUPID!!!!

Posted By: Stinger13

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:39 AM

Originally Posted By: Justin T
LOL. This guy is a prank...right?

He's just a troll...

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:46 AM


Thats what I figured. Otherwise your feeders would be towards the interior of your property hunting the deer on your property! [/quote]

So how far on "my" side of the fence does a deer have to be for it to be concidered ok to shoot? STUPID!! [/quote]

You proved my point for me....you are sitting and waiting for something to jump the fence....His side is overhunted with no resident deer so he is praying something ventures over for the corn! Must be a fun place to hunt... [/quote]

Why does the deer have to come from your place to mine?? What if by some grace of God a deer traveled from my place to yours??? I know you think you are the only one that has deer and everyone wants what you have!!! STUPID!!!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:46 AM

Why does the deer have to come from your place to mine?? What if by some grace of God a deer traveled from my place to yours??? I know you think you are the only one that has deer and everyone wants what you have!!! STUPID!!!

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:48 AM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Why does the deer have to come from your place to mine?? What if by some grace of God a deer traveled from my place to yours??? I know you think you are the only one that has deer and everyone wants what you have!!! STUPID!!!

There isnt any deer on your place if you are having to hunt the fencline!!! lizard

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:51 AM

Originally Posted By: stinger13

Let me see...your 13th birthday must be coming up soon and your hormones are ragin! Grow up and go to your room and do your homework. STUPID!!!!

oh now you mad me mad!! well my dad is stronger than your dad!! STUPID!!!

So let me get this right, if you own say 30 acres and it is 100 yards deep and 1/4 mile long you can't hunt it?? STUPID!!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:52 AM

Originally Posted By: txbobcat
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Why does the deer have to come from your place to mine?? What if by some grace of God a deer traveled from my place to yours??? I know you think you are the only one that has deer and everyone wants what you have!!! STUPID!!!

There isnt any deer on your place if you are having to hunt the fencline!!! lizard

Now come on, what happened to being friends??

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 02:23 AM

Middle of property cam pic.

Fence line cam pic.

Nough said. Maybe he will go from the middle of my place to the fence line and someone next door can shoot him!!! STUPID!!!

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 02:42 AM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
^^^^^no problema KennyLee

Figured someone who's so vocal about hating stupid would have a different stance about the safety of others, unless he really didn't read the thread.



The post wasn't about you or your bow, as much as you seem to think everything is about you. It was about the OP's situation which causes a huge safety concern.

What don't you understand?

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 02:54 AM

Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
^^^^^no problema KennyLee

Figured someone who's so vocal about hating stupid would have a different stance about the safety of others, unless he really didn't read the thread.



The post wasn't about you or your bow, as much as you seem to think everything is about you. It was about the OP's situation which causes a huge safety concern.

What don't you understand?

Yes, the original post was about him being worried about his safety with the feeder being put on the fence line. He has not talked to him. He can't get him on the phone, so leave him a note at his feeder. Just talk to him, and if he shoots over the fence he is STUPID!! But saying that people that put feeders up on fences are just trying to get deer off your place is STUPID!! See the pics above.

Posted By: grout-scout

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 03:01 AM

PSE, you are acting like a non spelling ignorant idiot, seriously man don't call other people stupid if you can't even spell words properly! I'm not sure too many people on this forum would shoot that little piss buck, but now one of those fat tasty black cows might be another story. They obviously like your corn too.

Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 11:13 AM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
^^^^^no problema KennyLee

Figured someone who's so vocal about hating stupid would have a different stance about the safety of others, unless he really didn't read the thread.



The post wasn't about you or your bow, as much as you seem to think everything is about you. It was about the OP's situation which causes a huge safety concern.

What don't you understand?

Yes, the original post was about him being worried about his safety with the feeder being put on the fence line. He has not talked to him. He can't get him on the phone, so leave him a note at his feeder. Just talk to him, and if he shoots over the fence he is STUPID!! But saying that people that put feeders up on fences are just trying to get deer off your place is STUPID!! See the pics above.

If I cross that fenceline to put a note on his feeder, then I am breaking the law. I won't do that.

The majority of the people who visit this forum come here to get information and learn. Part of the reason for my original post was to vent, obviously. The other reason was for education and hope that people would put a little more thought into their hunting set-up. I put a great deal of thought into each of mine and always have. Yes, being out in the woods is dangerous no matter what you do, but there are ways to limit risk. I like to limit my risk when it comes to my hobbies. Frankly, I have a better chance of getting injured driving to my property than I do once I'm actually on it.

