Any of you still using a 6.8 SPC? Took mine out with me yesterday for a quick trip to the ranch and ended up dropping this hog. Forgot how much I really like this rifle.
Been shooting 6.8 for the last 10 years. It's still my go to hog rifle. Lucky for me I bought well over 10,000 speer gold dots when RMR and Midway had them on sale at $90 per 500rd box. Sadly I'm down to less than 500 rounds left. Just about time to move on to the thousands of 120SST bullets I've bought over the years.
The ballistics are fantastic for a hunting cartridge. My only complaint is the price of bullets nowadays. My 6.8 was my hunting and plinking AR but cant afford to plink with it anymore. So I put a red dot on it and donated it to my dad for a home self defense weapon and I think it is exceptionally capable for putting down bad guys if the need ever arises. It is really a do it all caliber just wish it would have been picked up by the armed services and flooded on the market with it.
Yup, probably my favorite. Mine is a suppressed SBR and has been my hunting mainstay for the last 8 or 9 years. It's also the rifle my kids learned to shoot with and what they each took their first deer with. Reloading has made it somewhat more manageable to shoot, but it will always have a place in my safe.
Been using one for almost 15? years now.....Jesus, has it REALLY been that long....pardon me, I'm old!?!? Liked it so much I built a second one to introduce friends and family to night time pig depopulation. Both are built using ARPerformance 16" 5R barrels and matched ARP bolts. Slowly working thru 1K of Remington brass, 10 pounds of AA2200 and 5K 120gr SSTs bought years ago. Usually batch load 300 at a time over a few days. Fed a cubic fuk-ton of fresh pork to the buzzards, pasture poodles and quite a few to friends and neighbors over the years.
Last edited by Vern1; 04/22/2412:24 PM. Reason: Fix my spellin' errors!
Cheers, Vern1 Texans since The Old 300 in 1824 NRA Lifetime Member
Yes, got one with NV and one for daytime. The daytime doubles as a coyote gun and the night gun doubles for axis. Never found it wanting as I have anchored many pigs up to 270 lb. with a high shoulder shot. Love the 6.8 SPC !
yep, have two.. was a very early adopter and did a ton of handload testing including testing the 95g TTSX for Barnes before they got released.
Pretty much use the Hornady 120 SST exclusively as they just work and frankly I have a hook up with Hornady and I don't like chasing brass from an AR.
I have several friends buy one after seeing how effective the round is out hunting.
Initially attracted because I wanted a lightweight semi auto and 308s were boat anchors back then, it really splits the difference between a 5.56 and a 308. I have absolute confidendence in it for hunting within 300 yards ,most of my hunting is within 200 for hogs and deer, if I feel the need to stretch out a bit I just grab a different rifle with a scope to dial in.
Like me some 6.8-hard to beat for a 200 yard & in coyote / pig rig
95 grain Barnes…
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