Texas Hunting Forum

Most Dangerous Situation

Posted By: BenBob

Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 02:19 PM

What is the most dangerous situation that you have ever been faced with while hunting or just participating in any kind of outdoor activity? It could involve guns, snakes, falling out of a deer stand, other people, bears, etc. I was just wondering what kind of dangers people have faced while hunting or just being in the outdoors.

Posted By: Txduckman

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 02:35 PM

Swimming for decoys in 40 degree weather. smile

Posted By: dee

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 02:38 PM

Was hung up in briars with pigs all around me, had my trusty .41 out but that arm was hung up.

Posted By: cameron00

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 02:42 PM

A buddy of mine was complaining that his gun was jammed so I asked him to give it to me. He hands it to me with his finger inside the trigger guard (I didn't know that) and the barrel pointing straight up. As I take it, his finger catches the trigger, pulling the barrel down towards my head and the gun goes off, probably about a foot over my face.

Posted By: scot

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 03:05 PM

Originally Posted By: cameron00
A buddy of mine was complaining that his gun was jammed so I asked him to give it to me. He hands it to me with his finger inside the trigger guard (I didn't know that) and the barrel pointing straight up. As I take it, his finger catches the trigger, pulling the barrel down towards my head and the gun goes off, probably about a foot over my face.

I think I'd find a new hunting buddy...

Posted By: cameron00

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 03:06 PM

I told him I'd never hunt with him again, and to his credit, he hasn't hunted since.

Posted By: Brother in-law

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 03:13 PM

Riding around with my safety off not knowing it. Peppered a buddy of mine pretty good one time while he retrieved a dove. I was using hi brass 6's.

Posted By: rifleman

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 03:16 PM

the cable on the bottom section of my climber came undone and I couldn't get it back in the slot w/ chillin' between 20-25' up in a tree. It all could have been avoided had it not been spicy tamale day at work.......

Posted By: West Fork Armory

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 03:27 PM

I fell off a 30 foot cut bank on a river, it was dark and I thought it was the path, well when I hit the ground my shoulder was dislocated and my surefire was no where to be seen. I did save my rifle though. Then I had to walk back through a crappy trail to find my jeep and it was pitch black out. To tell you how bad my arm was, my hand was backwards and I couldn't move my fingers, so I could reach my cell phone. I ended up driving with the car door open all the way to the hospital. My arm was out of socket for two hours. That was 19 months ago and still haven't fully recovered.

Posted By: Santamour123

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 03:36 PM

I was home from college. Not having many days to hunt, I shot a small 4 point. When I was dressing it a guy came up to me. ( who I knew was an %^&hole drunk, who hunted the land adjasent to me.)He was mad because he let that buck walk. Words got heated and he pointed his rifle at my chest and said "I could leave you lay here." The only thing I could think of is to say "Go ahead but you won't walk away. You see that lone tree over there. My old man is sitting there watching on his bipod. now. You make the call!" He muddered something and walked away. The old man was at work . But, he didn't know that!!!!

Posted By: DSP56

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 03:36 PM

I was out duck hunting by myself about 4 years ago. The tank I was hunting floods every time it rains so there is about 3 foot of water pretty far out all the way around it. This tank doesnt have a slight slope to the bottom. It drops hard and fast to a bottom depth of around 30-35 feet. As I was setting out decoys on the edge , I took 1 step to far and was in water way over my head . My waders filled up with water alot faster then I tought they would , so, to the bottom I went! I dont know how I did it ( by the grace of God I guess) but I got the waist latch undone and kicked the waders off and pulled my way back to the bank. Just really , really lucky that day. If I hade not gottin those waders off I might still be at the bottom of that tank and my family would'nt have a clue where I was at.