Why you feel compelled to come try and ruin what is otherwise a pretty informative thread is beyond me. It is people like you that give our sport a bad name. You believe you are smarter than the rest of us which can be a grave mistake. I assume you're still a little wet behind the ears. We were all a bit dumber when we were younger.

I have had two friends die in hunting accidents. I have a family that 100% depends on me for everything in their lives. I have enough stress in my life that the chance of a heart attack is much greater than getting shot out of a stand. Why don't you come walk a mile in my shoes before you start questioning why I'm concerned with a neighbor shooting into my property. I have family, clients, employees, and others who use my property at various times. Being the caretaker of that property, I feel responsible for anyone who goes out there. Why someone like you would question that is beyond me.

Now, do us all a favor, and just go away. I pray that your hunting will be safe and productive.

Posted By: Texas Dan

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 11:46 AM

We have a small group of hunters in our area who are notorious for placing stands and feeders right next to the property line. Even when hunting the nearby National Forest, I have known them to place a portable blind near the property line that borders a private lease. It's as if they believe the grass must always be greener on the other side of the fence.

As I have said in other posts, I don't see a problem when someone places a stand near a property line and there is good habitat and cover on their side of the fence. In such cases, the hunter is simply trying to leverage all the "huntable" habitat on their land. But when someone places a stand and feeder in an open pasture and near a fence where their neighbor has all the cover and habitat on the other side, I have a problem. In these cases, it's obvious the person is trying to pull deer off their neighbor's land. Granted, the deer don't belong to the neighbor. But it serves as another example where what is legal, is clearly not ethical.

Picking such an area to make a noisey squirrel hunt or to clear fence brush with a chain saw on Opening Day can send a very clear message. I can also atest that they make good places for gut piles that create strong odors while also attracting predators.

Posted By: stxranchman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:07 PM

If I cross that fenceline to put a note on his feeder, then I am breaking the law. I won't do that.

The majority of the people who visit this forum come here to get information and learn. Part of the reason for my original post was to vent, obviously. The other reason was for education and hope that people would put a little more thought into their hunting set-up. I put a great deal of thought into each of mine and always have. Yes, being out in the woods is dangerous no matter what you do, but there are ways to limit risk. I like to limit my risk when it comes to my hobbies. Frankly, I have a better chance of getting injured driving to my property than I do once I'm actually on it.

Why you feel compelled to come try and ruin what is otherwise a pretty informative thread is beyond me. It is people like you that give our sport a bad name. You believe you are smarter than the rest of us which can be a grave mistake. I assume you're still a little wet behind the ears. We were all a bit dumber when we were younger.

I have had two friends die in hunting accidents. I have a family that 100% depends on me for everything in their lives. I have enough stress in my life that the chance of a heart attack is much greater than getting shot out of a stand. Why don't you come walk a mile in my shoes before you start questioning why I'm concerned with a neighbor shooting into my property. I have family, clients, employees, and others who use my property at various times. Being the caretaker of that property, I feel responsible for anyone who goes out there. Why someone like you would question that is beyond me.

Now, do us all a favor, and just go away. I pray that your hunting will be safe and productive.

up Well said KennyLee..but he probably won't be able read all of it before he gets on a rant about himself again. confused2

Posted By: Texas Dan

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 12:23 PM

Originally Posted By: stxranchman
If I cross that fenceline to put a note on his feeder, then I am breaking the law. I won't do that.

There is no need to cross the fence. Simply adding a well-placed posted sign that includes reference to the prosecution of trespassers should be just as effective as leaving a note on the stand or feeder.

Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:06 PM

Enough with the "stupid" related posts and no more name calling. Keep it related to the original post topic.

Posted By: txhunter24

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/24/10 01:12 PM

Originally Posted By: Sniper John
Enough with the "stupid" related posts and no more name calling. Keep it related to the original post topic.

I agree. We are all adults here. Arent we?

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/26/10 02:21 AM

Look, we are all Men and we all love hunting! The original post stated that someone put a stan and a feeder on a fence line and was in such a way that they would be shooting at one of their stands. Is your stand that close to the fence as well? I don't, all I was saying was to talk to the guy. Later in the post you said you have tried, that is all you can do. Go on about your buisiness as you always have. Park in the same spot do you same old same old. You have done all you can.

