Texas Hunting Forum

donate the meat?wth

Posted By: sprinkler specialist

donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 05:07 PM

guess im just an ahole er something...but it really chaps my arse when someone wants to go shoot an animal, and donate the meat....shoot at some paper er something...and whatever you do...dont call yourself a hunter...it gives real hunters a bad rep.
what would phil say?
Posted By: txshntr

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 05:15 PM

I think your first line say it all grin

I have no issue with people donating meat. Most years, I kill more deer than I can eat. Doesn't mean that I am going to stop hunting. Some people don't care for the taste and others have wives that won't eat it. Guess they should just avoid the sport all together.

I have given a lot of meat to my workers, poorer families and people that don't have the money or time to hunt, but love venison. I have also donated it. I still call myself a "real hunter"
Posted By: DFWPI

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 05:54 PM

SS, who rubbed you the wrong way? I usually shoot a deer or two for friends that like.the meat but don't hunt or can't afford to hunt.
Posted By: P & Y

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:01 PM

How does donating meat to hungry Texans give hunters a bad rep?
Posted By: eastex

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:04 PM

I've personally done this several times and I believe its a great cause. If I shoot 9 deer I'm not eating all 9 so why not give them to people who need it??
Posted By: dogcatcher

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:11 PM

We have a friend that because of food allergies cannot eat beef, so we try to shoot at least one for him every year, so he has something besides chicken and turkey for meat. Plenty of does on our place, and we have the tags.
Posted By: sprinkler specialist

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:14 PM

im an ahole then. i understand donating meat...but to just go kill something with the intentions of never taking a bite, and handing it off, just fer the thrill of the kill is just a disgrace to the community IMO
i do hook up people that are in need but i wont ever donate meat again after that million pounds, er whatever it was, the state let go to waste however many years ago it was.
Posted By: Tye

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:16 PM

Originally Posted By: sprinkler specialist
guess im just an ahole er something...but it really chaps my arse when someone wants to go shoot an animal, and donate the meat....shoot at some paper er something...and whatever you do...dont call yourself a hunter...it gives real hunters a bad rep.
what would phil say?

I donate deer to Hunters for hungry all the time. Am I bad person if I donate to Goodwill as well? I sure am glad I don't share camp with you. Wow, getting mad at people for giving to the needy.... hammer
Posted By: Tye

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:19 PM

Originally Posted By: sprinkler specialist
im an ahole then.

I guess. I shoot pigs all the time and don't take a bite. Ever heard of population control?
Posted By: RoadBlock

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:36 PM

I know that there are some programs that give the meat to disabled veterans. That is tops on my list helping disabled vets, so I will give up a tag and a bullet to feed the needy especially veterans. So Sprinkler if you'll tell me your name I would love to donate a deer in your name. I still have meat in my freezer and I was still out trying to stick an arrow through a deer this morning. If that makes me a bad person I'm good with it. But I'm still a hunter. Next time just start and finish with the words "guess I'm an a-hole er something" and you'd be just fine. You have a good one, Beijing stuck up and giving the rest of us a bad name. Good day.
Posted By: Play Maker

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:40 PM

I don't know what Phil would say, doesn't really matter. We need to shoot numerous deer each year in order to maintain herd and habitat health. We will keep a few, but will donate the remainder to a local food bank each and every year. Sorry if the OP disagrees with the practice, but I imagine the families receiving the deer would think otherwise.
Posted By: NDN98

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:45 PM

I love venison, but I always donate some to family and friends. I also have been known to give some to my neighbor who is a widow and single mom. I guess I am a bad person and not a real hunter too.
Posted By: ParkCountyElkDestroyer

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:47 PM

I shoot a lot of stuff every year. We get a deer or two processed, but I'm the only one that will eat the meat. We end up giving most of it away otherwise it's gonna get freezer burned. I gave away an antelope just yesterday because someone really wanted the meat and doesn't have the money to go out and buy beef all the time. It doesn't bother me one bit about the hunters intentions, I just think as long as someone eats the meat then there's no problem. I don't let what other people think about me affect my own actions, so if not eating all the meat gives me a bad rep then I don't really care.
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:53 PM

Yeah, charity is just horrible. Why would people help out other people in any way? I agree. People are just way too generous these days. Hunters feeding the hungry make all of us selfish people look bad. It's time we all quit giving and just keep everything for ourselves. This world would be a lot better off without all the giving, generosity, and other thoughtful crap.
Posted By: stxranchman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:53 PM

Ranches I have managed needed to kill lots of deer off to get populations down and hold them at CC. I have donated 10,000's of lbs of boneless venision to food banks and the ranches paid for the processing on all of it or deer were given to needy families. One year 1 ranch alone donated several 1000 lbs of boneless venison to the local food bank. We kept what the ranch owner and workers on the ranch could eat that year and donated the rest that was not taken home by hunters. I also had a couple of guys come to another ranch and take does to their homes to process for needy families in their community. They went to the local churches and ask the ministers who was in need of the meat. They then processed it and took it to them for free. I have also given deer that were killed to a group of young guys who put them all into jerky to send to our troops over in the Middle East. So I guess the "real hunters" can look down on the rest of us who manage our herds to CC and help some needy folks along the way.
Posted By: quackaholic1

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:55 PM

I have duck hunted for over 30 years and I hate the taste of ducks. I've tried them every way possible and they taster terrible. I give ever duck I shoot to one of the other hunters I hunt with and the times I go by meself I clean them and then give them away. I hunt them for the challenge of it, the fun of it, to watch the dogs work and the companionship of being with friends.
Posted By: Grizz

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 06:57 PM

I don't have an issue at all with hunters donating/giving away meat. I always have more meat than I can eat between deer, hogs, and fish. I give some to my brother, dad, friends, and friends because they don't hunt but they like the meat. If you think people only hunt to feed their families, you're about 100 years behind the times.
Posted By: sprinkler specialist

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 07:15 PM

yeah i feel ya for sure...i read a post about some guy wanting to try out his new xbow and was gonna kill something and donate it. i was raised a lil different than that...thats what was buggin me.
Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 08:11 PM

well, I was going to go hunt this evening. was thinking of shooting a doe in an area they are severely overpopulated. Was going to donate it to hunters for the hungry or a meat ministry, but I don't wanna be an A-hole.
Posted By: Grizz

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 08:14 PM

Originally Posted By: txtrophy85
well, I was going to go hunt this evening. was thinking of shooting a doe in an area they are severely overpopulated. Was going to donate it to hunters for the hungry or a meat ministry, but I don't wanna be an A-hole.

