Looking for two members to join our deer lease in the Oklahoma panhandle. For reference, it’s close to Cheyenne Oklahoma.
The lease was four of us, but due to a family health issue, we lost 2 members last minute. I have been on the lease for 6 years now.
1200 acres
We have electric hookups for a camper, and access to water.
$2200 a gun
This is for deer and turkey hunting
I know this is last minute, but we didn’t expect to loose anyone. Been the same group for years.

We do see hogs on occasion , most of them stay on the Canadian river which is about a mile from the property
We have a bunch of deer
We have a ton of turkeys . lol
A good deer is upper 40’s and 50’s
We have taken a few over 60’s and one that was 175

You can contact me via e mail or I will check back here on occasion