Now for all the fence line hunter haters! Just because someone put a feeder on a fence line does not mean they are trying to still your deer. We own 30 acers that is long and narrow. You are saying that we can not put a feeder up on it and hunt it. Man what ever tickels your fancy!! If you can't be grateful that someone is helping feed the wildlife then you have alot of growing up to do man!! More power to you I will continue to hunt my way and you can hunt yours!!

Posted By: grout-scout

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/26/10 03:10 AM

I think it really boils down to ethics and respect for your neighbor. Most people just find it disrespectful to put a feeder that close and some people spend thousands of dollars on protein and corn. You might think it is a waste of money and it might be, but when a person sees a feeder that close to a fence line they are going to automatically think that person is going to shoot what ever crosses the fence. Obviously you don't see it that way. Remember though that is what causes people to get high fenced out, what will you hunt if you get high fenced? 30 acres can't sustain that many deer for long. I just think people/neighbors need to respect each other and give a little breather room.

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/26/10 03:17 AM

Originally Posted By: grout-scout
I think it really boils down to ethics and respect for your neighbor. Most people just find it disrespectful to put a feeder that close and some people spend thousands of dollars on protein and corn. You might think it is a waste of money and it might be, but when a person sees a feeder that close to a fence line they are going to automatically think that person is going to shoot what ever crosses the fence. Obviously you don't see it that way. Remember though that is what causes people to get high fenced out, what will you hunt if you get high fenced? 30 acres can't sustain that many deer for long. I just think people/neighbors need to respect each other and give a little breather room.


Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/26/10 06:05 PM

Originally Posted By: grout-scout
I think it really boils down to ethics and respect for your neighbor. Most people just find it disrespectful to put a feeder that close and some people spend thousands of dollars on protein and corn. You might think it is a waste of money and it might be, but when a person sees a feeder that close to a fence line they are going to automatically think that person is going to shoot what ever crosses the fence. Obviously you don't see it that way. Remember though that is what causes people to get high fenced out, what will you hunt if you get high fenced? 30 acres can't sustain that many deer for long. I just think people/neighbors need to respect each other and give a little breather room.

I TOTALY agree with you there. And that is what I am trying to get at. It has always been, "If I can see a feeder it is too close" to the fence line. It is not that way, all the time!! For instance, the feeder that I have on the fence line is set right off a creek where three draws come together, they come together on my place. The area in this part of the county is primaraly open land with thick brush on creeks and fence lines. So the deer will travel the tree lines, Like I said the three draws come together on my place. So how is that trying to get deer to come to my side. It is not all about me, there are plenty of other people like me that puts feeders up to help keep deer in or around one spot. If you see a feeder close to a fence think of how it can help you!!

Posted By: Texas Dan

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/26/10 08:56 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
And that is what I am trying to get at. It has always been, "If I can see a feeder it is too close" to the fence line. It is not that way, all the time!! For instance, the feeder that I have on the fence line is set right off a creek where three draws come together, they come together on my place. The area in this part of the county is primaraly open land with thick brush on creeks and fence lines. So the deer will travel the tree lines, Like I said the three draws come together on my place. So how is that trying to get deer to come to my side. It is not all about me, there are plenty of other people like me that puts feeders up to help keep deer in or around one spot. If you see a feeder close to a fence think of how it can help you!!

I agree.

I have a stand near a fence corner of a tract that I hunt where it borders three other tracts. Two of these adjacent tracks are open pasture, and the other is thick brush that isn't hunted. The two open tracts are split by a brushy fence line that intersects the corner. This brushy fence line creates a natural travel route for deer moving into or away from the tract that I hunt with all its feeding and bedding areas. In fact, it works so well as a travel funnel, I've never seen the need to use a feeder. If the natural food sources, habitat, and cover are on my side of the fence and not the other, I'm going to hunt them, even if it means getting close to a fence. And if they're not, I'm going to respect my neighbor who has them.

IMO, it's kind of like fishing at the lake. If you see someone who has a good spot and you don't, do you go throw your hook right next to his just because you can? But then, I guess there will always be those who feel the best place to put a trotline, is wherever that see one put there by someone else.