I think that ship has already sailed hasn't it? grin
Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 08:17 PM

Originally Posted By: grizz
Originally Posted By: txtrophy85
well, I was going to go hunt this evening. was thinking of shooting a doe in an area they are severely overpopulated. Was going to donate it to hunters for the hungry or a meat ministry, but I don't wanna be an A-hole.

I think that ship has already sailed hasn't it? grin

depends on who you ask
Posted By: bowassin

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 08:24 PM

How bout one of you a-holes donate me some....ha... I didn't stick anything this weekend just seen one young buck
Posted By: Guero

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 08:28 PM

Disabled vet here, I'd take it won't have the chance to hunt this year. Just saying...
Posted By: Guero

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 08:53 PM

Hey Mr. Scott would love an opportunity to help ya with the population problem if interested...
Posted By: txshntr

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 09:04 PM

Originally Posted By: txtrophy85
Originally Posted By: grizz
Originally Posted By: txtrophy85
well, I was going to go hunt this evening. was thinking of shooting a doe in an area they are severely overpopulated. Was going to donate it to hunters for the hungry or a meat ministry, but I don't wanna be an A-hole.

I think that ship has already sailed hasn't it? grin

depends on who you ask

Ask me rofl
Posted By: Nogalus Prairie

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 09:20 PM

Somebody needs to remember this one when the year end awards roll around...
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 09:33 PM

I've got an award I'd like to nominate it for...
Posted By: Scooterb

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 09:41 PM

I don't think the OP has a problem where people shoot a deer for someone they know, or someone they work with who can't afford to hunt or is physically unable to hunt. I think he's getting at the trophy hunters who shoot 4+ trophy deer a year and think they are doing the world a favor by donating the meat to food banks because they want to cut the head off and wash their hands of the rest of it. I know someone who hunts (deer) but doesn't eat venison. Why? Because she wants the antlers. There is a difference imo.

To reiterate, there are people that do it to be nice or to take care of folks. There are also people that kill for sport. I'm not talking non-game animals.
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 09:48 PM

The end result is the same. Get over it.
Posted By: Scooterb

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 10:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Sneaky
The end result is the same. Get over it.

SMH. You obviously don't get it and that's fine. But don't flame the OP because you can't comprehend the difference.
Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 10:35 PM

What is the difference?
As long as the animal is consumed u see no issue
Posted By: DFWPI

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 11:31 PM

Glad I wasn't the only one who will kill a deer I to help out the less fortunate.
Posted By: twinbubba

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 11:32 PM

I think we should all kill more deer each year then we can eat, at least 9 or more.
Posted By: TF Panther

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/29/13 11:49 PM

I told my wife I was going to give my meat to the young single mom next door and she said "No way in hades". Huh....., never took her for being uncharitable?
Posted By: Scooterb

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 12:15 AM

What I'm saying is there are people that use donating venison as a facade to just kill deer. I know there are none of those folks here :eyeroll: so I guess we can just close the topic.

It's the same reason I cringe when I see kill shots that are all bloodied up when the hunter didn't take 5 minutes to wipe the blood off of the face or body. Yes, the result is the same, it's the perception to the anti-hunting world that is different. THF is not a private site, anyone can come in and look at the photo section and formulate opinions about hunters. It's not how I would personally promote it.
Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 12:39 AM

Hunting is a blood sport, plain and simple. No need to sugar coat it.

Animals get shot and die not lay down to sleep when we point a gun at them

How does one get good at hunting and killing deer? By doing it a lot

I'm on a quest right now to kill a deer with a bow, not because I need the meat, but because I need the practice. I want to become a very skilled bowhunter and a lot of animals that I won't personally eat are gonna have to hit the ground before I'm at that level
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:02 AM

Originally Posted By: Scooterb
Originally Posted By: Sneaky
The end result is the same. Get over it.

SMH. You obviously don't get it and that's fine. But don't flame the OP because you can't comprehend the difference.

Don't confuse my lack of agreement with a lack of comprehension. I know exactly what he's saying. I just think he's a jackass for saying it. Comprende?
Posted By: Scooterb

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:02 AM

Wouldn't we want to portray our sport the best way we possibly could? Maybe I'm missing something...
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:04 AM

Originally Posted By: Scooterb
Wouldn't we want to portray our sport the best way we possibly could? Maybe I'm missing something...

You sure are. Deer need killed and people need to eat. What the hell does it matter who is killing them and who is eating them? Anyone that sees a donation of meat as a bad thing has some serious issues.
Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Scooterb
Wouldn't we want to portray our sport the best way we possibly could? Maybe I'm missing something...

And hunters donating meat to feed the less fortunate paints them in a bad light how???
Posted By: dogcatcher

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:11 AM

I think I see where he is coming from. There are those hunters that hunt solely for the trophy. Those that trophy hunt and are into hunting for no other reason are the reason the cost of hunting has reached the level it has. In my opinion they only donate the meat to keep from breaking the law.

They are not hunters, they are.... up
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:12 AM

Originally Posted By: txtrophy85
Originally Posted By: Scooterb
Wouldn't we want to portray our sport the best way we possibly could? Maybe I'm missing something...

And hunters donating meat to feed the less fortunate paints them in a bad light how???

I'm not sure what is so hard to understand about this. Apparently sharing is a bad thing now?
Posted By: Scooterb

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:23 AM

Dogcatcher smells what I'm cooking here.

Please reread what I wrote above. I said there are two types of people that donate. Those that care about people, (which the OP and I don't have a problem with whatsoever) and those that donate just to avoid wanton waste. Don't read into it any more than that.

And Sneaky, I was talking more about the bloody photos.

Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:31 AM

I hunt for the experience of taking a mature animal. guess that makes me a bad guy.

I enjoy hunting & eating dove, quail, duck, pheasant but don't care all that much for whitetail save for the backstrap. but I get a thrill out of killing a mature buck that can't be replicated everywhere else, so what is one to do? I don't want something so I give it to someone who does want it

we all hunt for the pastime. Very few, if any, people hunt strictly for sustenance in texas. its just a by product of a hobby.

Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 02:02 AM

Originally Posted By: Scooterb
Dogcatcher smells what I'm cooking here.

Please reread what I wrote above. I said there are two types of people that donate. Those that care about people, (which the OP and I don't have a problem with whatsoever) and those that donate just to avoid wanton waste. Don't read into it any more than that.

And Sneaky, I was talking more about the bloody photos.

