Still a little early, but these pleasant evenings have got me thinking towards the fall.
Every evening I go and sling a few arrows with the recurve, going tomorrow to set up a few trail cams for my wildlife exemption records and put a little bit of feed out.
Planning on being in the stand opening morning, hope to take a doe for sausage and then later on, a nice buck with the stick bow
For it is not the quarry that we truly seek, but the adventure.
I am with you. I picked it back up two weekends ago. Very little time for any of that but I do what I can.
My stickbow skills are gone. It’s definitely not like riding a bike. But my first 50 yard, 5-shot group with the compound all fit inside the 7.5” yellow circle on my Rinehart 18-1. Unfortunatelt that is all I had time for.
I shot better last year but it put some wind back in my sails after I embarrassed myself with the stick. I could shoot a bare shaft better and more straight last year, than I can shoot fletched arrows today, with the stick.
Yep! same here! shooting almost daily and broke out the Black Widow recurve the other day. Thinking of using it for a doe...maybe on the ground this year
Been shooting all year. But, after a dismal 3d season, I'm really second guessing my hunting ability. Just have to keep practicing and see how it goes. The good news is I can hit the dots all day long again. And I've never really got nervous shooting an animal like I do in a tournament. I'm pinning my hopes on that being the issue.
No matter how high a duck flies a hammer still breaks a window.
Been shooting all year. But, after a dismal 3d season, I'm really second guessing my hunting ability. Just have to keep practicing and see how it goes. The good news is I can hit the dots all day long again. And I've never really got nervous shooting an animal like I do in a tournament. I'm pinning my hopes on that being the issue.
My guess is you will do fine with fur as your target. I know people that suck at competitive shooting but extremely rarely have any issues on game. Different level of keeping your focus and distractions I think for some. Guy that I shot in a club with did very well shooting matches one year and missed a few deer before he got one the next year came in dead last in the matches but killed 6 deer with 6 shots all in October. That was in Mississippi when the limit on deer was crazy 2 does for Archery season and a buck a day, crazy lonit an got th buck to doe ratio out extremely bad. Lots of i it is brown it is down hunting around there back then.
lf the saying "Liar, Liar your pants on fire" were true Mainstream news might be fun to watch
I know a few target heros who choke up on animals. I've even known a few that claimed they couldn't target shoot for [censored] but were bonafide killers on animals. Most not so much. You still have time to work on form, shot cycle and focus. Get a coach if you need to.
I'm getting ready to pull my bow out and start sending some arrows down range. Hunting with a recurve for the first time in 45 years. Limiting my shots to 20 yards ish. Just planning on having fun this bow season on some hogs and maybe a nice buck if one shows up.
Distance is not the issue, but the winds can make it interesting!
Longbow is ready and I'm hoping to get a shot at a WT buck and doe, we'll see. Bois d'arc footed wooden arrows for me. Archery elk season is getting real close, going up to set camp for a week in early Sept this year.
Not getting to shoot as much combined with some dismal practice sessions with the recurve has really got me reconsidering going back to the compound for the year.
Gonna give it a few more weeks until i make the call, but something has gotta give.
For it is not the quarry that we truly seek, but the adventure.
This thread confirms my same feeling about getting ready for the WT in Oct. I have been just concentrating on my team roping with the help of my neighbor, and neglecting to use the outdoor range I set up last year. After hunting season was over; and having great success with my new blind set up, I just hung the bow up. Now, it feels like all of a sudden the itch is upon me. I picked up my new mount from the taxidermist; took a visit to my local archery shop (Ft. Garard) and had an hour long conversation with Randy about our youth; then attended the Texas Big Game Awards banquet on Saturday. Yesterday; while swimming my Labs in the pond/tank I saw WT tracks all around the waters edge (which I had not been seeing until this miserable heat kicked up a notch this week). I just put my hand on my bow last night, and boom; the itch is solid.