Posted By: RangerRick

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/28/10 09:11 PM

I think there are guys on here that do not shoot across fences for their personal reasons and there are guys who do not, and then there are guys who do,, but act like they dont by not saying anything here....a long hard year, your in a AR rules county, Mr. Nocturnal 20" inside drop tine buck shows up and stands just the other side of the wire.No ones around.....no one....just Mr Drop tine ..the lights starting to fade...its a Tuesday evening middle of season everyone's at home or working..they live hundreds of miles away...

I would love to have a camera(oh and these days with the tech they have now folks are using cameras so folks had better behave and be legal, we used them when we had trespassers..even caught one guy riding atv through) there to see who would shoot and step and who wouldn't. Legalities be darned were talking about the presence or lack of simple solid character here.

Posted By: smackindoes

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/28/10 09:15 PM

pee in his corn........

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 04:09 PM

Originally Posted By: RangerRick
I think there are guys on here that do not shoot across fences for their personal reasons and there are guys who do not, and then there are guys who do,, but act like they dont by not saying anything here....a long hard year, your in a AR rules county, Mr. Nocturnal 20" inside drop tine buck shows up and stands just the other side of the wire.No ones around.....no one....just Mr Drop tine ..the lights starting to fade...its a Tuesday evening middle of season everyone's at home or working..they live hundreds of miles away...

I would love to have a camera(oh and these days with the tech they have now folks are using cameras so folks had better behave and be legal, we used them when we had trespassers..even caught one guy riding atv through) there to see who would shoot and step and who wouldn't. Legalities be darned were talking about the presence or lack of simple solid character here.

Yes, very true!! There are people that will, and will not, shoot across a fence. I for one WILL NOT shoot across a fence. If the good Lord sees that I am to take that deer he will let him jump the fence. Untill he jumps the fence I will just admire him and pray that he jumps the fence with enough light for me to get a shot at him! This whole thread has become a pissing match between KennyLee and myself. He does not understand that just because he can see a feeder from his side of the fence that someone is not trying to "steel" his deer. He wants to look at the negative and not the possitive. Look at how it is helping you!

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 04:18 PM

PSE you cant shoot anything under your fencline feeder with your bow without the arrow going through onto the neighbors property. And possibly shooting one of those cows!

Anyway feeders on the fence as close to yours makes me sick. I would save up my $$$ and high fence you out if you were my neighbor and wouldnt move that feeder.

Also Im sure that buck is at your feeder in the middle of the night because all of that corn is still on the ground from nothing coming in during the day. They wander over at night to clean it up.

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 04:30 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
This whole thread has become a pissing match between KennyLee and myself. He does not understand that just because he can see a feeder from his side of the fence that someone is not trying to "steel" his deer. He wants to look at the negative and not the possitive. Look at how it is helping you!

Wrong.....this thread started because of a very valid safety concern of the OP. YOU injected yourself into a discussion that had nothing to do with you and turned it into a childish mudfest.

Go back and read the first post.....you won't find your name or anything having to do with you anywhere or any mention of stealing deer. That was all you.

Posted By: txhunter24

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 04:32 PM

Thats right this was about safety, not stealing deer.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:10 PM

Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
This whole thread has become a pissing match between KennyLee and myself. He does not understand that just because he can see a feeder from his side of the fence that someone is not trying to "steel" his deer. He wants to look at the negative and not the possitive. Look at how it is helping you!

Wrong.....this thread started because of a very valid safety concern of the OP. YOU injected yourself into a discussion that had nothing to do with you and turned it into a childish mudfest.

Go back and read the first post.....you won't find your name or anything having to do with you anywhere or any mention of stealing deer. That was all you.

Did you miss the part where it said HAS BECOME?

Posted By: txhunter24

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:16 PM

yes... grin

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:20 PM

Originally Posted By: txbobcat
PSE you cant shoot anything under your fencline feeder with your bow without the arrow going through onto the neighbors property. And possibly shooting one of those cows!

Anyway feeders on the fence as close to yours makes me sick. I would save up my $$$ and high fence you out if you were my neighbor and wouldnt move that feeder.

Also Im sure that buck is at your feeder in the middle of the night because all of that corn is still on the ground from nothing coming in during the day. They wander over at night to clean it up.