You worry too much about things that don't matter. Why do you care about bloody photos or people donating deer because they don't want to eat it? Guess what. Deer bleed when you shoot them.
Posted By: ParkCountyElkDestroyer

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 02:16 AM

Originally Posted By: txtrophy85
I hunt for the experience of taking a mature animal. guess that makes me a bad guy.

I enjoy hunting & eating dove, quail, duck, pheasant but don't care all that much for whitetail save for the backstrap. but I get a thrill out of killing a mature buck that can't be replicated everywhere else, so what is one to do? I don't want something so I give it to someone who does want it

we all hunt for the pastime. Very few, if any, people hunt strictly for sustenance in texas. its just a by product of a hobby.

I am in your same boat. I eat some of it but give most of it away, and I love shooting trophies. I would never plan on quitting my favorite hobby and pastime just because someone disagrees with my intentions. At the end of the day, all of the meat from the animals I kill are eaten and pooped down the toilet just like the animals killed by the guys who hunt for sustenance.
Posted By: Scooterb

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 03:52 AM

Originally Posted By: Sneaky
Originally Posted By: Scooterb
Dogcatcher smells what I'm cooking here.

Please reread what I wrote above. I said there are two types of people that donate. Those that care about people, (which the OP and I don't have a problem with whatsoever) and those that donate just to avoid wanton waste. Don't read into it any more than that.

And Sneaky, I was talking more about the bloody photos.

You worry too much about things that don't matter. Why do you care about bloody photos or people donating deer because they don't want to eat it? Guess what. Deer bleed when you shoot them.

Well done with the sarcasm. Now, let me break it down Barney style so you can understand...

What you don't get is there are people out there that their sole purpose in life is to try to take away our rights as hunters to legally harvest animals. When you post pictures on the internet that are bloody or gory, you do NOTHING to help the hunter's case for being good conservationists. You fuel the talk of "blood-thirsty" "unnecesary suffering" and "senseless killing" by these anti-hunting groups. You say "these things don't matter." What you mean, is they don't matter to YOU. It's the same reason you don't clean your ducks in the parking lot or on the boat ramp. Can you do it legally? Absolutely. Does it promote hunting in a positive light? I'll give you a hint, it's not yes.

Now, hopefully you take a moment for this to sink in and not just disagree because we've disagreed this whole post. Hopefully now you understand why these things matter. up
Posted By: txshntr

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 03:59 AM

I still disagree. I think that just because someone doesn't like the taste of the meat, they become less of a hunter, or as some of you suggest, should stop hunting all together.

I agree that some tact should be used in approaching certain subjects with certain content, but I am not going to live my life worrying about what someone will think or say. Falls back into the common courtesy and common sense category, and killing a deer with the intent of donating the meat doesn't seem so repulsive that all hunters will be labeled. Saying you are going to kill a deer and plan on leaving it to waste or feed buzzards is another story.
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 04:31 AM

Originally Posted By: Scooterb
Originally Posted By: Sneaky
Originally Posted By: Scooterb
Dogcatcher smells what I'm cooking here.

Please reread what I wrote above. I said there are two types of people that donate. Those that care about people, (which the OP and I don't have a problem with whatsoever) and those that donate just to avoid wanton waste. Don't read into it any more than that.

And Sneaky, I was talking more about the bloody photos.

You worry too much about things that don't matter. Why do you care about bloody photos or people donating deer because they don't want to eat it? Guess what. Deer bleed when you shoot them.

Well done with the sarcasm. Now, let me break it down Barney style so you can understand...

What you don't get is there are people out there that their sole purpose in life is to try to take away our rights as hunters to legally harvest animals. When you post pictures on the internet that are bloody or gory, you do NOTHING to help the hunter's case for being good conservationists. You fuel the talk of "blood-thirsty" "unnecesary suffering" and "senseless killing" by these anti-hunting groups. You say "these things don't matter." What you mean, is they don't matter to YOU. It's the same reason you don't clean your ducks in the parking lot or on the boat ramp. Can you do it legally? Absolutely. Does it promote hunting in a positive light? I'll give you a hint, it's not yes.

Now, hopefully you take a moment for this to sink in and not just disagree because we've disagreed this whole post. Hopefully now you understand why these things matter. up

Well, gee golly, I never thought of that.

I'm not an idiot. I know that you're scared. I'm not. If people are offended by what I do, that's their problem. I don't go out of my way to look like some dumb, reckless, hick, but I'll be danged if I can't post a picture, on a HUNTING forum, that has a little blood in it. I won't tip toe for anyone. Anyone that thinks I should is a little too much of a push over for me.

Anti hunters hate us. If you think we can change that by pretending that blood isn't involved, then you're a true moron.
Posted By: dogcatcher

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 04:35 AM

The anti hunters are not the ones I would care about offending, it is the non hunting public that we should be considerate of. They not only outnumber us, they can be persuaded by the anti hunters to become anti. up
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 04:42 AM

And how many do you think are cruising a hunting forum and being shocked that a hunting picture has a little blood in it?
Posted By: dogcatcher

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 04:55 AM

Originally Posted By: Sneaky
And how many do you think are cruising a hunting forum and being shocked that a hunting picture has a little blood in it?

I think it is a matter of respect to the game we take to take nice pictures. If you look at the pictures taken by most outfitters you will see most will show that respect, it is the others that fall a little short.
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 11:04 AM

I agree with SS somewhat. Whatever I shoot, I eat. I haven't donated b/c I put in the work, I paid the money, so I am going to eat it. I might give 1 or 2 packages to close family but everyone else can kiss my butt. Also, I don't shoot hogs and let them lay and comp out by saying "that'ell feed the wildlife real good" or shoot coons and say "I paid for that corn so it's justified". No way, if I shoot a hog then the works not over yet. If I shoot a coon then I start looking for a good coon recipe. That's my opinion but to conclude what I am saying, if someone else wants to donate, then great, but I choose not to.
Posted By: dawaba

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 11:43 AM

Originally Posted By: dogcatcher
The anti hunters are not the ones I would care about offending, it is the non hunting public that we should be considerate of. They not only outnumber us, they can be persuaded by the anti hunters to become anti. up

This is the correct point of view, I believe. It's like a presidential election....the independent voters will decide who wins, not the committed Dems or the GOP. And the great middle ground of non-hunting citizens will ultimately determine whether our grandchildren will continue to hunt. So, we hunters are obligated to put our sport into the best light possible for everyone out there, not just fellow hunters.

Giving meat to food banks and non-hunting friends projects a good image of hunting, just as taking a kid with you to the lease does the same.

