
Mike C,

By all accounts that we can tell, the rut is still going strong on our place. Seems like the majority of the does went in to heat about a week ago. Wonder why the difference on our two places while being so close to one another.

Beats the heck outta me. They were hot and heavy about two weeks ago but by the end of last week it was almost non existant. One of our guys is up there now and told me this morning that he wasn't seeing much except the wind blowing 40 mph out of the north-east. We're not even seeing the mule deer chasing anymore.
During the peak you would seldom see a doe at a feeder and if you did is just one lone doe that would slip in for a quick bite to eat but at the first sign of a buck she would be gone. The young bucks were moving from feeder to feeder checking for does and working scrapes. Now the does are starting to bunch up again and are coming back to the feeders and even the younger bucks aren't bothering them much. Hard to explain since we are probably not 20 miles apart as the crow flies.



In every old body lives a young person wondering what the hell happened!

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