I would have thought that an EXPERT hunter, such as yourself, would realize that the reason I have a feeder pen around my feeder would be to keep those cows from my feeder. So that would mean that those cows are on my place. So let me spell it out to you. The camera is facing my place! So even if it hits one of the cows I would not be worried! So fence me off, I realy could care less because where this feeder is you would be fencing off YOURSELF because of how the land lays!! See on the otherside of the fence is a feild! So the deer travel down MYSIDE of the fence! Why people like you can't understand why a feeder on the fenceline can help you, I will never know!! What about my dad's land that he owns that is just 30 acers? Long and narrow. We can't put a feeder up on it and hunt it because nomatter where you put the feeder it would be 50 yards or so from a fenceline?

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:21 PM

Originally Posted By: txhunter24
yes... grin

By the way, like your signature!! James 1:17!!

Makes my post saying if God wants me to take the deer he will see it jumps the fence with enough shooting lite to take him!

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:22 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
This whole thread has become a pissing match between KennyLee and myself. He does not understand that just because he can see a feeder from his side of the fence that someone is not trying to "steel" his deer. He wants to look at the negative and not the possitive. Look at how it is helping you!

Wrong.....this thread started because of a very valid safety concern of the OP. YOU injected yourself into a discussion that had nothing to do with you and turned it into a childish mudfest.

Go back and read the first post.....you won't find your name or anything having to do with you anywhere or any mention of stealing deer. That was all you.

Did you miss the part where it said HAS BECOME?

Didn't miss it at all....and like I said, it has become that because you injected yourself into something that had nothing to do with you and started making baseless accusations when the thread was about a serious safety concern.

Show me where the OP said anything.....just one thing about someone stealing "his" deer. That was never the subject, period.

Posted By: Justin T

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:23 PM

PSE, this is not a "my" deer issue, it is a safety issue. Not hard to comprehend man. No one wants people shooting towards them while they are hunting. How you you feel if you were hunting your fenceline, your neighbor was hunting his, a 150" buck steps between you on his side, and he takes a shot at it. You are in his line of site. That's what I thought....

Posted By: Cborden

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:40 PM


Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:51 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

I bring to you my fist post!

I believe it says in there, Have you talked to the guy?!! Also, think of it as another feeder you do not have to take care of!!

So what are you getting at? Maybe you need to go back and reread the post!!

Posted By: rifleman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:55 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
So even if it hits one of the cows I would not be worried!

would probably think differently if it was the neighbor who shot one and it was valued between $5000-$50,000.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:57 PM

Originally Posted By: stxranchman
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

If I was your neighbor then this statement might be true..good fences make good neighbors and bad neighbors make high fences. Man if you got enough land to have 4 feeders move off of the fencelines and be a good neighbor. I have never had a problem with someone hunting their property or the deer on it. Your neighbors can not read your mind and know that you are not going to shoot on his property. What do you do when the deer you just shot jumps the fence into the neighbors? Trespass to get it back? Techincally it is half of his fence if he shared the cost of building it and it is on the property line. Try taking down that fence and see how quickly you learn whose fence it is. Both people own up to the fence if it is on the boundry lines. Now if it is on his property then he owns it.

Now I bring to you where it says "Man if you got enough land to have 4 feeders move off of the fencelines and be a good neighbor." So, because I have a feeder on the fence I am a BAD neighbor?

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 05:57 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
I have posted about this same thing several times! Come on guys, your fence line, your deer, your rights, your, your, your!! Have you talked to the guy???? I have a lease with 4 feeders on it and on top of the hill, where it is rocky, I have a feeder where the fence around it is connected to the property fence!!! It is on my side!! Your saying I cant hunt ALL of my lease because it is your fence line, and your deer??? COME ON!!!!!

I am a bow hunter and I will NEVER shoot anything that is not on my property! Look at it as another feeder YOU do not have to take care of!!! I guess what I am saying is just TALK TO THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is NOT YOUR fence line and YOUR deer!!!

I bring to you my fist post!

I believe it says in there, Have you talked to the guy?!! Also, think of it as another feeder you do not have to take care of!!

So what are you getting at? Maybe you need to go back and reread the post!!

What does ANY of that have to do with the safety issues proffered by the OP? All I see is a bunch of "I" "I" "I" in a post that has nothing to do with you. And FYI, KL had said numerous times he'd tried to contact the idiots on the other side through various channels to no avail, which you would have known had you actually read the thread.

Again, point me to ONE......JUST ONE MEASLEY mention of him saying someone was stealing his deer. I'll save you the trouble....YOU CAN'T!!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:02 PM

Originally Posted By: rifleman
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
So even if it hits one of the cows I would not be worried!

would probably think differently if it was the neighbor who shot one and it was valued between $5000-$50,000.