And from personal experience, try selling a hunting story to an outdoor magazine with gory and bloody photos. If you don't take care to make a pleasing picture, or one that can be photo-shopped clean, you won't even get a foot in the editor's door.

This arrogant, bunker, small-minded, GTH mentality espoused by many here on the forum unthinkingly works to ultimately kill the sport we love.
Posted By: Nogalus Prairie

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 12:37 PM

I agree dawaba.

I also note with interest some espousing the "effect on non-hunters who control our fate" argument here ignore it on other subjects with far more impact....
Posted By: Hunt n Fish

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 12:50 PM

Originally Posted By: dawaba
Originally Posted By: dogcatcher
The anti hunters are not the ones I would care about offending, it is the non hunting public that we should be considerate of. They not only outnumber us, they can be persuaded by the anti hunters to become anti. up

This is the correct point of view, I believe. It's like a presidential election....the independent voters will decide who wins, not the committed Dems or the GOP. And the great middle ground of non-hunting citizens will ultimately determine whether our grandchildren will continue to hunt. So, we hunters are obligated to put our sport into the best light possible for everyone out there, not just fellow hunters.

Giving meat to food banks and non-hunting friends projects a good image of hunting, just as taking a kid with you to the lease does the same.

And from personal experience, try selling a hunting story to an outdoor magazine with gory and bloody photos. If you don't take care to make a pleasing picture, or one that can be photo-shopped clean, you won't even get a foot in the editor's door.

This arrogant, bunker, small-minded, GTH mentality espoused by many here on the forum unthinkingly works to ultimately kill the sport we love.

H n F likes this!

I have a couple of friends who cannot hunt and each year I call & ask how they are doing. If they're low or having a hard time I'll put something in their freezer. I haven't had one of them complain about my hunting activities.
Posted By: Marc K

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 12:58 PM

It would appear that political correctness in the form of "fear of offending a non hunter" is at the core of this thread. Seems like that's what our country is coming to.

That's sad.
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Marc Kurth
It would appear that political correctness in the form of "fear of offending a non hunter" is at the core of this thread. Seems like that's what our country is coming to.

That's sad.

That being said, we should treat them with the same respect we would want.
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:10 PM

Originally Posted By: dogcatcher
I think it is a matter of respect to the game we take to take nice pictures. If you look at the pictures taken by most outfitters you will see most will show that respect, it is the others that fall a little short.

I agree
Posted By: passthru

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:10 PM

I killed thirty pigs in the last 12 months. Twenty eight of them I've donated. I donated three deer last fall as well. I eat mostly venison when it comes to red meat but I kill far more than me and my family can consume. And yes I said "kill". I enjoy hunting and taking game. I'm not apologizing for it. And as far as the OP's question on him being an a-hole I think that was established a long time ago. But unfortunately we all portray that trait from time to time.
Posted By: Closed Traverse

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:12 PM

I kill stuff for fun all the time with 0 intention of ever eating it....

Most of the time when I hunt birds I am giving the meat away.

When I hunt deer I will give the meat away, I just never get around to cooking it, I would rather have beef most times anyway.

I dont hunt for the same reasons as you.I hunt for the thrill of the hunt and/or the trophy, couldn't care less about the meat.
Posted By: Hunt n Fish

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:12 PM

Originally Posted By: Marc Kurth
It would appear that political correctness in the form of "fear of offending a non hunter" is at the core of this thread. Seems like that's what our country is coming to.

That's sad.


Never thought twice about political correctness when we were over run with does and I asked friends, some of whom once hunted with me, whether they were doing OK and if they could use some venison. Also never thought twice about political correctness when I have more tags than I can use and take a deer to a processor who participates in "Hunters for the Hungry" and pay for the processing.

That's OK, everyone gets to have an opinion!
Posted By: okierifleman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 01:18 PM

I usually shoot 2-3 trophy bucks every year. I eat none of it. I am just not a fan of whitetail meat. I shoot 2 or 3 exotics that I live on the whole year. I take the whitetails and have them all processed. I have people lined up who don't hunt but want the meat. Not an ounce of it goes to waste. Does that make me less of a hunter? Giving meat to someone who wants it or needs it? Just because some of you don't give any of your meat away doesn't mean you should sit there and judge those of us that do.
Posted By: Marc K

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 03:10 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: Marc Kurth
It would appear that political correctness in the form of "fear of offending a non hunter" is at the core of this thread. Seems like that's what our country is coming to.

That's sad.

That being said, we should treat them with the same respect we would want.

Good hunting ethics and respect for the animals go hand and hand. I did not mean to infer otherwise.
Posted By: dogcatcher

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 04:08 PM

I will try to put it another way, would your mother or grandmother's prefer the photos of blood and guts or would they prefer the nicer professional look? If you say the first, then I think your problem is the way you were raised. up
Posted By: Bdontexoma

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 04:30 PM

Posted By: TEXAN1970

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 04:45 PM

If some people don't have something to bitch about they invent something. SS are you that person!!!!!
Posted By: aggiehunter03

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 05:05 PM

Originally Posted By: dogcatcher
I will try to put it another way, would your mother or grandmother's prefer the photos of blood and guts or would they prefer the nicer professional look? If you say the first, then I think your problem is the way you were raised. up

My Mom prefers the blood and guts but she hunts more than most people on this forum and has been an RN for over 30 years. Think she raised me right too. Grandmothers don't mind it either. Both sides of my family was raised to eat meat and no one on either side thinks it comes from a grocery store.

The rest of this post is funny but here is my 2 cents:

1. I kill every coon I can and I am not about to eat one of the nasty bastages.

2. I kill every hog I can and almost all of them get drug off for the buzzards. As a landowner, they are enemy number 1 and I hope they all die. In fact I killed one last night and he is probably still there. People tell me all the time they want a hog so I call when I shoot one and the answer is always "well I'm busy right now".

3. I give away whitetail meat to anyone that asks for it and this year I plan to donate it to Hunters for the Hungry. Damn sure don't feel bad about sharing what I'm blessed to have.

4. I don't give a what any PETA person or other libtard hippy thinks about me hunting. Although it is now popular among some of them to eat "wild game" because it is "green" (Whatever the heck that means).

Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 05:28 PM

I don't eat green meat. That's nasty.
Posted By: Hunt2Fish

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 05:33 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
I agree with SS somewhat. Whatever I shoot, I eat. I haven't donated b/c I put in the work, I paid the money, so I am going to eat it. I might give 1 or 2 packages to close family but everyone else can kiss my butt. Also, I don't shoot hogs and let them lay and comp out by saying "that'ell feed the wildlife real good" or shoot coons and say "I paid for that corn so it's justified". No way, if I shoot a hog then the works not over yet. If I shoot a coon then I start looking for a good coon recipe. That's my opinion but to conclude what I am saying, if someone else wants to donate, then great, but I choose not to.
Posted By: rifleman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 05:41 PM

I'll have someone lined up to give a deer to before I pull the trigger. I'm not messing with a hog or varmint. Would rather put domestic pork in the freezer...and maybe trade off few feral hogs for a bunch of tamales.
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 05:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Sneaky
I don't eat green meat. That's nasty.

Have you tried it?
Posted By: Closed Traverse

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 05:44 PM

after reading this thread, I think Im gonna shoot something this weekend and just let it lay out of spite....

Oh, and Ill probably give away all the doves I kill too.

Just kidding, I was gonna do it anyway.
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 05:51 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: Sneaky
I don't eat green meat. That's nasty.

Have you tried it?

No. I eat red meat.
Posted By: Nogalus Prairie

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 06:06 PM

I leave hogs for the yotes and buzzards too. The "holier than thous" are not landowners who have to go out and find another chunk of pasture torn up. Hogs are like roaches and rats to me. I'll be ****ed if they are going to tear my land up and make me do a minutes work skinning their nasty butts.

And y'all can preach all you want I ain't listening. smile
Posted By: redfishray

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 06:15 PM

Someone gonna get T-rex slapped
Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 06:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Nogalus Prairie
I leave hogs for the yotes and buzzards too. The "holier than thous" are not landowners who have to go out and find another chunk of pasture torn up. Hogs are like roaches and rats to me. I'll be ****ed if they are going to tear my land up and make me do a minutes work skinning their nasty butts.

And y'all can preach all you want I ain't listening. smile


if you think every noble landowner eats every hog or varmint that he shoots you are living in a fantasy world
Posted By: quackaholic1

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 06:50 PM

We have a friend " x-lease member" thats health has deterated to a point where he can't hunt any more. Every year one or two of the member on the lease will shoot a doe and give it to him. We are proud to help a friend in need. I do not think it make me less of a hunter or person, on the contrary I beleave it make us better people as I beleave we are here to help those that need it.
Posted By: rob valle

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 06:52 PM

Every year I take orders from older folks I know who really need or want the meat....now that my boy is hunting, it helps to give away a few does and hogs....."Pay it Forward"
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 06:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: dogcatcher
I think it is a matter of respect to the game we take to take nice pictures. If you look at the pictures taken by most outfitters you will see most will show that respect, it is the others that fall a little short.

I agree

I agree also.... but hogs are not game. they get piled in the bone yard...
Posted By: cameron00

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:04 PM

I too shoot more deer than I'm going to eat because I have friends that want the meat.

Terrible post.
Posted By: passthru

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:09 PM

Hogs are game. They are fun and very edible. Doesn't matter what TPWD says. My gut tells me it's right to put as much of them to good use as I can.
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:22 PM

Originally Posted By: passthru
Hogs are game. They are fun and very edible. Doesn't matter what TPWD says. My gut tells me it's right to put as much of them to good use as I can.

If I was just hunting them id prolly feel the same way... but trying to raise cattle/hay in the same pasture as hogs puts them in the same category as a rat except I can grab the back straps off one whenever I want... which id prolly do off a rat also but id need at least a few wood rats to make a meal... pest is a pest no matter how big or how edible imo
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:23 PM

and even deer in the same area for that matter... id really would rather not spend the extra money to build feed pens to keep them out of my DEER feeders
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:25 PM

now... if anyone ever tells me they want some hog meat I have no problem what so ever handing them over... and do it a good bit around here for locals but don't expect me to clean them
Posted By: rifleman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:25 PM

You'd eat wood rats?
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:26 PM

Originally Posted By: rifleman
You'd eat wood rats?

in a bind
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:27 PM

prolly still healthier than McDonalds or what have you
Posted By: Jimbo

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:37 PM

Why is anyone worried about wasted meat? If it's not eaten by the guy that shot it or someone else, the critters have to eat too.
It's not going to waste! I know citified folks have a hard time wrapping their mind around the concept, but it's the truth!
Posted By: passthru

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:37 PM

Originally Posted By: Navasot
Originally Posted By: passthru
Hogs are game. They are fun and very edible. Doesn't matter what TPWD says. My gut tells me it's right to put as much of them to good use as I can.

If I was just hunting them id prolly feel the same way... but trying to raise cattle/hay in the same pasture as hogs puts them in the same category as a rat except I can grab the back straps off one whenever I want... which id prolly do off a rat also but id need at least a few wood rats to make a meal... pest is a pest no matter how big or how edible imo

I cannot argue the point. But many kill them and leave them lay even when not in your situation. Which is legal, and I'm not saying it's wrong, but I try not to very often.
I'm not all there though. loco
Posted By: MuddyWater

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:47 PM

That's funny. If your hungry then you are hungry. There are a lot of people that say they would never eat this or that. But then again those people have probably never been hungry.
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:53 PM

Originally Posted By: passthru
Originally Posted By: Navasot
Originally Posted By: passthru
Hogs are game. They are fun and very edible. Doesn't matter what TPWD says. My gut tells me it's right to put as much of them to good use as I can.

If I was just hunting them id prolly feel the same way... but trying to raise cattle/hay in the same pasture as hogs puts them in the same category as a rat except I can grab the back straps off one whenever I want... which id prolly do off a rat also but id need at least a few wood rats to make a meal... pest is a pest no matter how big or how edible imo

I cannot argue the point. But many kill them and leave them lay even when not in your situation. Which is legal, and I'm not saying it's wrong, but I try not to very often.
I'm not all there though. loco

Im in my own little world also no worries lol
Posted By: passthru

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 07:55 PM

When you get several down or do it three or four days straight it's a lot of work cleaning them. But the enjoyment, and sometimes the filling of need, for others is worth the sweat.
Posted By: redfishray

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 08:00 PM

Originally Posted By: Navasot
Originally Posted By: rifleman
You'd eat wood rats?

in a bind

Something about this is so wrong...
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 08:06 PM

Originally Posted By: redfishray
Originally Posted By: Navasot
Originally Posted By: rifleman
You'd eat wood rats?

in a bind

Something about this is so wrong...