Posted By: maximum

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 03:42 PM

The time I thought I would try to squirrel hunt with
my T/C .410 barrel.(I didn't realize at the time the
rifling would throw a donut crappy pattern and I couldn't
hit a beer can 15 feet away)I started out walking down
the road to get to a certain creek bottom I wanted to
hunt first thing that morning.I was almost there and
topped a hill and just below was a pack of about 12-
15 stray dogs(feral dogs?)4 or 5 of them got up and
was looking at me and growling low and all bristled up.
I thought "man. . .what a great time to be alone and
with teeny one shooter" I stood still and they finally
all got up and went in the woods.Later that day some
of the folks at the campsite said some items had been
stolen while everyone was away in the woods that morning
(coolers-campstoves-the like)That evening I went to the
farthest corner of the area to see if I could pick up
a couple of squirrels before dark.Almost back to the
road and my truck,I heard a truck idling real loud,and
got close enough to see an old beat up truck with one
guy driving,two in the back,and one on the ground peering
over in the back of my truck and looking inside through
the windows.He got back in the back and they left and hadn't
done anything wrong other than look my truck over so we
didn't have any gunfights that day

Posted By: Txkiller

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 05:28 PM

Walking up on snakes!

Posted By: Txduckman

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 05:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Txkiller
Walking up on snakes!

I have had them en inch away from my toes. No biggy. Just don't act scared and they slither away. Seriously.

Posted By: CSF

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 05:41 PM

Messing with an angry, smart sow caught in a trap that figured out how the door swung.

Posted By: westtex75

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 05:43 PM

Had more close encounters than I can tell about. Once picked up a kid who was excited over killing a buck and forgot to put his safety back on. As he jumped into the cab of my truck, he touched the trigger and shot a hole thru the floor of my truck. Do you know how loud a 270 is in the cab of a truck?

Stepped squarely on the head of a rattler last spring while slipping in to a turkey roost before daylite.

When I was a kid, I slipped on a rain slicked bluff and went straight into a swollen river. Couldn't even begin to swim in that current and was finally able to grab a log and crawl out. But it scared me like nothing before and I signed up for swimming lessons that summer.

But the worst..........I had the chance to hunt a private ranch in montana for several yrs. I found a secluded spot that required lots of walking to get to. Didn't want to haul my tree stand in and out so I left it in the tree one yr. and came back to hunt it the next. The next yr when I was climbing into my setup and got all the way to the top step only to have it pull out of the tree. There I was holding on only to a step that was up above my head w/ my right hand and my body swinging in the air 25 ft. above the ground. I looked down and decided I would not fare well by letting go. So I held on for all I was worth until I was able to swing back and wrap my legs around that tree and slowly get to the ground. I was never so happy to feel the ground under my feet. Long story short it tore the pectoralis muscle away from its insertion on my chest and the next day I looked like someone had sprayed black paint on my chest and back. Moral of story always check tree steps before you put wt. on them and saftey belts ..........not a bad idea.

Posted By: RICK O'SHAY

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 05:45 PM

Took my Blazer up the side of a "mountain" once and reached an impass... had to turn around on quite a steep incline.

I've had a few close call with rattlers but I don't even count them. Heck I hardly even get the adrenalin rush from snakes any more.

Posted By: Scoop

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 06:10 PM

Had a full feeder barrel fall at my feet when the pulley bolt sheared (recent post).

Also jumped a mountain lion once in a ravine we used as our gut dump. It was just below me hugging the wall where I couldn't see it. Dumped a full bucket, cat came straight up, all I had to defend myself was the empty bucket. Luckily, the cat was not interested in mixing it up.

Had a 270 malfunction once and go off once when I chambered a round in my blind. Very loud.... hole in roof of blind... couldn't hear a thing for a while.

Posted By: Ed Lingenfelter

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 06:19 PM

Did not happen to me but to my Uncle, He was crossing a fence with his gun. I guess safety was off and he fell the gun went off into his leg. He was alone. Eventually, his son in law came looking for him and got him help. He had put a tourniquet on the leg to stop the bleeding but eventually his lost that leg.

Posted By: SATX

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 06:56 PM

Rock climbing in Joshua Tree National Park out in CA. I was free climbing a small rock face and had just pulled myself up into a new spot. One that was shared by a rattle snake. He never really reared back, but he did swivel his head around a bit. I couldn't really do anything as I had one foot extended out to a new toe hold while I held my weight with my arms and hands. I slowly reversed my steps and and we parted ways ASAP. Then I went back to camp and got a clean pair of shorts on.

Posted By: rclester89

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/12/10 11:12 PM

I'll tell a story for my dad...