My cows do not coust that at all!! If you were to shoot one, it would be market value!! I would not take you to court and say it was my prize winning cow!! That is not the right thing to do!!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:06 PM

Look there is a reason you are called Hillbilly! It started between stxranchman and myself and KL started sticking his nose in it!! Here let me help you, I will do what I want on my land and you can do what you want on yours!! Good luck to you and may God bless you with many trophy deer in your life!! God Bless you!!

Posted By: rifleman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:07 PM

Wouldn't be the right thing to do if they weren't worth it...if they are worth that much, it is the right thing to do. Insurance helps a lot, but it doesn't replace genetics.

Posted By: T4PL

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:09 PM

High fence your entire property line that borders his. You said that your relationship with him is bad so it's very likely that the other neighbors around him are experiencing the same problems. Convence them to high fence their land that borders his also.

Box that jerk in! See how many deer cross onto his property then, ha!

Posted By: Cborden

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:10 PM


Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Cborden

Good one Chris!!! lmao

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:11 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Look there is a reason you are called Hillbilly! It started between stxranchman and myself and KL started sticking his nose in it!! Here let me help you, I will do what I want on my land and you can do what you want on yours!! Good luck to you and may God bless you with many trophy deer in your life!! God Bless you!!

Insults....figures. Told you you wouldn't find it.

Never said you could or couldn't do anything on your (daddy's) land....again, it was never about you.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:15 PM

Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Look there is a reason you are called Hillbilly! It started between stxranchman and myself and KL started sticking his nose in it!! Here let me help you, I will do what I want on my land and you can do what you want on yours!! Good luck to you and may God bless you with many trophy deer in your life!! God Bless you!!

Insults....figures. Told you you wouldn't find it.

Never said you could or couldn't do anything on your (daddy's) land....again, it was never about you.

Go up about 8 post from your post and read if you can!! And by the way the pics of the deer I posted are from my lease, not my dad's land!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:19 PM

What do you say we just delete this entire tread it is going nowhere!!!!!

Posted By: rstewlandman

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:37 PM

well deleting thise thread would not be bring any entertainment to us nuckle dragging readers

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:40 PM

Originally Posted By: rstewlandman
well deleting thise thread would not be bring any entertainment to us nuckle dragging readers

lmao rofl

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:50 PM

Originally Posted By: rstewlandman
well deleting thise thread would not be bring any entertainment to us nuckle dragging readers

I can see what you are saying, because every time I say i am done with arguing with them, I find myself clicking back on it to see if they have replyed yet!! lol

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 06:58 PM

Deleting this thread would not be a good thing because it has brought attention to a very serious safety issue that concerns us all. Hopefully the OP will get his neighbors to see the light and adjust their setup so as not to get anyone hurt or killed.

Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 07:29 PM


Just go away. You add nothing.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 07:40 PM

Originally Posted By: KennyLee

Just go away. You add nothing.

You say that it is about your safety and that I am ignorant!! lol rofl Answer this genious, how in the world is a high fence going to increase your safety??

Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 07:47 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: KennyLee

Just go away. You add nothing.

You say that it is about your safety and that I am ignorant!! lol rofl Answer this genious, how in the world is a high fence going to increase your safety??

It's not, but I surround them on two sides, the county road is on the other two. The only deer that pass through their place come through mine. If I put up a highfence, they get no more deer. That feeder they put on the fenceline becomes pretty useless at that point. Only deer they might see would be coming from the county road.

Also, run your post through a spell check and consider the irony.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 09:54 PM

Originally Posted By: KennyLee
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: KennyLee

Just go away. You add nothing.

You say that it is about your safety and that I am ignorant!! lol rofl Answer this genious, how in the world is a high fence going to increase your safety??

It's not, but I surround them on two sides, the county road is on the other two. The only deer that pass through their place come through mine. If I put up a highfence, they get no more deer. That feeder they put on the fenceline becomes pretty useless at that point. Only deer they might see would be coming from the county road.

Also, run your post through a spell check and consider the irony.

sorry so long to reply, i was out checking feeder that is on the fenceline!!! so,....... a deer will not cross county roads. so what do they do, go to the center of it and reed byour sign that says no deer crossing? lmao!!!

did i type in texashuntingforum.com or texasspellingforum.com?

