Ok, I'm trying to make my Sig 522 "tacticool" but still functional for an upcoming camp for kids with cancer that I'm going to be getting involved with through a friend of mine that I work with.
The theme for the next camp is military stuff and activities.
I'm ahead of the curve having the AR styled .22...now I just need to trick it out. Where is X-Zibit when you need him???
While looking though various post on another site I'm on I found this pic.....
Ok, I thought this is what I wanted to accomplish but with the red dot so far away from the barrel I was worried about the darn thing being able to even hit a target. So what I started to think of was just mounting it as close the barrel/rail as possible.
Right now I just have a lower end BSA 4-12X40 on there with a riser, which will be replaced with taller rings, and I'm wanting to put a red dot/reflex type sight on there somewhere too.
It seems the only things I can find are at a 45* angle. Would I have to angle the weapon then to aim with it?(Firing while wearing my gas mask in basic comes to mind)
Does a rail attachment exist that is at an even(flat or 180*) level with the existing rails on the weapon and not at some angle? If you know of one please clue me in.
I've got some Amazon.com points I can use so thats where I started my search.
Here are a few things I found that I'm considering.....
I'm not totally against this idea and I think it would "look cool" but how well do you think the red dot would function being that high up?
Amazon.com: TMS HEAVY DUTY TACTICAL HIGH... & OutdoorsHere is another option but being almost as much as the previous item I might as well get the one above that way I don't have to buy this and new rings too.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004805MCO/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&m=A1MXAWFOHBALS6These are are pretty much the same but you get the idea...
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003WI31YE/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?ie=UTF8&m=A1KSNF4J3UCP19Amazon.com: 45 Degree Off-Set Rail Mount weaver Style: LG OutdoorsI Haven't looked too much at the red dots yet but this is kind of what I'm shooting for. A Burris FastFire would be nice but its just not practical right now.
http://www.amazon.com/AIM-Compact-Tactic...96&sr=8-105Amazon.com: MINI REFLEX SIGHT WITH AUTOMATIC BRIGHTNESS: Sports & Outdoors