Texas Hunting Forum

Anyone else quit watching the news?

Posted By: janie

Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 04:59 PM

I have. Any info needed comes from here or Twitter. Monday, my day started off with Fixer Upper. Tuesday. Gomer Pyle USMC. This morning. Andy and one bullit Barney. LOL I sure come into work in a better mood.
Posted By: BradyBuck

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:07 PM

A long time ago...
Posted By: Big Fitz

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:09 PM

I watch the local news for weather. The national news (even Fox) is depressing.
Posted By: bill oxner

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:09 PM

Cancelled my Houston Chronicle morning paper. It was a shill for the low down, dirty, rotten, stinking, lying, blue dog democrats.
Posted By: Paluxy

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:10 PM

Quit watching any news a few years back. I stay informed on events, just not misinformed.
Posted By: INRUT

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:14 PM

I had this talk this morning with my sister, we have both stopped watching all this BS
Posted By: bill oxner

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Big Fitz
I watch the local news for weather. The national news (even Fox) is depressing.

ET tu Big Fitz? I mention Fox had taken the bait last week.
Posted By: horndale11

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:21 PM

I quit. Same stuff over and over and over.

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:21 PM

I stopped watching the news yeas ago
Posted By: S.A. hunter

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:22 PM

Posted By: skinnerback

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:23 PM

I stopped watching the news about 2 yrs ago. Even FOX is leaning further & further left.
Posted By: TX_LT230FH

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:23 PM

Yep. Tired of them trying to shame everyone for things they shouldn't be ashamed of. Plus, it's infuriating as well.
Posted By: muddog1grs

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:30 PM

Yup, over a week ago.
Posted By: Sidebuster

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:35 PM

If you really want to stay informed, try Bill O'Reilly's pod cast. It's on Mon - Thur and is available to watch at 6:00 pm but you can watch it anytime. Bill is a very smart man who has a lot of insider info. It costs $50 per year.
Posted By: RGLass

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:37 PM

Years ago.
Posted By: Choctaw

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:38 PM

Remember the good old days before cell phones, social media, the internet and news outlets covering stories 24/7? In Throckmorton we could get NBC and CBS out of Wichita Falls. If we were really lucky we might get ABC out of Lawton, Oklahoma. Our town had no cable. So it was the local news (30 minutes) in the morning, national news at 5:30 PM followed by the local news again at 6 and 10. That's it. They didn't have time to cover every single news item that occurred in the U.S. and around the world on any given day. Frankly, 99.99% of the things on the news doesn't affect us in any possible way. I'm out.
Posted By: Payne

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:40 PM

Weather at 6pm, it’s usually 6:12 or 6:15 so tune in then. Morning weather at 5am, it changes constantly so I’m checking weather underground until it’s on the tv then go about my day.
Posted By: Texas buckeye

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:40 PM

News is no longer news, its entertainment....and I am not even talking about the opinion shows that actually are supposed to be entertainment.

Think about this, 24/7 news cycle started, and things had to be more and more sensationalized to get any air time. And then not only do you have to get air time but you have ot get viewers. So, what is the best way to get viewers? Really sensationalized stories that make us mad and make us want to watch the news to see what else is going to happen. Its a vicious cycle of fake/faked news, sensationalize, repeat. It has gotten to the point that the news is almost made up, soap opera like instead of real life.

Even the local news is all negative, evil stuff for literally the first 15 minutes of the 30 minutes show. I can't stand it, my wife watches only peripherally until the weather guy comes on, then it is off. I routinely count the minutes of pure negative, evil, BS and it is regularly 12-17 minutes until a decent story comes out, but even then, none of it we would have heard about when we were kids because IT ISNT NEWS. its stories made to sound like news. Entertainment.
Posted By: TexasKC

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:43 PM

I try to tune in just as the weather forecast comes on. Other than that I don't watch local news. Gave up on the national news long ago.
Posted By: Hooker

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:48 PM

Like the above, just aint worth my time and temperament
Posted By: Big_Country01

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:54 PM

I quit watching national news 8-10 years ago. Over the last year, i quit watching local news as well.
Posted By: Creekrunner

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 05:59 PM

The War Dept. has instructed me to stop watching the news. Apparently, me screaming and cussing at the TV is frowned upon.