Posted By: txbobcat

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 10:07 PM

This guy has to be in junior high...

Posted By: westtex75

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 10:09 PM

just stopped by to see the wreck.........carry on.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 10:21 PM

Originally Posted By: txbobcat
This guy has to be in junior high...

there is some self confidence right there. admiting a kid in jr high is smarter!!!

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 10:23 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: txbobcat
This guy has to be in junior high...

there is some self confidence right there. admiting a kid in jr high is smarter!!!

but don't feel bad!! it is like being a drunk!! admitting you are a drunk is half the battle!!! lol

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/29/10 10:25 PM

One more post for me, then I'm through with this nonsense.

It's really sad PSE that you act this way about a serious safety concern posed by the OP. Young hunters should be willing to learn about not only etiquette and good form, but the safety of themselves and the others around them.

And I assume you're young based on your chronic misspellings, poor grammar, narcissism, total lack of reading comprehension, short attention span and overall flippant and condescending attitude toward others. You're totally clueless and it saddens me you call yourself a hunter.

I'm out....

Posted By: Cborden

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 01:06 AM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: txbobcat
This guy has to be in junior high...

there is some self confidence right there. admiting a kid in jr high is smarter!!!

but don't feel bad!! it is like being a drunk!! admitting you are a drunk is half the battle!!! lol

Grow up...This isn't just about you!!

Posted By: hoof n wings

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 01:09 AM

Originally Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe
One more post for me, then I'm through with this nonsense.

It's really sad PSE that you act this way about a serious safety concern posed by the OP. Young hunters should be willing to learn about not only etiquette and good form, but the safety of themselves and the others around them.

And I assume your young based on your chronic misspellings, poor grammar, narcissism, total lack of reading comprehension, short attention span and overall flippant and condescending attitude toward others. You're totally clueless and it saddens me you call yourself a hunter.

I'm out....


The point Kenny is making is..... he fences 2 sides, sure the deer can cross the road and possibly come from another side... BUT the feeder they put up is useless, as in no deer will come from his pasture to it. And yes, anyone would be POd to find a feeder on the fenceline, that is probably going to pull deer off of his/her land. I can only imagene what someone on here neighbors must think!
I would stop short of hi fencing and put out some deer repellant or something to the effect all the way down the fenceline....... ON MY LAND. If a friendly talk goes nowhere!

Posted By: Cborden

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 01:17 AM

There is no right or wrong when it comes to this argument..It is ultimately ethical or non ethical..Since I hunt a very small place I can see both sides..No matter large or small when you pull the trigger you better d$%$ well know where that bullet or arrow is going to come to rest..All of you are arguing for the sake or arguing..Bow season is almost here and gun season is just around the corner so stop beating your chest like a bunch of apes..Since I know PSE personally I know he is just trying to get a rise out of people(especially Kennylee).We are all grown men or women here and need to start acting accordingly since there are younger folk that frequent this site looking for sound advise..Ok I will get off my soap

Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 01:38 AM

Originally Posted By: Cborden
There is no right or wrong when it comes to this argument..It is ultimately ethical or non ethical..Since I hunt a very small place I can see both sides..No matter large or small when you pull the trigger you better d$%$ well know where that bullet or arrow is going to come to rest..All of you are arguing for the sake or arguing..Bow season is almost here and gun season is just around the corner so stop beating your chest like a bunch of apes..Since I know PSE personally I know he is just trying to get a rise out of people(especially Kennylee).We are all grown men or women here and need to start acting accordingly since there are younger folk that frequent this site looking for sound advise..Ok I will get off my soap

I'd find better people to associate with.

I originally started this thread to vent, but also so that others could learn from it. As when I made the original post, I am still concerned about not only my own personal safety, but the safety of others. You make a good point about knowing where that bullit will come to rest. I have no doubt that any shot fired at a feeder from one of my neighbors blinds will come to rest on my property. It's an unsettling feeling.

I've left multiple messages over a two week period for this neighbor and have gotten no response. I should be getting excited about deer season, but at this point I'm more concerned about whether I should allow anyone to hunt that part of my property.

Frankly the situation sucks and having some immature jackass like your buddy PSE add his worthless two cents doesn't add a thing.