My dad has always been a big elk hunter and had a good friend who ran an outfitter about 2 hours outside Boseman Montana. Few years back he went up to hunt early in the season. All the hunting is done by horse back and stalking and the property is 20,000 acres of wilderness and not exactly the hike and bike friendly type. Early his second morning he was taking his horse up a 300ft shale embankment to get a shot on a good 6x6. When he reached the top of the ridge his horse lost his footing and tossed my dad. My father slid about 200 yards before he was able to get on his back and dig his rifle into the ground. He said he finally stopped about 10-15ft short of a 400 ft vertical drop. I now shoot his 7mag that literally saved his life and man does it have the scuff marks to prove it.

Posted By: RMR

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 12:13 AM

Lots of stories from people at my lease but only real dangerous thing for me was getting peppered while dove hunting.

Posted By: Rockinmyshoe

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 12:50 AM

Opening day of a two day offshore tournement out of Galveston Yacht basin left out for a 4:00 am "shotgun start" from the jetties. Skipper of the boat must have stayed at the Captains meeting from the night before just a little to long. I was sitting down below on a large igloo tying some ribbon fish for baits,the next thing i know i was on my hands and knees in 6 inches of water,almost out from hitting my head on the ladder to the flybridge. Skipper put us up on plane and hit the North jetties at about 25 knots with a 36' Bertrum. We were doing a filming for a fishing show from many years ago,the camera guy was scrambling to get all his equipment in to one the ice chests the skipper is trying to get all his Penn Internationals tied up to life jackets and and we are sinking fast. Being a big guy when the boat was on its dying wiggles before sinking i decide im going to jump about the time the boat is going under and my life jacket gets caught up in the fighting chair, i finally got it loose and was able to get to the surface and swim to the jetties, this all happened about 4:00 am and we have no flare gun, no radio and were are pretty much stuck. Right before daylight we see a coast guard boat coming and we think we got it made,wrong someone had a heartattack at the South jetties and they were headed to help them. After daylight we were discovered by some guys in a small boat fishing the boat cut. While sitting on the rocks oil and bait and Miller lite were floating everywhere, I told the Skipper you bring us all the way out here crash the jetties and you dont have anything to drink but lite beer?
Went back to work on Monday passed out and spent the next ten days in Hermann hospital with a fractured skull.

Posted By: prohunter2011

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 01:15 AM

my old lady said she was going to oklahoma so while she was gone i got to go to the bar were she cought me sitting about my first drink.wasnt good

Posted By: BOB7

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 02:04 AM

Originally Posted By: Santamour123
I was home from college. Not having many days to hunt, I shot a small 4 point. When I was dressing it a guy came up to me. ( who I knew was an %^&hole drunk, who hunted the land adjasent to me.)He was mad because he let that buck walk. Words got heated and he pointed his rifle at my chest and said "I could leave you lay here." The only thing I could think of is to say "Go ahead but you won't walk away. You see that lone tree over there. My old man is sitting there watching on his bipod. now. You make the call!" He muddered something and walked away. The old man was at work . But, he didn't know that!!!!

i first thought was' i'd catch that guy later without his gun and give him an a_ _ whipping of his life.
then i remembered a story i think it about five or so years ago around crosbyton.

i looked for the story on the internet and couldn't find it, but anyway this guy had leased his land out to this guy and thay got cross some how or another.
the land owner and his grown son were sitting in the pickup out on this place.
the guy that had it leased drives up beside them and rolls down his window
so they roll down thier window to see what he wants
this guy raises up a 12 guage and shoots them both.
if i remember right the dad dies right there and the son lives for a while but dies a day or two later.

Posted By: Csddarden

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 02:39 AM

I was at the range 6-7 years ago with my now long-gone .308 shooting Hornaday ammo. Sighting it in, chambered a round, let it loose... sounded odd, and there was no mark on the paper. I think, hm, maybe I pulled the crap outa it or something. Chamber the next round, let it loose, this one sounds REALLY odd. My friend starts freaking out, so I get up from behind the rifle to find the barrel has exploded out the side. Aparently Hornaday forgot to put powder in the first shell that sounded odd and it got stuck about 5-6 inches in the barrel; second shot came up behind and BOOM - ruined gun. Ruger replaced it under warranty. Sold the gun and will never shoot hornaday loads again.