Even Drudge, which I used to check daily, has turned dam depressing. Very few positive stories.

I tried watching our local news one night about a week ago. First story was about storms in Kerrville damaging homes. Okay. That's news. Story #2 was some poor bastard on the west side that dissembles junk and tries to salvage parts, etc. for dollars. 'Neighbors complaining. "Might be a code violation". They actually had a reporter go interview the poor guy. bang Then, they briefly state that the Texas AG was against mail-in ballots, and then...ten minutes on what Nelson Wolff thinks about it. At least channel 4 must have someone follow Wolff around and film 24/7 so whenever the news is slow they can put his mug on camera. And...he eats up every minute of it. Very bizarre.
Posted By: Pitchfork Predator

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 06:06 PM

OAN and News Max is all I watch......the rest is all bs
Posted By: cm250

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by Big Fitz
I watch the local news for weather. The national news (even Fox) is depressing.

X’s 2
Posted By: majekman

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 06:22 PM

What is this “news” people claim to watch or not watch? I can get the same stuff glancing at the paper trash magazines in the grocery check outline.....same kinda bs
Posted By: Biscuit

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 06:25 PM

Long time ago
Posted By: NORML as can be

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 06:32 PM

Yep cable go off after this billing cycle I'm done with this BS all of it. That chit with OWN on so many channel last night was the last straw for me.
Posted By: Sniper.270

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by Texas buckeye
News is no longer news, its entertainment....and I am not even talking about the opinion shows that actually are supposed to be entertainment.

Think about this, 24/7 news cycle started, and things had to be more and more sensationalized to get any air time. And then not only do you have to get air time but you have ot get viewers. So, what is the best way to get viewers? Really sensationalized stories that make us mad and make us want to watch the news to see what else is going to happen. Its a vicious cycle of fake/faked news, sensationalize, repeat. It has gotten to the point that the news is almost made up, soap opera like instead of real life.

Even the local news is all negative, evil stuff for literally the first 15 minutes of the 30 minutes show. I can't stand it, my wife watches only peripherally until the weather guy comes on, then it is off. I routinely count the minutes of pure negative, evil, BS and it is regularly 12-17 minutes until a decent story comes out, but even then, none of it we would have heard about when we were kids because IT ISNT NEWS. its stories made to sound like news. Entertainment.

Bingo. We have the winner. Best post in this thread.
Posted By: reeltexan

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 06:46 PM

I watch the local weather some. Haven't watched the fake news, local or national in many years.
OANN is ok in small doses.
Posted By: reeltexan

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by bill oxner
Cancelled my Houston Chronicle morning paper. It was a shill for the low down, dirty, rotten, stinking, lying, blue dog democrats.

Don't sugar coat it, Bill. Tell us what you REALLY think...
Posted By: stxranchman

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 06:57 PM

I stopped watching any news back about 25+ yrs ago now. I have watched some local weather a time or two when bad storms were moving in or during the hurricane. I won't even listen to any news on the radio. If someone was to ask me about a current event, I have to ask them what is happening and when did it happen. When the Gulf War started in 1990(???) I did not even know anything had happened till about 5 days after it had started when I was in my truck heading into town and caught a little piece of it on the radio newscast. I can get weather on my phone or desktop and that is much better than local news stations in SA or CC or Victoria.
Posted By: swampthang

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 07:01 PM

I watch it on mute.If a story seems interesting to me I un-mute it. Any story about Covid-19 or Black Lives Matter....it stays muted.
Posted By: TCM3

