If you get a chance, please read the article that I wrote for THE JOURNAL OF THE TEXAS TROPHY HUNTERS about my hunt with fellow THF buddy Mike. Some of the footage from this hunt will also air on CARNIVORE during the third and fourth quarters of this year. I was toting the new Ruger made Marlin Model 94 in .44 Mag. As usual, we had a great time hunting with Mike. Adios, Gary
Sure you all had a fun hunt, Mike is a good guy. I had an older JM Marlin cowboy with the 24 inch barrel in 44 Mag for a while. Fun and accurate enough for the range of a norma 44 Mag with the ghost ring sight. My preference is the 94 Trapper in 357 mag, hunt with it often.
lf the saying "Liar, Liar your pants on fire" were true Mainstream news might be fun to watch
Since I cut my teeth on saddle guns, they have always been an integral part of my shooting and hunting life. Some folks tend to sell 'em a bit short; I suspect that's due to a combination of inexperience with the action and a lack of training with iron sights.
There's currently fifteen lever guns on my rack...with chamberings ranging from .22 LR to .45-70. Between them, they've taken a trailer load of game: from squirrels and other small game on the wee end to bison and leopard on the heavy end. Like every other shooter I own, if I do my part they invariably do theirs...which is why when I go for a walk there's often a levergun in my hands...
Last edited by 218 Bee; 06/26/2401:08 AM.
"I always take care to fire into the nearest hillside and, lacking that, into darkness". - the late Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Always wanted a lever gun but never had one. A great uncle left me a 375 Win in a Mod 94 Big Bore and a mid 70’s Mod 94 in 30-30. I’ve taken quite a liking to the 375 and with the addition of a red dot my boy loves the 3030 with some moderate loaded 130 grainers. I hope to share pics of his first deer this year, he wants a hog. I’m ok with either or both.
The first gun i bought was in the 60's. It was a Marlin 30/30. I got it at Gibsons in Oak Cliff. $75 and I walked out the door with it. I was 14 years old.
The first gun i bought was in the 60's. It was a Marlin 30/30. I got it at Gibsons in Oak Cliff. $75 and I walked out the door with it. I was 14 years old.
Please tell me you still have it.
800 Yard Steel Range Precision Rifle Instruction Memberships and Classes Available
Dad bought this little Marlin carbine in new 1960, I still hunt with it. I used to have a rank mule that blew up one day and took off running through the woods, the sumbitch snapped off the butt stock, I replaced it with a reproduction one.
I inherited my grandfather's Winchester 1892 in 32-20. A little big for rabbits and squirrels but small for deer. Probably work for head shots on pigs. It has the octagonal barrel. I like shooting it and it is pretty accurate but the 32-20 is hard to reload. Resizing the cases can cause them to split. It was produced around '27 if I remember correctly.
I had a Zane Grey Commemorative Marlin 336 in 30 30 but I sold it. I couldn't get the peep sight low enough to sight in at 100 yards and it absolutely would not shoot the Winchester Leverution ammo. they would just tumble.
No matter how high a duck flies a hammer still breaks a window.
The first gun i bought was in the 60's. It was a Marlin 30/30. I got it at Gibsons in Oak Cliff. $75 and I walked out the door with it. I was 14 years old.
Please tell me you still have it.
I ended up in Delaware in the air force in 1970. At the time up there you couldn't hunt deer with a rifle so I traded it for a Winchester 12 ga. pump. Still have the shotgun and wish I still had the Marlin.
I have two lever actions and love um! My pop left me his mid 1940's Winchester 94 in .32 Win Special. Winchester stopped recording serial numbers between 1943 & 47 because of WWII. Because of neglect and a ton of rust I had it completely restored around 2010 including color case hardening the receiver, lever and band. It looks showroom new and just awesome. I decided in 2016 that would be the only gun I'd hunt deer with. I took a nice buck on the last day of the season. Sorry, can't find a picture of the entire rifle.
Recently I was watching the movie Last of the Dogman. Tom Berringer was carrying a Winchester 1883. I've always liked that rifle. I had run across Ubertii's replica rifles. Most of the 1883's I was finding we're in the $2300 to $2500 range. I found one from a Kentucky dealer $1169 new. I called and asked if the price was correct. They said yes, it's what we paid for it a few years back and needed to get rid of it. I closed the deal a few minutes later and had it shipped to my local dealer in Wichita Falls. The caliber is 45 Long Colt. Color cased hardened and just beautiful. I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet.
Last edited by 12th Man; 06/27/2401:14 PM.
Distance is not the issue, but the winds can make it interesting!
I grew up on iron sights as I'm sure many of you have. Hunted with a Marlin 3030 for many many years. Now I have a Winchester Mdl 1894 . 1894-1994 edition saddle rifle. I still feel comfortable with Iron sight in my 60s. It's like riding a bike .
Currently my only lever gun is a pre-safety Marlin 1894 in 357/38, been on the look out for a revolver to go with it. With and without the RPP bigger loop lever. First buck I ever killed was with an old iron sighted Marlin 336C 30-30 I had to borrow from my FIL cause I didn't even own a deer rifle at the time.
the first gun my grandfather gave me was lever action 22. I think it was a JC Higgins or Sears. It got stolen when i was in college. Those are some pretty guns!