Posted By: Troutfisch

Re: donate the meat?wth - 09/30/13 10:53 PM

Poor TC, I almost feel bad that this topic backfired on you. Almost...
Posted By: blackcoal

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/01/13 03:32 PM

This is a little off the topic, but I haven't heard any opinions from anyone with an orchard. We had over 7000 fruit trees, no hogs, but did have the noble deer in abundance. No difference in hogs tearing your pasture up and deer eating your trees, it is money out of the pocket. I was told if we shot the deer, which we could do legally, we could not process the meat. My point is the nobility of the animal can change depending on how it affects your bank account.
Posted By: redchevy

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/01/13 04:48 PM

We eat our deer ourselves. I don't particularly care for a lot of people going out to shoot a big rack to put on the wall and that's all they want out of it. I realize I'm in the minority on that and I'm cool with it. As long as it goes to a good use/cause I'm ok with it. I've heard stories from people on big leases where you go to the gut pile and there are whole white tail buck carcasses that are caped and head removed just left to rot.

A good friend of mine went on a hunt another guy, banker out of Houston shot a 3.5 year old 10 point, got his but reamed real good about it because he wasn't supposed to shoot that deer so he paid his bill and was so upset about it he that he no longer wanted the horns so he dumped the whole deer on the gut pile... someone tagged the deer and took it home. That is something that would rub me the wrong way.
Posted By: rsquared

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/02/13 02:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Guero
Disabled vet here, I'd take it won't have the chance to hunt this year. Just saying...

ill bring you one, and thank you for your military service
just let me know if you want it taken to the processor and you pay for the processing, or if you want it only field dressed
or if you want it quartered on ice.
I will be glad to get the meat to you

we are under MLD and no way can I eat that much WT,
this year we have to take quite a few does and I will usually only keep one for myself and make all jerky out of it. my freezer is usually filled with some of the exotics we can hunt. I don't leave anything edible to lay at the ranch. if I shoot it, it will get eaten by me or donated to someone who will.
that includes aoudad and pigs. we don't have many pigs but they are darn good eating on our place, so I wont leave em lay. but I have hunted in other parts of the state where I understand why they do shoot and leave based on damage and sheer numbers.

the processor in junction keeps dozens of families fed during the year due to donations and I am grateful that they do.
Posted By: Guero

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/02/13 02:44 AM

Quartered will be fine Mr. Rsquared...need the practice of processing it myself hehehehe...been a few years but think I still got it. Again I thank all you guys, you are very grateful and generous.
Posted By: Curtis

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/02/13 12:13 PM

Originally Posted By: sprinkler specialist
guess im just an ahole er something...but it really chaps my arse when someone wants to go shoot an animal, and donate the meat....shoot at some paper er something...and whatever you do...dont call yourself a hunter...it gives real hunters a bad rep.
what would phil say?

If someone wants to donate the meat to someone else that needs it more than themselves, there is nothing wrong with that. And yes, they are still a hunter and it in no way gives hunters a bad rep. The only way it would give hunters a bad rep is if they shot a deer or something(excluding varmints) and completely wasted the meat. That would not only be unethical but it would be illegal as well.
Posted By: Curtis

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/02/13 12:16 PM

Originally Posted By: sprinkler specialist
im an ahole then. i understand donating meat...but to just go kill something with the intentions of never taking a bite, and handing it off, just fer the thrill of the kill is just a disgrace to the community IMO
i do hook up people that are in need but i wont ever donate meat again after that million pounds, er whatever it was, the state let go to waste however many years ago it was.

It's pretty easy to go out and find a local farm/ranch in the area that will take the meat. Either they will or they know a farmer or ranch hand in the area that will take it. I do this every year and sometimes on request by other hunters. It doesn't cost much but your time to take to a landowner down the road. There is no need to pay to have it processed somewhere. A lot of the ranchhands do not make a lot of money and they will gladly take meat. I grew up doing that and it got me a lot of new places to varmint hunt.
Posted By: rsquared

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/02/13 03:07 PM

i believe its called people helping people.

much better than government helping if you ask me...
Posted By: luvpigmeet

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/02/13 03:19 PM

Man o' man. We want to help our neighbor and were not hunters. My man, go look in the mirror. Anti hunters are laughing their butts off right now.
Posted By: hoof n wings

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 12:52 AM

Itake it he saying the person goes and kills a deer with no intention of eating it....a killer per se
Originally Posted By: P & Y
How does donating meat to hungry Texans give hunters a bad rep?
Posted By: BOONER

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 01:18 AM

Originally Posted By: sprinkler specialist
guess im just an ahole er something...but it really chaps my arse when someone wants to go shoot an animal, and donate the meat....shoot at some paper er something...and whatever you do...dont call yourself a hunter...it gives real hunters a bad rep.
what would phil say?

Yep you guessed right and I don't care what Phil would say. I donate deer every year and I'm pretty sure I could hunt circles around you all day long. But I'm probably not a real hunter.
Posted By: Bear Charge

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 03:23 AM

Giving to charity is inherently evil? confused2 Mother Teresa...what a scoundrel she was. whip
Posted By: Brother in-law

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 03:26 AM

Deer meat tastes like crap and I give it all away except a few backstraps.
Who cares what phil thinks, he is a rich tv personality
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 11:44 AM

I don't agree with letting anything lay. If I shoot it then I clean it and it gets eaten. Make excuses about letting it lay all you want but that's just an excuse to be lazy. There is nothing wrong with keeping all of it or giving all of it away. What ever is your preference. Just don't let it go to waste. Oh, and save me the "I'm feeding the wildlife" statement.
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 11:45 AM

Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.
Posted By: Play Maker

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 11:48 AM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.

I feel it is safe to assume you have never been in that situation or else you wouldn't make that statement.
Posted By: Seadog

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 12:10 PM

What does it matter whether you donate it or eat it yourself?
Posted By: Nogalus Prairie

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 02:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Play Maker
Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.

I feel it is safe to assume you have never been in that situation or else you wouldn't make that statement.

That's a safe assumption. Chadillac do you eat rats, snakes, and roaches too?
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 02:44 PM

Originally Posted By: Nogalus Prairie
Originally Posted By: Play Maker
Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.

I feel it is safe to assume you have never been in that situation or else you wouldn't make that statement.

That's a safe assumption. Chadillac do you eat rats, snakes, and roaches too?

id love to show you my gut pile... just like swatting flys... but your pretty much in Houston so I understand
Posted By: toml_76

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 02:57 PM

This thread confuses me. It's weird to see hunters attacking other hunters on this board. Is the OP saying that only meat hunting for personal consumption counts as "real" hunting?
Posted By: rifleman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 02:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Nogalus Prairie
Originally Posted By: Play Maker
Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.

