Texas Hunting Forum

Picking up a new sight in the morning. Haven’t bought one in 18 years.

Posted By: bowbuilder1971

Picking up a new sight in the morning. Haven’t bought one in 18 years. - 11/17/17 06:32 AM

I have an HHA Optimizer Lite XL TX-5500 single pin and love the darn sight but with my new arrows, the sight can’t move enough to get a 50 or 60 yard when I last shot it. The newer HHA single pin sights have a sliding bracket so you can find that sweet spot. The older models had 2 hole mounts running down the housing bracket. I mounted it on the lowest set and couldn’t get it high enough to get past 45 yards and when I moved it up to the next set on the bracket, I couldn’t get it to go low enough to get a 20yard set. So since my Mathews LX isn’t the fastest bow at 62# draw and a short 26.5” draw length, I am going to put the HHA single pin sight aside and use it on the Mission Ballistic 2.0 70# draw weight that I plan on picking up early next year.

I was thinking about picking up another LX with 70# limbs and swapping them out but just buying a new sight for it sounds like less work lol. So I am looking at the Axcel Armortech 5 and 7 pin sights and the IQ Bowsights Pro 5 pin sight. Both with the .019” pins and in left hand. I know that you can switch the bubble level on the Axcel’s sights to make them left hand sights and am wondering if I can keep the bubble level on top when I flip it. Since they are out of the housing ring. I actually like the bubble level being on the top and I somehow shoot better groups that way. Lots of sights to choose from these days so this is going to take some time tomorrow at the local archery shop. But it should be a fun time lol.
Posted By: bowbuilder1971

Re: Picking up a new sight in the morning. Haven’t bought one in 18 years. - 11/18/17 04:19 AM

I ended up going with the Axcel Armortech Vision 5-pin with the .019 fiber optics and the Spot Hogg light for it. I am moving the bubble to the top of it since I seem to shoot tighter groups that way. Really can’t wait to get to the archery club tomorrow and sight it in.
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