Posted By: caprocker

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 02:44 AM

when i was 14 we had a huge storm hit on the lease we were hunting in coke county..its was spring turkey season and our lease was water locked on all sides by tributaries of the colorado river..we were stranded and had to drive out thru some very high water..after waiting on the water to come down from 10 feet to about 5 we decided to try to foard the shallowest of the 3 streams we had to cross..as on most west texas roads there were poly pipe flow lines running beside all the lease roads..in order to cross with our truck i had to wade out chest deep in the running water to hold the flowline back while dad drove the truck across...all i remember is that the water was cold and there were a lot of things hitting me in the water that i couldnt see at 3 a.m....we made it out but it was an endearing time for a 14 year old kid...i look back and wonder if we ever told mom..i bet she would have taken a skillet to dad if she knew what we had done just so i could get to school on time the next morning..

Posted By: t george

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 03:44 AM

man, some of yalls stories could be posted up in a "reasons to carry at all times" thread I dont know what I would do if some one put a gun to my chest, but if it ever happens they better finish the job because they aint gona like it if I live to fight another day...

the most danger I have ever been in while hunting or in the outdoors was on richaland chambers in a 13ft aluminum boat with a 1957 7.5hp jhonson motor on it. talk about a wild ride with the high winds and big white caps... took us about 2 hours to get back to the dock that might have been a mile away at best... i was 12 years old and I was stinkin cold!!!

Posted By: Varget 7-08

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 04:43 AM

Dang, after reading all of these stories I might take up golf!

Posted By: llanite

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 12:21 PM

Originally Posted By: spaz123
Dang, after reading all of these stories I might take up golf!

My grandfather got hit by lightning on the golf course once. Lived to tell about it, but it blew his shoes off and burned his feet and his belt buckle burned his belly.

Posted By: JESmith

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 12:54 PM

Came face to face with a big bull moose while backpacking in the Absorokas. I had a sawed-off 12 guage stashed in my bed roll. I yanked on it. It snagged and I couldn't pull it free. I got a tree between me and the moose. We danced around that tree a couple of times. Finally the moose got bored and stomped off. When I got home, the first thing I did was bob the hammer on that shotgun.

Posted By: Dry Fire

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 01:04 PM

My Grandfather owned 320 acres NE of Plainview, Tx. Back in high school, I and my cousins were hunting pheasants on it in 15 degree weather. We get to the end of the turn row about a mile from our truck and notice the stock pond is frozen. My cousin walks out on it and falls through the ice. We managed to pull him out, but we know it is a mile run back to the truck. Luckily his Dad was watching us with binoculars and when he saw Victor start to walk over the ice, he raced over in his truck. Two of us had to carry him to the truck as he was already entering early stages of hypothermia.

Posted By: scott1071

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 01:46 PM

When I was young and stupid my buddies and I were dove hunting. It was hot and heavy, but the dove were in a compact area so were all way too close to each other, like 50 feet. I was standing in a shallow ravine and looked to my right only to find my buddy drawing a bead on a dove and swinging straight towards me. I hit the deck, he fired and dirt flew everywhere where I was standing. Had I not seen him he would have shot me in the shoulder/head area from 50 feet. I almost shot back at him.

Posted By: meathunter

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 04:31 PM

Had my windshield blown out by someone shooting at me, had a knife pulled on me in a fight, and did not let a guy in a bar that I was bouncing at in college and he went and got a shotgun and pointed it in my face. Big mistake, I noticed he did not have his finger in the trigger guard, and well lets just say he was happy when the cops got there. But nothing that scary.

Posted By: Ed Lingenfelter

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 04:55 PM

Originally Posted By: Ed Lingenfelter
Did not happen to me but to my Uncle, He was crossing a fence with his gun. I guess safety was off and he fell the gun went off into his leg. He was alone. Eventually, his son in law came looking for him and got him help. He had put a tourniquet on the leg to stop the bleeding but eventually his lost that leg.

You know folk, I have been in Combat but that did not even occur to me. I guess I was in a well enough trained unit that I really never felt in much danger. The only time I was really scared was on convoy in Desert Storm and one of those stupid scud missile exploded in the air above us. Later we found out it was one taken out by a Patriot Missile.