I feel it is safe to assume you have never been in that situation or else you wouldn't make that statement.

That's a safe assumption. Chadillac do you eat rats, snakes, and roaches too?

only takes one knife to start stabbing them with when you run out of bullets.
Posted By: stxranchman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 02:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Navasot
Originally Posted By: Nogalus Prairie
Originally Posted By: Play Maker
Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.

I feel it is safe to assume you have never been in that situation or else you wouldn't make that statement.

That's a safe assumption. Chadillac do you eat rats, snakes, and roaches too?

id love to show you my gut pile... just like swatting flys... but your pretty much in Houston so I understand

Pictures of you gutting a snake or rat or a roach will work for me Nav... grin
Posted By: rifleman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 03:01 PM

I've gutted a snake...it isn't happening again.
Posted By: stxranchman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 03:11 PM

I've gutted/skinned quite a few in my days.
Posted By: DFWPI

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 03:12 PM

Well I think there should be a subject change on what to do with flies and roaches. I mean, should we really swat them or step on them? Are they really hurting anything? Why not trap them and release them into the wild? Is it really necessary to gas them and watch them die?

Oh heck, who really cares. Sometimes people just need to keep their opinions to themselves and to keep their mouths shut.

This thread needa to be like the federal government, SHUT DOWN.
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 03:50 PM

Who hasn't gutted, skinned, and eaten a few rattlesnakes? They're delicious.
Posted By: TBS

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:27 PM

If a hunter is in it just for the thrill of the hunt and the kill and not interested in the meat and they are ethical hunters and harvest the animal and donate the meat then I have no problems at all. If they make the kill for the thrill of it and leave it to rot in the field then I have a major problem with it.
Posted By: TBS

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:29 PM

I will also add that my opinion does not apply to hogs!!!
Posted By: Nogalus Prairie

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:29 PM

This is a pretty good thread for separating the country boys from the city boys.......
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:32 PM

were is the poll master??
Posted By: TBS

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:38 PM

I remember growing up my Dad and I would squirrel hunt all the time. Mom would not eat them and finally Dad quit cooking them. We still went hunting for them and my Dad would clean them and give them to an old man that lived down the road. It was a feast for him. When the old man died we quit squirrel hunting. My Dad had a rule that you did not kill something that was not going to be eaten by someone, maybe not by us, but by someone.
Posted By: stxranchman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:41 PM

I grew up under the same rules...but that was before hogs came into the mix and people stopped trapping predators for the money keeping their populations under control.
Originally Posted By: TBS
I remember growing up my Dad and I would squirrel hunt all the time. Mom would not eat them and finally Dad quit cooking them. We still went hunting for them and my Dad would clean them and give them to an old man that lived down the road. It was a feast for him. When the old man died we quit squirrel hunting. My Dad had a rule that you did not kill something that was not going to be eaten by someone, maybe not by us, but by someone.
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:41 PM

Originally Posted By: TBS
I remember growing up my Dad and I would squirrel hunt all the time. Mom would not eat them and finally Dad quit cooking them. We still went hunting for them and my Dad would clean them and give them to an old man that lived down the road. It was a feast for him. When the old man died we quit squirrel hunting. My Dad had a rule that you did not kill something that was not going to be eaten by someone, maybe not by us, but by someone.

Yotes gota eat too...

It amazes me that people say this meat is going to waste just because PEOPLE aren't eating it.... the wildlife will put it to use much more than any human would
Posted By: TBS

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:44 PM

Originally Posted By: Navasot
Originally Posted By: TBS
I remember growing up my Dad and I would squirrel hunt all the time. Mom would not eat them and finally Dad quit cooking them. We still went hunting for them and my Dad would clean them and give them to an old man that lived down the road. It was a feast for him. When the old man died we quit squirrel hunting. My Dad had a rule that you did not kill something that was not going to be eaten by someone, maybe not by us, but by someone.

Yotes gota eat too...

It amazes me that people say this meat is going to waste just because PEOPLE aren't eating it.... the wildlife will put it to use much more than any human would

I don't disagree but that was just the hunting rules I was taught as a young man. After seeing a group of yotes take down a new born calf and all the damage the hogs do to my land, I will shoot a yote or hog and leave them there for nature to take care of and never have a second thought about it.
Posted By: stxranchman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:49 PM

Originally Posted By: Navasot
Originally Posted By: TBS
I remember growing up my Dad and I would squirrel hunt all the time. Mom would not eat them and finally Dad quit cooking them. We still went hunting for them and my Dad would clean them and give them to an old man that lived down the road. It was a feast for him. When the old man died we quit squirrel hunting. My Dad had a rule that you did not kill something that was not going to be eaten by someone, maybe not by us, but by someone.

Yotes gota eat too...
It amazes me that people say this meat is going to waste just because PEOPLE aren't eating it.... the wildlife will put it to use much more than any human would

Yotes always do eat and not as picky or choosy as we are about what they eat either.

Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 04:49 PM

Originally Posted By: TBS
Originally Posted By: Navasot
Originally Posted By: TBS
I remember growing up my Dad and I would squirrel hunt all the time. Mom would not eat them and finally Dad quit cooking them. We still went hunting for them and my Dad would clean them and give them to an old man that lived down the road. It was a feast for him. When the old man died we quit squirrel hunting. My Dad had a rule that you did not kill something that was not going to be eaten by someone, maybe not by us, but by someone.

Yotes gota eat too...

It amazes me that people say this meat is going to waste just because PEOPLE aren't eating it.... the wildlife will put it to use much more than any human would

I don't disagree but that was just the hunting rules I was taught as a young man. After seeing a group of yotes take down a new born calf and all the damage the hogs do to my land, I will shoot a yote or hog and leave them there for nature to take care of and never have a second thought about it.
Posted By: Monster_Raxx

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 05:24 PM

Great thread. Let's you know what people are made of.
Posted By: Monster_Raxx

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 05:27 PM

Speaking of which. Does anybody know where there's a list of processors who participate in hunters for the hungry? If there even is one. I acquired another lease and there is some culling that needs to be done. Might as well donate the extra deer
Posted By: Trout-killer

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 05:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Monster_Raxx
I acquired another lease and there is some culling that needs to be done. Might as well donate the extra deer

I have some tags I may be able to donate to your cause wink
Posted By: Monster_Raxx

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 05:37 PM

Thanks, I got enough tags. I just need a processor
Posted By: Trout-killer

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 05:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Monster_Raxx
Thanks, I got enough tags. I just need a processor
Posted By: DFWPI

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 08:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Trout-killer
Originally Posted By: Monster_Raxx
I acquired another lease and there is some culling that needs to be done. Might as well donate the extra deer

I have some tags I may be able to donate to your cause wink

Now see, I would have a problem with this as it is against the law. You would have go do the hunting and tagging.
Posted By: Trout-killer

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 08:42 PM

Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/03/13 09:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Trout-killer

Posted By: DFWPI

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 12:33 AM

Originally Posted By: Trout-killer

I guess I didn't get it with head against wall.
Posted By: luvpigmeet

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 12:44 AM

HUH? Here in PA. they advertise Hunters Sharing the Harvest. We do so much for other Countries, it is time we all help out our fellow man. Wild meat is better than something that was a calf and a couple months later it is big enough to harvest and put the meat on the shelves. (hormones). I give my deer to HSH. $15 is a small fee to pay to feed someone and their family. I have 3 doe tags. I will be feeding a lot of people. Nuff said!!!
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 12:47 AM

Originally Posted By: Play Maker
Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.