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 07:07 PM

OAN for the win
Posted By: gtrich94

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 07:16 PM

I used to watch 4 or 5 hours of different "news" shows every night on the big 3 cable news networks. I would record the entire prime-time lineup on MSNBC and Fox and watch every show. Around 2003, I stopped watching the prime-time shows on MSNBC because they got too predictable. I watched Fox for another couple of years and then I stopped watching them as well. Like today, you could watch the talking points for each side came out in the early afternoon and then each successive show throughout the night would pound on those points until the re-runs hit at 10PM. Except for Beck, he went all Soros, all caliphate, all the time. It was interesting for the first couple of weeks, but got really repetitive after a couple of months. During the Obama years, I would check in from time to time. However, I would usually check back out because it was still the same old same old. I don't even bother watching the prime-time shows now. Occasionally the hosts will go off script, but most times It's nothing but cheerleaders for each team regurgitating the daily talking points. About the only shows I still occasionally watch are The Five and Bret Baier. Baier because he has decent coverage of the news without all the opinion nonsense. The Five because you still can get the occasional nugget from Dana P on how things actually work inside an administration (I wish they would bring back Beckel).

I still watch the occasional daytime show. However, back in the early 2000's the daytime shows figured out it was easier/cheaper to do political panels than it was to cover actual news. Once the daytime shows went all politics, no news, I stopped watching them as well. When it first launched, Fox Business carried a lot of news and I watched it a lot of it during the day. Unfortunately, it followed the path of the other daytime shows and I stopped watching.
Posted By: QuitShootinYoungBucks

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 07:16 PM

Never was big on watching news, particularly national. I DVR the local 10pm news and start it about 10:15, FF through any worthless segments. Weather.com has the weather but the local guy tends to catch some things and I know him personally. So basically weather, any feel-good or interesting stories, and maybe local sports (when there are any).
Posted By: Judd

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by BradyBuck
A long time ago...

^ this
Posted By: TPACK

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 07:50 PM

I brought this up at work today. My wife puts it on the local news to watch the weather and I tell her to change it. I distrust all of them all of the time except Fox news. I check the market (DOW) and the price of oil on line because it effects me and my job but the news channels kiss my A$$.
Posted By: hook_n_line

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 07:55 PM

Me and the wife sit on the porch. She listens to music, I drink (not particular). If its not happening on our street I try not to concern myself with it. The kids will give a Sunday update. I do read a lot more lately though.
Posted By: Texas buckeye

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:01 PM

Watching the local news in texas for the weather forecast is about as useful as checking the farmers almanac for the daily weather.

Sunny with a 10% chance of rain in the summer.
Sunny with a 20% chance of rain in the winter
Sunny with a 10% chance of a tornado in the spring
Sunny with a 10% chance of hitting a buck in the fall

Seriously, I could not imagine a more easy job than being a network weather person, even if they are wrong they just blame it on the "cap" and everybody forgives them of their mistake. I missed the boat on that job
Posted By: Payne

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:09 PM

go home yankee
Posted By: Texas buckeye

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:14 PM

Originally Posted by Payne
go home yankee

Being a weather person south of 10 is even easier:

Every season sunny with a 2% chance of rain
Spring 1% chance of a tropical storm rolling through.

Sorry if you are a weather person Payne, its just a joke....
Posted By: Payne

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:20 PM

Posted By: stinkbelly

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:25 PM

We stopped watching it. If the police aren't allowed to do anything to criminals when they are being criminals then I don't want to know about it. If it comes to my door, I will take care of it.

The media makes a killing off of this junk. They stir the pot.
Posted By: Bandit 200 XP

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:26 PM

Posted By: Texas buckeye

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by Payne


Lets talk modern football and not when football was really some variation of soccer.

Talk from 1950 onward, the record shifts considerably to 39-28-2 in favor of OSU.

We can even just take out the early early football record (prior to 1912) and the record still flips in OSU favor 51-46-6.

Plus, we have owned the last two whole classes of the skunks...and it will continue to happen as long as hair ball is there.

You wanna talk football, I am happy to talk football.
Posted By: ZenArchery

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:35 PM

Yup. September 12, 2001.
Posted By: bill oxner

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by reeltexan
Originally Posted by bill oxner
Cancelled my Houston Chronicle morning paper. It was a shill for the low down, dirty, rotten, stinking, lying, blue dog democrats.

Don't sugar coat it, Bill. Tell us what you REALLY think...