Posted By: BenBob

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 05:24 PM

On the opening weekend of deer season 1997, we were all trying to get to our place in the Hill Country and it was raining. BIL got there first and it takes 35 feet of water from the Llano River to get into our house by the river. River was raging when he got there and he marked where it was and went back into the house. About 30 minutes later he looked out and his marker was gone. He decided to get out of there and left, but still had to drive through water up over his wheels to get out. River ended up getting 7 feet into the house and almost pushing it off of its foundation. The house would have gone to Lake Buchanan if the fireplace had not been located on the downstream side of the house. I can only imagine if we had all been there and gone to bed only to wake up to water filling up the house with no way to get out of there since all of our vehicles would have been under water. Sound of the river used to comfort me when I went to sleep with a window open, but now it haunts me.

Posted By: chargercody

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 09:07 PM

Pissing off my very pregnant wife when I told her rather rudely to be still and be quiet. Hormones.........

Posted By: kevlp

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/13/10 09:22 PM

Originally Posted By: BOB7

i first thought was' i'd catch that guy later without his gun and give him an a_ _ whipping of his life.
then i remembered a story i think it about five or so years ago around crosbyton.

i looked for the story on the internet and couldn't find it, but anyway this guy had leased his land out to this guy and thay got cross some how or another.
the land owner and his grown son were sitting in the pickup out on this place.
the guy that had it leased drives up beside them and rolls down his window
so they roll down thier window to see what he wants
this guy raises up a 12 guage and shoots them both.
if i remember right the dad dies right there and the son lives for a while but dies a day or two later.

Is this the one Bob? Story
I grew up in Crosbyton and was living there when this happened.

Posted By: tgammon

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 02:19 AM

this is a story about my buddy he had a lease in buffalo Texas there cabin had been broken into but thought nothing of it because from what they could tell the guy just slept in his bed, well he gets to his blind to find the guy sitting in it with a hole in his head and a suicide note, he had been there for 2 months, they sold the lease right after that

Posted By: BOB7

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 02:38 AM

Originally Posted By: kevlp
Originally Posted By: BOB7

i first thought was' i'd catch that guy later without his gun and give him an a_ _ whipping of his life.
then i remembered a story i think it about five or so years ago around crosbyton.

i looked for the story on the internet and couldn't find it, but anyway this guy had leased his land out to this guy and thay got cross some how or another.
the land owner and his grown son were sitting in the pickup out on this place.
the guy that had it leased drives up beside them and rolls down his window
so they roll down thier window to see what he wants
this guy raises up a 12 guage and shoots them both.
if i remember right the dad dies right there and the son lives for a while but dies a day or two later.

Is this the one Bob? Story
I grew up in Crosbyton and was living there when this happened.

sounds like it.
it's not the way i remembered it, but too similar not to be.
wow 1998, time flies when your having fun.

Posted By: Alec

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 03:42 AM

During November 2006, I shot a 6 pt buck and he dropped right on the spot and and I waited about 10 min to go over and get him. When we got to him, we thought he was dead but then he got up and looked right at us not even 15 feet away and I thought he was going to attack. Meanwhile my dad was chambering another round in the rifle to finish him off, but before he could get the gun up, the buck ran off about 30-40yds into some mesquite trees.

Thankfully I was able to see his antlers sticking up off the ground or I probably never would've found him.

Posted By: hogghunter123

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 01:00 PM

I'm going to tell on BenBob we were hunting pigs in
Jacksboro, Bob killed two with one shot. Later that night he went outside to take a leak as I went to the truck to get my snuff He asked if i needed a flashlight, I said no, he said there might be snakes I said yeah right, I get to the truck he yells snake I said whatever he says I'm not kidding come here, I go over and there he is with a rattler between his bare feet he had been pissing on it the whole time.

