cool set-up. If they busted threw side.
Reinforce, add 2 extra t-posts ta each panel.
Have noticed some on here say trapping, (large traps)
is the way ta go. Pay professional hog trappers.
Been saying this for years,
& i get tons of hate.
This is a Hunting Forum. Seen plenty of people on here
offer ta
help, spend their money, time. Good guys with guns.
Yet get put down, or the
gotta pay ta play.
All the high-tech advantages & yet put down hunters.
This is why i went ta public land. & have have giving my
on the topic. Everyone complains about my typing
spelling grammer, & emoji's.
been honest, got D- in grammer.
Out of respect, & being set ta band camp. Have put forth an effort.
All that is not what pee'd people off, they knew, under stood what i was saying.
Seen lots of texts, we're spelling grammer miss used. colt.45 texts.
Hunting is big buck$. Hogs have been trapped,& transported ta other places for $$$ hunts.
Realize people have ta work, can't be 24-7 out thar. & lots of landowners might invite friends
& family ta hog hunt. We're i lived let deer walk. & used trail cams ta monitor hogs. Got on here
ta see if anyone wanted ta do some public land (WMA's) hog hunts. & have seen were hunters
using guns have made a difference. Son & i used the 303 & 30-30 cause we wadded threw water.
Went threw the thick stuff pushed hogs off beds.
Yes, we were more for the
en & chillen hunts. But many used AK's. & they put a dent in hogs.
& we, they weren't thar ta trash the place.
Your question bout will the hogs be back ? It's like with crow hunting.
Take out the scouts/ lead crows as they come in. Thars always others ta replace em.
Hunting pleasure keeps the hogs moving. The hogs, (maybe different sounder) will be back.
Like deer, they will smarten up ta the traps, (baiting).
Seen in a different thread. They bringing back poison.
The one that turns the meat blue. Not an expert, but think that's a bigger problem
than letting hunters help out.
It gonna take landowners working with hunters/ trappers.
Just another cheap post.
Keep the pressure on em.
Stay safe.