Texas Hunting Forum

Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer

Posted By: 7mag

Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/14/15 09:08 PM

Helicopter pilot who hauled 4 bags of Treadwell's body remains and his gfs remains as well..............."he thought those grizzlies were humans in bear costumes, I guess". Same pilot "I think he was mentally retarded"

I watched Tredwell's documentary. You may hate me but that's ok. I think Treawell was an egotistic dipwad and yes possibly unstable mind. More I think it was his hype for fame. His GF died alongside of him because of his stupidity.

You absolutely, positively NEVER EVER TAKE THE WILD OUT OF ANY ANIMAL. Mother nature is a beast and this NY clown found out the hard way. He didn't give the grizzly a "good name" he gave it exactly what a Grizzly is a wild, dangerous animal.

Treadwell was cited and warned numerous times by Alaskan officials. I guess he got his juju fruits by not heeding the warnings. The bear that killed both of them was killed of course. Treawell trespassed on their land it wasn't vice versa. Rant over......

Audio track of mauling...............
Posted By: dogcatcher

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/14/15 09:26 PM

Cleansing of the gene pool. up
Posted By: Creekrunner

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/14/15 10:11 PM

I saw that "documentary" years ago. Self-righteous egomaniac that couldn't hack it in Hollywood. Acted all tough, then couldn't face the fishermen.

What a pitiful "legacy".

Alaska is the pinnacle of the fact that if you're foolish, nature will kill you.
Posted By: decook

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/14/15 10:31 PM

Watched it a couple years ago too. I can't believe how long he lasted thinking bears were people too. He took stupid unreasonable risks thinking they were kindred spirits.

Christopher McCandless (aka Alexander Supertramp) is another person that Alaska took because of complete stupidity. I read the book about him while hunting in New Mexico some years ago. Fascinating read, sad story.
Posted By: Double Naught Spy

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/14/15 10:38 PM

Treadwell made some idiotic assumptions, but learned a lot of neat stuff. Where he made his biggest assumptions were in that he felt he could understand the bears (and he could for normal bears) and that he didn't need anything for self defense. The problem was, the bear that killed him and his girlfriend was not normal. It was an older, sickly bear. When faced with this, they were unable to defend themselves.

Treadwell, like a LOT of other folks who get into trouble in nature, is that they think they have it all handled, know what is going on, and can deal with what comes up. Treadwell just got a lot of publicity before he died, unlike a lot of other yahoos who act just as foolishly and still end up injured or dead.

Treadwell was the focus of the event, but his girlfriend was just as naive about what was going on as he was. She was an adult doing the same as him and is ever bit as much to blame. She put her trust into him and that was just plain stupid.
Posted By: Pitchfork Predator

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/14/15 11:29 PM

Stupid is as stupid does. up
Posted By: 7mag

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/15/15 02:25 AM

The bear that killed them was nicknamed "Munchies"
Posted By: blackcoal

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/16/15 01:09 AM

Someone has to learn about nature and mistakes will be made. Only difference is some people document their adventure and get rich, others get maimed or killed.
Posted By: Whiptail

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/17/15 03:54 AM

Sounded like a painful death.

Posted By: Gobblero

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/18/15 08:36 PM

being bear scat cant be a good way to go out that's for sure.
Posted By: Monster_Raxx

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/22/15 02:32 AM

Strange thing is people watched the whole documentary even though they thought he was an idiot. I guess Steve Irwin was an idiot too by everyone's logic. Without people like them you would t have anything to bitch about. Someone needs to tell the national geographic and the discovery channel they need to be cancelled. All animal shows have someone facing the wild like Treadwell. He just did it more openly. So who here hates Steve Irwin?
Posted By: Creekrunner

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/22/15 03:26 AM

I, for one, didn't know he was an idiot until I began watching the video. Any thinking person could tell he was delusional in about 15 minutes.
Posted By: rifleman

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/22/15 04:00 AM

Grizzly 101, they'll eat you. Sad deal that he drug another crazy person along for that ride.
Posted By: WCI

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/22/15 05:06 AM

I saw the documentary sometime ago. WTH was he thinking about?
Posted By: deewayne2003

Re: Timmy Treadwell........Bear Whisperer - 06/22/15 03:15 PM

My favorite part of that documentary was when they interviewed the native Alaskan (Eskimo? not sure of his actual tribe) and he said......

"My people have lived amongst these animals for thousands of years; and there is a reason why we are not buddies with them....Its just the way it is!"
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