P.S He screams like a little girl

Posted By: txhunter24

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 01:04 PM

rofl clap

Posted By: meathunter

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 02:58 PM

I went and checked the hog trap one morning and had three hogs in it that weighed about 120 lbs. each. Will my ten year old was with me and we went ahead and shot all three in the head with a .22 and drug them out of the trap and put them in the tractors front end loader. I told my son to put the gun up and to meet me at the skinning tree. Well on the weigh to the skinning tree I see a hog head appear above the top of the front end loader. Well we do not believe in leaving any survivors when it comes to hogs and I knew I had to take this one out. Well I get to the skinning tree and grab my pocket knife, about a six inch blade, and dump the hogs on the ground and junp off the tractor and grab hold of that hog and get him down. He then prceeds to wriggle free. He gets up and goes about 10 yards and turns around to try and get a piece of me. As he charges I jump straight up and over him and am in pursuit as he is now heading towards a fence. I get ahold of him, get him pinned again and stab him in the heart area multiple times and hold him down until he is not moving. At this point I get up and take step back. He then proceeds to get up and make a break for it. I pin him into a fence and pin him down and cut him from ear to ear. I again let hold him down until I thought he was done for good. He again gets up and rens into a cattle pen that is surrounded by hog panel. I close the gate and send my son to the house to get the gun. He returns with the gun and and shoots the gog in the head about five more times (.22) before he finally layed down and died. Me and my son laughed about that for a lone while. My ribs were sore for about a week from wrestling with that hog as he was pulling to get away.

Posted By: jcathunter

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 04:11 PM

I've had a few run ins with bear while hunting hounds in Ca. and doing depredation work in the NW. Had one get me on the ground and whoop on me a bit but, surprisingly, he didn't do any damage at all.

Posted By: Texaswolf

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 04:17 PM

My brother shot himself in the foot with a 9mm while we were hog hunting. I came up on him with the 4 wheeler about a min later. He was rolling around and screaming. Come to find out the bullet grazed his left 2nd toe. He was fine just in alot of pain. It scared the S&%$ out of me when he said he shot himself. Now he has a little groove on the side of his toe......:) that dumb A%%....

Posted By: meathunter

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 05:11 PM

One time I was going hunting with a guy I worked with and was sitting in his livingroom waiting for him to change and grab his stuff. Anyways I am sitting in a recliner and he comes around the corner and tells me not to move, there was rattlesnake crawling out from underneath the chair. So I look over the side of the chair and sure enough there was a rattlesnake crawling out from underneath the chair. I told him to get me a knife and he came back with a butter knife and tossed it to me. I pinned the snakes head and sawed it off with the butter knife and problem was averted. He had small children so we spent the rest of the afternoon going through all their stuffed animals and missed the dove hunt.

Posted By: FoxTrot

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 05:33 PM

This actually happened last Friday....
At Richland Chambers fishing when a cold front blows in and the wind picks up tremendously. Head back to the ramp. I get out and back the trailer up only to see my buddy(duece12) on the bank in the boat. Others try to help and nothing. We walk over to see what is going on and the boat is full of water. Those big waves came over the side of the boat and filled her up quick. We multiple beers later, we had 2 five gallon buckets and got enough water out to get the boat off the bank and use the trolling motor to get back to the trailer.

Posted By: TxTechsan

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 06:11 PM

Originally Posted By: meathunter
One time I was going hunting with a guy I worked with and was sitting in his livingroom waiting for him to change and grab his stuff. Anyways I am sitting in a recliner and he comes around the corner and tells me not to move, there was rattlesnake crawling out from underneath the chair. So I look over the side of the chair and sure enough there was a rattlesnake crawling out from underneath the chair. I told him to get me a knife and he came back with a butter knife and tossed it to me. I pinned the snakes head and sawed it off with the butter knife and problem was averted. He had small children so we spent the rest of the afternoon going through all their stuffed animals and missed the dove hunt.

In his living room???? How?

Posted By: meathunter

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 06:45 PM

older house had some cracks under door and in floor

Posted By: massn8v

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 07:09 PM

Originally Posted By: chargercody
Pissing off my very pregnant wife when I told her rather rudely to be still and be quiet. Hormones.........

roflYou got some stones, brother cheers

Posted By: Brownwood

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/14/10 07:24 PM

I was In Botswana in 2004 on a mission trip. I got a chance to hunt, well go with a white Batswana while he hunted, for 5 days. It was one of those deals where we drove down the road and just turned left and the trackers started cutting bush and we drove off into the Kalahari. Anyway, on the third day we accidently stalked into a pride of Lionesses while tracking buffalo. Should have known something was up because the trackers were no longer around, but we were really focused on the buffalo. I didnt know what was going on until the guy hissed LION. Then it was like they seemed to just appear out of the bush even though they were laying ther all along. We had snuck up on them napping and the wind swirled and let them know we were there, thank God. There was growling and jaw popping and you could hear em breathe. I swear i could smell the rotten meat on their breath! I know I saw 3 less than 20 yards from me but the guy swears there were 1/2 dozen. They were near a buff kill and thankfully very full of buffalo meat. We backed out slowly trying to keep tabs on all of them without making any eye contact. By the way, I was only carrying a video camera. We slept in the land rover that night after getting incredibly drunk and moved camp the next morning.