I couldn't think of anymore adjectives.
Posted By: NORML as can be

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:40 PM

The window and Frankie McDonald is my weatherman.
Posted By: bill oxner

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by bill oxner
Cancelled my Houston Chronicle morning paper. It was a shill for the low down, dirty, rotten, stinking, lying, blue dog democrats.

Here are only two previews of the same topics that will appear in the paper tomorrow morning.

‘It is on you.’ George Floyd’s brother urges Congress to act
"Maybe by speaking with you today, I can make sure his death would not be in vain," Philonise Floyd testified to the House Judiciary Committee, which is considering a package of police reforms proposed by House Democrats.

Divided Commissioners Court approves George Floyd resolution
A divided Harris County Commissioners Court passed a resolution condemning the death of George Floyd as the product of racist policing and a flawed criminal justice system.
Posted By: Dalroo

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 09:06 PM

Considering this forum's composition, maybe better to ask, "Has anyone here started watching the news again?"
Posted By: Jimbo1

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 09:09 PM

Originally Posted by TX_LT230FH
Yep. Tired of them trying to shame everyone for things they shouldn't be ashamed of. Plus, it's infuriating as well.

This right here.
Posted By: Stompy

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 09:12 PM

Yes, just about 3 months ago.
Posted By: Earl

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/10/20 11:13 PM

Come on guys...we're gun guys...I still watch the news everyday. It's good for dry fire practice.
Posted By: Gary Olson

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 01:43 AM

Stopped 30 years ago. Read the conspiracy news and nutjobs. Far more entertaining. Lately they have been more accurate.
Posted By: NewGulf

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 01:49 AM

I only check out the weather on my phone
Posted By: Simple Searcher

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 01:57 AM

I haven't sat and watched a the news for at least 25 years. It got to the point that I just couldn't stand the BS.
Some times it comes on after a show that the wife and I watched. It always starts with "First off, breaking new!"
If it is a slow night they still do the same introduction, some stupid stuff makes "breaking news."
Posted By: Marc K

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 03:19 AM

I turn on the TV to catch the news highlights, in order to stay up to date. It is not in my nature to just sit there staring at the screen - always so many other things that I want to do. Things to make, things to fix, and sometimes things need breaking.

When I really need some downtime, I tend to read - or take the boat out for a moonlight cruise when the lake is quiet.
Posted By: kry226

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 04:09 AM

Cannot remember when I last watched the news. My life is much better without the Man telling me how to feel and act.
Posted By: Grizz

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 11:46 AM

I can't stand watching the news anymore. It just undoes everything my blood pressure medication does. It's almost impossible to find a station with "news" people who don't spin things based on their personal views at some point, and their views seldom line up with mine. I just want someone to report the news using just the facts without trying to steer my thought process their way, but that's obviously too much to ask.
Posted By: Gringocazador

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 12:08 PM

I quit local news years ago. If I want the weather, I have an app on my phone. I watch Fox some but it won't but a few years and it will be moved left, its already headed that way.
Posted By: bill oxner

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 01:41 PM

My Houston Chronicle goes straight to the trash.
Posted By: TCM3

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by bill oxner
My Houston Chronicle goes straight to the trash.

The trash is too good for it Bill.
Posted By: tenyearsgone

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 03:17 PM

A decade ago...,..
Posted By: bill oxner

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by TCM3
Originally Posted by bill oxner
My Houston Chronicle goes straight to the trash.

The trash is too good for it Bill.

I've also used it to start fires in my trash piles. Its rightfully named.
Posted By: BubRay

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by kry226
Cannot remember when I last watched the news. My life is much better without the Man telling me how to feel and act.

My thought as well!!
Posted By: TCM3

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by bill oxner
Originally Posted by TCM3
Originally Posted by bill oxner
My Houston Chronicle goes straight to the trash.

The trash is too good for it Bill.

I've also used it to start fires in my trash piles. Its rightfully named.

Posted By: Greg

Re: Anyone else quit watching the news? - 06/11/20 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Grizz
I can't stand watching the news anymore. It just undoes everything my blood pressure medication does.

I’m about there with you, Grizz. Can’t believe where our country has gone. I think I’m about done for a while and just gonna focus on my family, my job, and enjoying life!
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