I feel it is safe to assume you have never been in that situation or else you wouldn't make that statement.

Well, it's safe to assume that you won't ever put down 200 hogs in one sitting, in one week or even one month. So, I guess it really doesn't matter. You for sure can't bust even close to that many hogs. The only way would be to trap and that still ain't gonna happen. The most I have done in one sitting is 6 hogs with my dad at my side and yes it is a pain. But, I still clean and processed everything.
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 12:54 AM

Originally Posted By: TBS
I remember growing up my Dad and I would squirrel hunt all the time. Mom would not eat them and finally Dad quit cooking them. We still went hunting for them and my Dad would clean them and give them to an old man that lived down the road. It was a feast for him. When the old man died we quit squirrel hunting. My Dad had a rule that you did not kill something that was not going to be eaten by someone, maybe not by us, but by someone.

That was my dads rule and it's still mine today.
Posted By: stxranchman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 12:55 AM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: Play Maker
Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.

I feel it is safe to assume you have never been in that situation or else you wouldn't make that statement.

Well, it's safe to assume that you won't ever put down 200 hogs in one sitting, in one week or even one month. So, I guess it really doesn't matter. You for sure can't bust even close to that many hogs. The only way would be to trap and that still ain't gonna happen. The most I have done in one sitting is 6 hogs with my dad at my side and yes it is a pain. But, I still clean and processed everything.

Helicopter hunts can put that many down easily. Had a buddy and a two of his friends kill 194 in about half a day last winter.
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 01:03 AM

Originally Posted By: stxranchman
Helicopter hunts can put that many down easily. Had a buddy and a two of his friends kill 194 in about half a day last winter.

No kidding. I call BS!
Posted By: ryorgensen

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 01:48 AM

When my Mom was still alive, I would take her fresh backstrap often. She loved it and looked forward to deer season almost as much as I did. Also, I like to dove and duck hunt. I've tryd it everyway possible but I don't like it. I have friends who love it and I gladly help them feed their family.
Posted By: BOONER

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 01:31 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: Play Maker
Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.

I feel it is safe to assume you have never been in that situation or else you wouldn't make that statement.

Well, it's safe to assume that you won't ever put down 200 hogs in one sitting, in one week or even one month. So, I guess it really doesn't matter. You for sure can't bust even close to that many hogs. The only way would be to trap and that still ain't gonna happen. The most I have done in one sitting is 6 hogs with my dad at my side and yes it is a pain. But, I still clean and processed everything.

Pretty sure you missed the point. So do you eat the mice and bugs you kill?
Posted By: BOONER

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 01:33 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: stxranchman
Helicopter hunts can put that many down easily. Had a buddy and a two of his friends kill 194 in about half a day last winter.

No kidding. I call BS!

Lol! I'm sure he is making that up just to impress you. confused2 You really must be a city slicker!!!
Posted By: stxranchman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 01:35 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: stxranchman
Helicopter hunts can put that many down easily. Had a buddy and a two of his friends kill 194 in about half a day last winter.

No kidding. I call BS!

Call it what you want. It happens all the time on heli hunts. The Nuge and Pigman killed over 290 in one day on film and aired in on TV show.
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 01:45 PM

Well then there you go. Problem solved. If you are having that much trouble with hogs in your pasture then rent you a heli and fly around your pasture. Let me know how that works out for you.
Posted By: 8pointdrop

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 01:47 PM

Landowners south of me come together and pitched in money to get a chopper gunner. They killed 209 south of my lease in 2 days. Saw well over 100 in a ditch the landowners had dug to pile them in and there was still 2 crews out picking up what they could find.
Posted By: BOONER

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 02:02 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Well then there you go. Problem solved. If you are having that much trouble with hogs in your pasture then rent you a heli and fly around your pasture. Let me know how that works out for you.

I guess your just going to avoid the questions about bugs and mice?
Posted By: Chadillac

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 02:11 PM

Originally Posted By: BOONER
I guess your just going to avoid the questions about bugs and mice?

Posted By: BOONER

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 02:16 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: BOONER
I guess your just going to avoid the questions about bugs and mice?


Lol. It's a legit question for someone with such a holier than thou attitude. I'm pretty sure your silence lets us all know your nothing more than a judgemental hypocrite.
Posted By: Navasot

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 02:26 PM

Originally Posted By: BOONER
Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: BOONER
I guess your just going to avoid the questions about bugs and mice?


Lol. It's a legit question for someone with such a holier than thou attitude. I'm pretty sure your silence lets us all know your nothing more than a judgemental hypocrite.

Don't feed the.... ok ok ill change it
Posted By: DFWPI

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/04/13 09:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Originally Posted By: Play Maker
Originally Posted By: Chadillac
Oh and if you have 200 hogs tearing up your fields and you want to shoot all of them. I would suggest having a lot of sharp knives.

I feel it is safe to assume you have never been in that situation or else you wouldn't make that statement.

Well, it's safe to assume that you won't ever put down 200 hogs in one sitting, in one week or even one month. So, I guess it really doesn't matter. You for sure can't bust even close to that many hogs. The only way would be to trap and that still ain't gonna happen. The most I have done in one sitting is 6 hogs with my dad at my side and yes it is a pain. But, I still clean and processed everything.

Just how old are you? And a little resume about yourself would greatly give credit to your hunting prowess! Surely you have no clue what can and can't be killed using a helicopter.
Posted By: Enter Standman

Re: donate the meat?wth - 10/05/13 02:54 AM

"I agree with the OP, also, what's up with Hospice, Big Brother/Big Sister, and the Roberto Clemente Award.


The Devil"
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