Posted By: erathar

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/15/10 03:32 PM

I posted this a week or so ago in another thread

This past december i was deer hunting in a pop up blind bout 300 yard from the Palo Pinto county line in Erath. Does are eating corn in the field when they all spook. The biggest hog i have ever seen comes out and i decide to shoot him. Pop him in the vitals with my 243 and he stumbles, then makes a beline down the fence headed towards me. I shoot again and see the dirt fly about 2 feet in front of him. By this time he is around 20 yards from me. Thats when i decided to abandon ship. Problem with that was i couldnt get the door unzipped. I blow out of the blind but it gets caught on my waist. So there i am draging the pop up around my waist like a damn tutu. The big spotted boar gets litteraly 5 feet from me and i pop him again in the gut. Never found it that day. Few weeks later i see buzzards and go check. I still have the skull from that pig. Tusks are about 3 or so inches on either side. Wish I could have had it on video. Looking back, it sure got the blood pumping, but damn funny now.

Posted By: Michael Rosamond

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/15/10 06:57 PM

In 03 I was in on a deer drive in Arkansas. I was standing in a small gap in a fence line that intersected another fence ( made a four way). I'm watching in front of me in a hay field. A coyote comes out and I pop him. Then I see a deer standing in the fence line that's running down the side of the hay field. He was a nice 8 and I decide to take him. I shoot and hit him Hi in the shoulder. He turned and runs strait for me. I was thinking they were going to come out a lot further out and had my scope turned all the way up. When I looked at him thru the scope coming full speed at 30 yards he looked like a moose. I drilled him square in the chest and he didn't slow down. I was shooting a remington semi auto 30.06. Apparently that little gap I was standing in was his escape route. His rack clipped my leg as I had the rifle pulled back and put 2 more in the top of his back. He slid to a stop 10 yards from me. I had shot him 4 times and he had put a huge bruise on my thigh. That was a little to close. I coon hunt a lot and have a bunch of I could have died stories.

Posted By: kdub

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/15/10 07:07 PM

"I coon hunt a lot and have a bunch of I could have died stories."

Don't hold out on us.

Posted By: Michael Rosamond

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/16/10 12:05 AM

Originally Posted By: kdub
"I coon hunt a lot and have a bunch of I could have died stories."

Don't hold out on us.

I don't remember how long ago it was but I was coon hunting by myself one night and had a shoot out with some idiots. I was hunting on a place I had permission to be on and was hunting off of my four wheeler. I had turned my dog loose and she got treed behind a duck levy in the edge of the woods. I drove to within about 50 yards of her and had been sitting there about five minutes when someone shot at my dog. I could here the bullets cutting the limbs going toward her. I figured some one thought it was by its self and they just decided to shoot her. I yelled at them thinking when they realized someone was there they would quit. WRONG. When they heard where I was they started shooting at me. I dove on the other side of my four wheeler when I realized, hell I got a gun too. I had a browning buck mark that I use to coon hunt with. I emptied the clip thinking that would scare them off. Instead it just let them zero in on me better. They hit my four wheeler 6 times. The first clip I had shot over their heads. The next clip I was aiming for where the shots came from. Two more clips later I heard someone say lets get out of here and they left. I sat behind my four wheeler for a few minutes and went and got my dog. She had stayed treed thru all of that. I got to the house and called the cops the cops came and told me I needed to call the GW. I told him this wasn't a hunting accident and I wasn't calling the GW if they find someone dead in the woods down there then come find me because I did it. I found out later they had busted a couple of different people down there cooking meth.

Posted By: devildog28

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/16/10 09:43 AM

A couple duck seasons ago I got shot while coming back from a morning of duck hunting over by Hitchcock.

We were taking a canoe along the intercoastal waterway in the fog, and when we went past a blind we knew was there even though it wasn't visible I called out that hunters were coming through to be safe. Well the idiots started shooting at us and me and the friend I was with got hit with pellets on our backs and heads.

