Was bored in a blind waiting for a pig to show up the other day so started compiling some data on the deer herd the last three years (since we started MLD conservation). Posting here in case anyone thinks its interesting or has any insights. This is the result.

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Camera data is from September-February. Wasn't looking to see anything in particular but I find it interesting and some of the anecdotal notes we had talked about during the seaspm came to fruition. We felt like we saw a ton more 1.5yr olds this year and the cams showed nearly double the normal amount. Saw a large 2020 2yr old class and a small 3yr old class both show similar trends in 2021. Anticipating a big 2yr old class this year which we may look to bottom grade if we have the tags. In 2021, every deer from 5.5+ we had two or more years of history with and 24/26 4.5+ year olds had at least one year of history. Feels like if a deer is on or visits our place at 3.5 they will show up again. Some are homebodies and are year round, others have a very specific window they show up in, but nonetheless show up.