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Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
04/07/17 04:18 PM
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Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell regarding the use of warfarin in contolling feral hogs. Dr. Campbell has studied feral hogs as much as anyone and has been involved with warfarin testing from the beginning.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 7, 2017 CONTACTS: Eydin Hansen Wild Boar Meats, LLC President Will Herring Don’t Poison Texas (801) 499 7344 Foremost National Expert on Feral-Hog Control—Dr. Tyler Campbell—Endorses Approach in H.B. 3451 and S.B. 1454: More Study Is Needed Before Warfarin Poison (Kaput®) Is Spread Across Texas Lands
Dr. Tyler Campbell, a nationally recognized expert on feral hogs and feral-hog control, has issued a lengthy Statement, confirming that more study is needed before Texas uses warfarin poison on feral hogs. For 10 years, Dr. Campbell served as Feral Swine Project Leader for the USDA Wildlife Research Center in Kingsville, Texas. In that position he conducted and supervised national research on feral hogs and feral-hog control, and he has authored or coauthored over 40 scientific studies on those subjects. Dr. Campbell stated that “In my opinion, Kaput [a warfarin-based toxin] should not be used in Texas for feral-hog control until further studies are conducted.” The studies should include “the effects and possible effects of warfarin on non-target species in Texas, study of the delivery system for warfarin and similar toxins, and study of methods to ensure the safety of humans, wildlife, and livestock.” Dr. Campbell stated that at present, “I do not believe that Kaput feral hog bait should be used as a method to control feral hogs in Texas.” He pointed out that the poison causes “very slow, extremely painful death” that can take several days in poisoned animals, while the animal sustains “massive internal hemorrhaging” and discharge of blood “from body orifices.” Dr. Campbell has studied the use of warfarin on feral hogs, and even participated in a study by the very company that Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller now wants to allow to spread poison across Texas—Scimetrics Ltd., Corp. Dr. Campbell stated that warfarin can be toxic to dogs, fish, birds, scavenging mammals and birds, and other wildlife, and that California has concluded that warfarin causes “birth defects and other reproductive harm.” He also noted that because the poison may deter hunters and trappers—who now harvest some 30% of the feral hogs in Texas annually, and will not want to shoot poisoned hogs or sell them for human consumption—use of the poison may make the feral-hog problem worse in Texas and increase the population of feral hogs.
H.B. 3451 and S.B. 1454 Are Supported by these and other groups: Texas Veterinary Medical Association; Texas State Horse Council; Texas Wildlife Association; Texas Deer Association; Texas State Rifle Association; Nature Conservancy; Texas Hog Hunters Association; Don’t Poison Texas; Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation; Environmental Defense Fund; Sierra Club; TexPIRG; Texas Humane Legislation Network; Wildlife Revealed. H.B. 3451 has 124 authors and coauthors, and was approved by the Public Health Committee in the House by a vote of 9-0.
Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: dfwroadkill]
04/07/17 05:49 PM
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Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: dfwroadkill]
04/07/17 05:55 PM
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Makes you wonder why Dr. Campbell was not consulted BEFORE going forward with this suggested program! I guess his ideas didn't fit the agenda!!
Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: mikei]
04/07/17 06:16 PM
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Makes you wonder why Dr. Campbell was not consulted BEFORE going forward with this suggested program! I guess his ideas didn't fit the agenda!! Because as I've suggested from the very beginning, this thing was 'fast tracked' for the purpose of making money (nothing wrong with making money) and not because it will be effective in actually reducing the population State wide. Those who support its use often cite the multiple 'studies' done on it. But when we actually look into, it....a SINGLE month long study (in TEXAS) was conducted and of course that one was done by the folks promoting the product IIRC. Other studies, other places have been done, but not here (to my knowledge). So yes, it warrants more study IN TEXAS before I will be convinced it is viable product. Sodium Nitrite....I can see. And a MUCH better delivery system needs to be developed.
Spartans ask many, but where!
Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: dfwroadkill]
04/07/17 07:39 PM
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Makes you wonder why Dr. Campbell was not consulted BEFORE going forward with this suggested program! I guess his ideas didn't fit the agenda!! He may have been consulted, then disregarded. Or not. He isn't in Texas. TPWD certainly wasn't on board with it. There will almost always be experts who will disagree with any such measures. Look at any trial where experts are called in and provide two very different views on the same thing. Look at the experts that disagree on climate change, evolution, etc. It is nice to see somebody with knowledge coming forward in a public manner, but that doesn't mean he has the final say so. Now if he would make public his study information on the by-kills and other such claims, that would hugely bolster the position about the negative aspects of warfarin. I can find online where he has done a lot of work with others on various wildlife projects including hogs, but not specifically on the warfarin issue.
Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: dfwroadkill]
04/19/17 11:41 PM
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At least for now it's not happening. Thank goodness. It was a retarded idea.
Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: dfwroadkill]
04/20/17 04:36 AM
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emoji colt.45
emoji colt.45
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Good info... As pappy once said: This is HF not PoisonForum ... Landowners working with hunters....
i'm postaddic
Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: flintknapper]
04/20/17 04:49 AM
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So yes, it warrants more study IN TEXAS before I will be convinced it is viable product. Why? Feral pigs in Texas different than in other states? Does EVERY state need to do research for every problem? Frankly I've never read a paper that didn't call for more study. I hadn't thought about warfarin being a catagory X drug for pregnancy. There are, in fact, reasonable objections to warfarin use, but this argument is silly.
Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: dfwroadkill]
04/20/17 10:44 AM
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Dave Davidson
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What I find amazing is the statement that hunters take out 30% of the hogs. I doubt that.
Without a sense of urgency, nothing ever happens.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley, Rancher Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP
Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: dfwroadkill]
04/20/17 04:37 PM
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Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: Palehorse]
04/21/17 05:08 PM
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emoji colt.45
emoji colt.45
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glanced at website posted, some good info, yet, am sure not yearly accurate... Take the estamated 3, 000, 000 + wild hogs in it also claims, hundred of thousand of hunters & they take ruffly 700, 000 hogs a year... Not sure when the info was taken... If one looks at the yearly thread on this forum, of hogs taken... The #er of hunters that post hogs taken vs total hunters that visit this web site, going by that info, can see WHY they are looking into poisoning as a way on getting the problem under control... Hunters have 24-7-365 open window & hunters also have greater high-tech from when i started hog hunting, with postal on me hip flash light off... Granted their are counties that have greater #ers of hogs, the first lease was on was the only one that had hogs on & have been on several in different counties... On those deer leases, we put time & money & followed rules, county & lease rules.. My night time hog hunts,were done after archery & deer general hunts,so not interfear with deer season... If hogs showed up during shooting hours, for en & chillen, the other wild game... Look at the posts in threads,people complain bout hog problem, OSBWMA was my ta go to place for hog hunts... When it first opened up, if ya knew were ya look, their was hogs, #1) it was limited hunting #2) no ATVs ya get back into were hogs were due to hunting pressure & #3) no dogs or baiting, .... Walking old atv trails, lots of sign, mostay done at night... Over the years, ya started hearing the AKs then they opened up east side trails for atv... They made it suspects easier get back vs walking, & if ya got something, easier... Stuck with my walk-a-bouts, #1) ya see more, #2) good exercise... Just another cheap post, am sure ya'll figure it out, forgot about the bigger trap method, & hog hunters with dogs, helli-hunts.... i miss me hunts at sabine...
Last edited by colt.45; 04/21/17 05:20 PM.
i'm postaddic
Re: Press Release from Dr. Tyler Campbell Regarding Warfarin Use In Controlling Feral Hogs
[Re: Chris42]
04/22/17 04:01 PM
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So yes, it warrants more study IN TEXAS before I will be convinced it is viable product. Why? Feral pigs in Texas different than in other states? Does EVERY state need to do research for every problem? Frankly I've never read a paper that didn't call for more study. I hadn't thought about warfarin being a catagory X drug for pregnancy. There are, in fact, reasonable objections to warfarin use, but this argument is silly. Why a study in Texas? No, the hogs are not different, but the environment and many of the animals are, so the types and degree of impacts may be different than found elsewhere.
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