I have a few openings left for wild quail hunts in southern NM for the 2015-16 season. It is shaping up to be a great one. we hunt primarily for blue /scaled quail over pointing dogs but also have some options for Mearns and bobwhites. we would also like to plan an attempt to do a NM quail slam in either one or two days we believe we have a good plan to take Mearns, Bobwhite , scaled and Gambels all in one hunt possibly in one day.
call for details and dates
i am also taking names and info for big game draw and private land hunts for elk, antelope , aoudad, mule deer , and on and off range oryx for the 2016-17 season we are having a great 2015 season so far.
for more info call Steve at 575-7o6-1857 southwesthunts.com