Posted By: Backwoods

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 02:01 AM

AIR CANNONS will do the trick. And if he has a problem with it, u can tell him that ur trying to keep the birds away from ur feeders. smile

Posted By: Cborden

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 02:03 AM

We all spend big bucks chasing deer..I do understand that safety is number one when we are in the field..I know people that own thousands of acres and people like myself that have less than a 100.. But everyone of us plants fields and run feeders hoping to draw or keep those deer on our place during the season.. Hunting a fence row is a very useful option in that most are clear cut and you can see for a long ways.. I understand your point Kennylee and I myself would have a hard time not accidentally knocking over his feeders or leaving signs pointed toward his stands..But I have seen PSEs set ups and they are all safe..I fully understand your point of view..Last year my wife and I were setting in our blind and a gunshot went off and I could have swore it went within yards of us..I was scared to death..You just have to prey that the people around you have a little common sense.

Posted By: tx270

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 02:03 AM

Originally Posted By: Cborden
Since I know PSE personally I know he is just trying to get a rise out of people.

So basically what your saying is, he's just a troll.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 07:34 PM

Originally Posted By: tx270
Originally Posted By: Cborden
Since I know PSE personally I know he is just trying to get a rise out of people.

So basically what your saying is, he's just a troll.

Thanks, Bordan!! For giving me away!!! lol Yes, this all started by trying to get you all worked up!! Well let me back up, first post was just to say try to talk to the guy, then it went to getting under your skin. But, KL, you see, you don't know me and prob mever will, so there for I could care less what you think of me!! Along with all you other self centerd, wear my feelings on my sleaves, a holes, who only want to see your own side of things and refuse to be open minded!! Yes, I do have a feeder on a fenceline and it workes out for everyone around me along with myself, because the people on the other side of my lease will shoot anything that walks. So we, as a group, feel that putting feeders on the side we are on, helps with keeping the deer away from them. We have all talked to them and they still are going to shoot whatever walks infrount of them. So get over it!!! Move on and hate me if you want, but who cares anyways?

Posted By: txhunter24

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 07:44 PM

You care. othere wise you wouldnt keep posting on this thread. just sayin...

Posted By: KennyLee

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 07:55 PM

Originally Posted By: txhunter24
You care. othere wise you wouldnt keep posting on this thread. just sayin...


Posted By: Mud Shark

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 08:12 PM

I was about to say the same thing. You were there first, but if he is right on the fence line and you can see him and his feeder is not far from you, your are on the same fence line. Please don't think I'm taking his side, because i'm not, he is wrong, but I think the issue you should push is the safety and how you were there first. I wouldn't mention the fenceline, because you are virtually guilty of the same thing, especially in his eyes.

Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 10:08 PM

Originally Posted By: TG37
I was about to say the same thing. You were there first, but if he is right on the fence line and you can see him and his feeder is not far from you, your are on the same fence line. Please don't think I'm taking his side, because i'm not, he is wrong, but I think the issue you should push is the safety and how you were there first. I wouldn't mention the fenceline, because you are virtually guilty of the same thing, especially in his eyes.

Oh, don't get me wrong, safety if first and formost!! If you screw up while hunting with me, no matter how good of freinds we are, I will jump all in your S&^% over safety. They are all talking about how I will high fence you. That will not by any means make it safer!! Shurly you know what I am saying?!!!

Posted By: hoof n wings

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 10:11 PM

Originally Posted By: PSE-Xforce-AXE
Originally Posted By: tx270
Originally Posted By: Cborden
Since I know PSE personally I know he is just trying to get a rise out of people.

So basically what your saying is, he's just a troll.

Yes, I do have a feeder on a fenceline and it workes out for everyone around me along with myself, because the people on the other side of my lease will shoot anything that walks. So we, as a group, feel that putting feeders on the side we are on, helps with keeping the deer away from them. We have all talked to them and they still are going to shoot whatever walks infrount of them.

So you put a feeder on the fenceline where the other guys that kill everything can still see them? Makes no sense(or sence), as IF my neighbors shot everything they see, I would put my feeders further in to keep them from seeing them..... or, to keep deer from walking the fence to get to the feeder thats on the fence!

But then again, if my neighbor put up a feed pen on the fencelind...... I might shot evrything I see to piss them off to.

Jest sayin'

Posted By: grout-scout

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 09/30/10 11:57 PM


Posted By: Cborden

Re: Finally happened to me: Neighbor put feeders on my fenceline - 10/01/10 12:26 AM

Nope it was a train wreck along time ago..

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