I wasn't seriously hurt but was beyond pissed!!! There's no way multiple shots from each gun was an accident. We went around and found their boat. I thought about pushing it out into the bay or cutting the fuel lines. I ended up only getting the license number off the hull. Looking back I wish I would've pushed it in the canal and let it go out to sea since there was no other way to get back to the mainland.

Posted By: TxCase73

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/18/10 01:10 AM

I have a couple:

A friend of mine's dad had a close frind of his hunting on the Glass Ranch in S.Texas. Early one morning the guides drop his friend off at a blind very remote and not far from the Rio river. After he gets his gun loaded and settled in he decides to take a little siesta. After finally dozing off he feels the blind shake. He chalks it up to lack of sleep and goes on about his business. A second later he feels it again. His first thought was that maybe the guide forgot to tell him something or that he forgot something so he called out. Then the blind really started shaking so he thought he would shine his light down the ladder to see what was going on. Well, he gets up, opens the window and shines his flashlight down the ladder to startle the person messing with the blind. As the light worked down the ladder he nearly sh*t his pants when the light hit the face of a full grown, male orangutan. At first, in his half sleep state, he thought it was a joke, but when it started to try and open his door he realized it wasn't. Not knowing what to do he decided to shoot first and ask questions later. So he picked up his rifle, leaned out the window and put a bullet in the ape's head. After he was picked up by the guide and taken back to camp, they called a State game warden to let them know what had happened. When the warden arrived they explained what happened and he informed them that there were some mexican scienctist on their way. Turns out that the ape had escaped from a mexican lab a week or so earlier and hadn't been seen till then. When the guy that shot the ape apologized the people said it was the best thing he could have done, because if he would've made in to the blind with him it would have killed him.


When I was in high school i use to do a lot of fishing below the lake Granbury dam for striper. At that time you could wade thru the river (some of you know what i am talking about) walk up the rock bank to the main flood gate and fish behind the pillars in the white water. The fishing was unreal good and there were tons of by hybrids for the taking. Anyways, one Saturday morning some buddies and I went to try and load a stringer and have a good day fishing. At that time there were a lot of vietnamese people that liked to fish there and they were notorius for letting there lines get too strung out and messing up everyone's fishing....which happend to me that morning. After cutting my line and re-tying on the bank, i am walking behind to vietnamese boys, probably in their early teens, back towards the water. The only real problem in fishing this spot, besides the swift current, was about a 15' drop off that was about 10' wide. Once you crossed the other side the water was about 3'-4' and no problem. So, as I am walking behind the two kids i turn around to hear what one of my friends is saying and when I turn around one of the boys is gone. As i get closer to the one standing there i can hear him yelling for help and saying his friend "CAN'T SWIM." I thouth to myself "what do I do!?" and before I knew it I was dropping my pole and diving in. When I got to him i grabbed the first thing I could. As we start making way to the surface the guy starts to panic and almost drowns the both of us. It wasn't till I squeezed the living hell out of him that he finally calmed down. I finally get him to shore and his friend thanked me many times and he stood there sobbing in shock. At that time i told the both of them that if you can't swim, this isn't the place to learn and it damn sure isn't the place to be fishing.

After about ten minutes of his friend consoling him they packed up and left.

Very sureal moment and one I know I'll never forget.

Posted By: caprocker

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/18/10 01:37 AM

i am going to have to nominate this one as one of the most bizarre and freakin hilarious...
"As the light worked down the ladder he nearly sh*t his pants when the light hit the face of a full grown, male orangutan."..

omg i am freakin rollin right now...was it clyde from any which way but loose? was filo beddo loose on the river too?...thats surreal , what a shocker

Posted By: TxCase73

Re: Most Dangerous Situation - 05/18/10 02:01 AM

....then when got down he was face to face with a fat biker that had just been tared and featherd....think he was wearing a black widows jacket.

I know it sounds far fetched, but my friends dad is a pretty serious guy and he's not much for "tall tales."

I was hunting down in Real Co., Tx a few years back and me and some friends were drinking beer in a small river between hunts to kill some time when a lady stopped to ask if we had seen any baboons. We told her we hadn't but that we'd keep a sharp eye out. She then told us we had better because they were mean as hell and had already killed some exotice in the area. The only baboons I saw that weekend were sitting right there in that river with me.

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